24- TheçCanadian'Champion, Wednesday October'l15, 2008 Obbtary Peacefully in ler seep early Saturday, Octaber 11, 2008. Muriel Seidi pased away sn ber 77tb year. Dearly laved mfe and great campaias af Ncles Seidi. Lavîng mtber and fresd of dauglter ClleesGorman and tbe late Susan (Gar- mas) Hall. Praud randmotber of David Hall (Jessica) and ah sa proud Great randmtber ta their tins Ben and Sam. Sister tao eraldine (Jîmi McEvay af Mantreal, Q. A speciai tbask yau ta al af ber manderful caregivers wba sbawed suchlo lve and campassion and assistance traugbaut ber ilnens, especially Dr. Dale Brwn wba as the apple f ber eyei Famly and friends are invited ta vînt an the McKersie-Kcber Fuserai Hame 114 Main St. Miltas 905-878-4452 fram 2- 4pm and 7-9pm as Tbursday, Ocober 16, 2008. Fuserai Service iiilie beld Frîday Octaber 17tb, 2008 at pm. Memarial Danatians ta Miltas District Hospital ar Casadian Cancer Saciety in Muriels memary mauld be appreciated. Letters af candaiesce may le left far the famîly at mm.mckersie-kacber.ca Our cuaiisa arZ -ai/r a 0,oen armIn for fer momn. Obituary SPRAGUE, Bryan- Passed away peacetully, affer a courageous three year baffle wîth cancer on Wedsesday, October 8, 2008 at Freeport Heaith Centre ot Grand River Hospital at tbe age ot 62. Beioved hasband ot Phyllîs tor 14 years. Bryans strosg and uncos- dîtional love wiii always be teit by bis cbîldres Micbael (Nancy) ot Milton and Shelley lJay Braîdal ot Ktchener. Fus loving grand pa ot Tyler, Emmalea, Nicholas and Marcas. Dear sas ot Mar- guerite Sprague ot Ktchener and bis late fatter Ernst. Dear brother ot Pat Heidemas iRon) ' Wayne, Dennîs (Nancy), Nancy Ostrawskîi (zen)I, Banniie Ssyd er (Tom) and Beverly Robinson (John1. The tan times witb Bryan will also be missed by bis masy nieces and nephemo. Prede- ceased by bis best triend Leosard Hot- staffer. Bryan loved bis yearly trips to the east toast vîsîtîng bis extesded tami- ly. He enjoyed aillat the trîendsbîps made wbile warkîng at Conestaga Col- lege tor 20 years. He loued bis tamîly and was always the lite ot the party and enjayed bis lîffle daggy Thumper. Bryan's tamîly wîli receive relatives and trienda an Saturday tram 7-9 PM at the Henry Walser Fuserai Home, 507 Frede- rîck St., Ktchener, 519-749-8467and an Sunday tram 1-1:45pm at St. Andrews Preobyterian Cburcb. Fuserai service 2 PM at St. Andremos Preshyterias Cburch (54 Queen St. N., Ktchener) taliawed by a receptias sn lana Hall. Rev. Mark Lew- s affîcîatîng. As expressions ot sympa- tby donations ta tbe Casadias Cancer Society wauld be apprecîated by the tamîly Icards avaîlable at the tuseral bome). Special thanko ta aillot bis doc- tors and nurses wba cared tor Bryas aver the last 3 years. Vîsît mww.besry walser.cam tor Bryan's memariai. TheMilon anaianChampion womuld lîketa express sînicere and heart-felt condolences ta those who ve st ther lved ons. Obitary FULLERTON, Jane Susan (nee Anstee)- It s with protound sadness and an overmhelming sense of loss that we announice the passing of Jane Susan Fullerton on October 7th, 2008 at Milton District Hospital affer a short but intense struggle wth cancer. She was the beloved wite ot Wayne George Fulertos, loving motter to George IKimberlyl, Melanie (Mikel and Debra (Paul). She will be greatly missed by her 8 grandchil- dren Amber, Matthem, Ethan, Macken- zie, Mchaela, Joshua, Morgan and Nolan who ail adored her. Jane is survived by her mother Elizabeth IBettyl Astee. She was predeceased by her tather William (Bill Anstee (2000) and her brother George Sydney Anstee (2008). She mîlI be deeply mssed by her brother-m -lam Gary, sîster-îs-law Pauline, ber many nieces and nephewo as melI as alother relatives and triendo. Famîly and triends are învted to the Celebration ot Lite on Thursday, October l6th, 2008 at 2:00 pmn at the Royal Caniadian Legion in Mlton. Donations in memory cas be made to the Mlton District Hospital Founidation. On lise condolences and donations may be made at www. mackîsnot amîlytaune ral bome.com Obttuary COLLINS, Josephine Passed away at the Mlton District Hospital os Monday, October 13, 2008, Josephîne Coliîns , ovin g m other of John and is ite Lynda, Anse and ber husband Claudîo Sarracisi and Robert and is ite Heather, Sadiy mîssed by ber grandchildren Jennîter. Robert, Chrîstopher, Melanie, Patrick, Stepbes and her great grasdchîldren Ben amis, William, Chrstopber and Ethas. Caily and trîesds are învted ta vîsît at the McKERSIE KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Mais St. Mlton 905-878-4452 tromn 24 pm and 79 pm on Wednesday, October 15, 2008. A private tamily service wiii be heîd as Tbursday sn tbe tuneral home cbapel. Memorial donations ta the C.N.l.B. 1929 Bavew Ave., Toronto, ON M4G 3E 8is Josephines memory would be appreciat- ed. Letters ot condolence may be lef tor the tamîly at www.mckersie-kocher mmm -1 Cars, bîkes, RVs, auto repaîr services, bsats, electronics, pet sapplies, antiques, collectibles, home furnishings, jewelry, sportîng gonds, musical instruments, personal services, real estate, travel packages, empîsyment and bussess opportunities, perssnals, public notices and much more .. Pick up your copy today, Pr C<anab»tin QDampwu ý si = =--- .olo ..- Eun Eu - C4=C C~=b cm> COD CO> C= E 100 oum for Saes 211 Motor ores 102 open Mouse 212 Recrestion Veicies 103 PrivateSes 25 Campers,Trailers, Sites lOSToacseSale 225 Camping Equipment 110 ApaalnentCondo's orSale 230 Sports Equipment 112 Cottagestfor Sale 231 Aviation 115% Fasi or Sle, Retorwsnte 232 Boats, Supplies 120 Out ofTown Properties 233 Snowvrobiess 125 Poperty Outide Canad 234 Pools and Sup 130 ouaingWaitd 235 Resorta, Camps, 136 Lots, Acreeges 236Trave 140 kweetfmn BusinessPopertie 237 obies and Crafts 145 indatrie, Coimnemia Spoce 239 Womens Column 150 Offices, Business Space 245 Birtiis 156 Stores for Sale, Rut orWaritd 246 Adoptions 159 Ineetnent Opportunities 246 Birtiidays 160 Busines OppotunRIe 249 Coming Events 161 Frechiee 250 Engagements 162 Inaurgancel 251 Forttrcoming Manages 163 Proessina Directory 252 Marniages l64TaxF, nca 253 Anniversaries 166 Mortoges Loansi 254 Graduations 166 Accountents 255 Announcements 167 Offic, industriai Equilpment 256 Deaths 168 Busies Services, Pesonsls 257 Obituares 169 Compr,J Internet i258 In Memnoriamo 170 Apoetnts, Rats for Rent 259 Cards o Thanks 172 Fwrnishied Apertrents 260 Tenders 173 Mlcellaneous Rentais 261 Legai Notices 174 ShotTerni Rentas 262 Public Notices 175 Aperiets, Flots Vtsd 263 Car PoolTransportation 180 Condominums for Prin 265 Lost and Found 186 HMe for Rent 267 Companions lgo0Townliouees for Rent 268 Personais 191 HoulngWaMtd 269 Support Groupa 192 Roome for Buet or Wsnted 270 Nannies, Live In,. Out 193 Room aid Board Avable Wntad 271 Motti ersMepeu's 194 Slwred Accommodation 272 Nursery Scironîs 195 Reirement Liing 273 Daycare Avalabe 196 Moe% Lodges 274 Daycare Wanted 200 Wcalon Proprte 275 Batuysiting 206 Runai Outside Canad 276 Private Tutions, Scisools 208 Bed and Brodaa 277 Music, Dance, Instructions 209 Cottage for Ret 278 Registration 210 Molile MnsaidPuk 279Tutoing 260 Lesaons 282 Pisces of Worship 284 Esitica, Beauty Services 285 ealtiiand omecare 286 Sonier Service î287 MasagTheral 288 Fftneas Serice 289 Paty Servies 290 Cabsing 292 Weddn Puiner 294 Prychric 295 LioloServices 1296 AnmsmenftClubs '297 Bing 296 Funeri Drectors 1299 Cernelory Plots 300 MaktSBasket 301 Flowus aid Delivey 302 Para Service 303 orses, Suppiles nid Boarding 304 Prnducel Msy SoodJ Groan 305 Potitry «ai Lestock 306 Fumiture 307 lotiring ,30 Bargain Cent 310 Artices for Soie 311 Bicycle 315 Adtile Wanted 3l6VendormW&nted 1319GCraft Sales m320 GeragYani Sais 324 Arts aid Crot 3Z Auction i326 WehmusoSois I330Freood 331 Sessonal 335 Clr Ittnaies aid Gifla 336 Woodstves, FRepisces M40Antfiquesand Art 348 Pmt»M nEqutremt 362 Pain Equmt 366 Computer and Vkeo 3601VTM Sound Systems 365 Musical Instruments 370 Pets, Supplies, Boarding 375 Photograpfry 380 Swap and Trade 385 Tickets for Sais 400 Cars for Sle I405 Cars Wanted 40 Trucks for Sale 4lsTrucicsWanted 420 Vans, 4 Wheel Drive 421 Off Road 425 Sports Cars 430 Antique Cars 435 Motorcycies 440 Auto Parts, Supplies and Repaira 445 Auto Leasing and Rentais 446 Auto Financing 447 Diving Safionîs 450 Auto Came 455 Garage and Storage Space 460 Insurance Services 465 Autornotive Plus 470 eavy Duty Equiprnent 500 CameerTraining 501 Career Counseling and Resumes 505 Cameera 507 Ernpoyment Agencies 509 Drivers 510 Genersi Melp 511 Retail Opportuniies 512 Summier Ernpioymient 514 Salon and Spa Melp 515 Skilled and Teciinicai Melp 520 Computerlt r 525 Office eip 529 Inside Sales 530 Sales elp and Agents 532 Retail Sales eIp 535 ospital, Medical, Dental 536 Vternary eip 537 Molistic eat 540 Restaurant, Motel 541 Part-Turne Melp 545 Teactring Opportuniies 555 Damestic Heip AvalIdle 556 ouse Cieaning 570 Ernplmet Wanted 600 Home imprvmnt 601 Anknm aiamvai 602 Air Conltioning 6w Appllance Repaoku 604 Cnpeting and Floring 60 cap n uma 606 ahksms 607 Cleaning Services e6M Computer Services 1609 Dexmn 61 6lDeuign 1611 DomrancIdWndmse 612 Drapes and Uobuey 613 Duct lOing 1614 Electiciais '615 Fonce and Dock 616 Fum. And Uphlostery Repsir 617 Meeing 616 eeting and Air Conditioning 619 Hme ecrty 62 odcpng 621Lolmti 622 Misa Srvce 624 Painting and Decorsting î625 Paring 626 Pest Control 627 Pkumbng 626 Pools and Supplies 629 Rooting 630 Snow Remnovai 631 TMs Service S632WsaRomoesl 633Waorpoffln 634 EavesbSoghs 6C HMfde 700 Home Irnpvmet 701 Denmio, eting 702 Garbge Rernoaa uNng 704 Pksfnbn 705 HwxWrma 706 cnknn.w clirs R~Oi 708 Masoary and Concrate 709 Carpentry 710 Painting, Decorating 715 Moving and Storage 718 Carpet Cleaning 720 Drapes, Upfiolstery 725 DressaWng,Tailoring 730 Flooring, Carpeting 735 Cardening. Supplyt Landscaping 736Tmee Service 737 Sturnp Removal 738 Lawnrnower Sales, Repaira 740 Snow Removal 746 Course i750 Appliance Repaira i751 ouse and Pet Sitting 753 Party Services 760 Service Dwrectory 800 Home Improversient Directary 900 Dating Services 905 Adult Entertainiment 910 Massages 930oAquatics i931 Arts and Craftt 932 Camps 933 Co-Educational 934 Cooking 935 Dancing Classes 936 Daycame I937 Dog Training 938 Education 939 Equestrian 940 Gymnasica 941 Language Arts 942 Martial Arts 943 Miscellaneous 944 Modeling 945 Music Lessons 946 Nursery Schools 947 Private Sahools 948 Recreational 949 Sports 950 Summer Sciiool ~g s* u ' ; ; i ; * ~ * * . * Adjustments: Every effort la made ta ensure the accuracy of your ad Piease check your ad os the firaI insertion. For mulipe isertions of the same ad, credit will lie made oniy for the firut insertion. Credit gien for errors in connection with production on adula ilimited ta the printed space involved. 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