Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Oct 2008, p. 23

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The Canadian Champion, Wedneaday October 15, 2008 - 23 HIIGIMEITL MAC ARTIST The Metroland West Media Group Ltd., pub- lihers of community newopapero 10 ooking for a Mac Artiot 10 join our Real Estate Production team. The ideal candidate must be able to work in multiple locations within Hlton sn a fat paced deadline sriented envirooment, where the ability fo mult-taok io etremely im- portant. The succestul candidate will be e- oponible for deigning advertiing for vriouo Real Etate publications as welI as deignng creutive and effective marketing material fora variety of prsîecto and producto. The individuel MUST have e relluble vehicle & be fully trained f0 work in a MAC vnvirnment and demonostrate proficiency sn the followng software: Adobe Phtoshsp, InDesign & AdobeIllustretor Application Deadlse Octobet 7 2008 Prevîos Newspaper or Magazine asperience s a pus, but vot a necessity Please apply with resume ta mgarcia@metmtland.com Onîy candidates selected for as interview will be contacted. Horba Auomotive Test Systems nc desgns and developo atoorted test sstems for the maor automotive ompanes iorNvh Amerca and Europe. Our sstems are used sn research and developmesit of seat geseratîo esarves, transmssions and powerrains Immedate opportonities eist for muiti-aceted team payers wirs posseso stron ommunications kls andi thoive sn a tecfiniraiiv chaiieogîos envronment workisg on proects from concept iv costomer aceptasse. Technical Specialist - Hardware Engineering HORU-BA T onortaeie ota i inos Oaki e head office, coovenientin ocated off the QEW, pease refer f0 our web site under Career Oportaities f0 review our isf of quaificatons asd submîssîoo address jobs.horîba.ca wa hank al apvsocanto for toir itrest, oever oniy those under coosoteraooeii be oetacted etChnca Monday to Frîday be Cemisfry 9ant r Filtration Tra s 9a o5 and Product Evaluefions. , ,6o reums@ 9 ztmmarkcom JO cfl ffceHin Ofi elp Accounting Clerk Georgetown, Ontario Distributor/Menufacfurer of indoofriel eqaipment bas a faîf-time position evaleble for an accssntîng clerk to service AP & AR fonictions, Dafies inctude date entry, filing, reconciliations and occasionel reception. We offer e pleasent, mlti-compeny workîng envronment with a company bonus plan, lnterested candidates are asked to submit their resumne with salary expectations to the email address listed below: Georgetowncontroller@hotmail.com REAL ESTATE ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Permanent fuît time Real Estate Administrative Assistant required for busy soccesotal Oekville Reattor. The ideel candidate wilt have reet estete experience, computer okilîs and ha igbly oreanzed. Onty those selected for an interview will be contected. Please email your resumne to: ACCOUNTANT for omaîl C.A. frm in Oekville. Suiteble candidates will ho a CGA/CMA or be in the final stages of the program, be well organized and have good communication okilîs. Public practice experience and a good working knowfedge of Caseware/Caseview wold be a definite asset. We offer a gsod working environment and competitîve compensation. Plaefrwryu rsreto: The Canadien Professional Golfers' Association, e member besed, non-profit organization serving over 3,500 golf profesionels acrosss Canada, requires an Evecufîve Assistent to join ifs office staff t Blue Springs Golf Club, ifs home in Acton, Ontario. Repsrfing Io the Eoecutive Drectur, the succesoful candidate wîll ho e- oponsible for providîsg day-to-day administrative spport fo the Esecutive Drector and evecufive support for the Board of Directos He or shne wll have strong srganizatîonel and project management okillo long wth superior verbal and wrlen communication oklîs. Prv- parîng briefing notes, packages and obatus reports for the Evecutîve Director as required in response to quetions and emergîog issues along wth takîng independent action where approprîute on renposdîng f0 or redrectîsg reqoests are major components of thîs position. A Uni- versity or college gradoate in e related fiold, at Ivuor fîve years'i enperîence in a similar roIe and the oblity to work aod commusîcare in bot off iciailngoages are al desîrab!e. Salary 0s commensurate with experience. For furher information re- gardrng the Casudian PGA and to iew the Eecotîve Assistant lob profile, isif wwwcpga.comabout Click os Careers t the National Of- fice, Pleasa oubmît your resume along wîfh a cooerîng lenter toý Canadian PGA R.R 0f l34500ublin Lino Actoni, Ontaro L7J 2W7 Fan: 519-853-5449 Emeil. sfeve@coga.com Atentîo: Stephen Carroll, Esecotive Drector Deadlîse for Applications. Frday, October 24th, 2000 Whie vo vsh lo tank aappicants foi herotneresi ony rose cnddatesvo roe nervieved wiibv contcted Bilingual (French / English) Customer Support Representative Protractor Software is currently accepfîng applications for a blngual customer support representative. Preference wîll ho gises f0 people wth esperience in provîdîng lt line response f0 cuofomers and in provîding producf training. Flexible Hours from 8:OOam EST fo 8:00 pm (scheduled wth the support feaml). -Home office based position with ns travel. Candidate must pososo a PC and hîgb speed internat acceso. Candidate requires: -Excellent Englshlaniguage communication okillo lboth opoken and wrttenl. Ablity fo communîcate verbally ix French for Quebec bused customers. Ability fo partîcipate as part of the support feam. Ability fo work witbout direct supervision. -Excellent customer service okllo. Position is permanent and cas ho paîd ither on a self em- ployed confract basin or as regular payrsll. Self Employed basîs may offer additional tas adoantages, candidate should contact your accoustant tor adoîce. The succesoful candidate wll work from is or ber own home office. Hours wilI be set as agreed wth the support staff in or- der f0 provîde support couerage frsm 8:0Oam EST fo 800Cpm EST, Monday fo Frîday. He or she wll work under the supervi- sion of sur support musageor and provîde Iot caîl prodxct sup- port for sur Protractor Software f0 our Automotîva Repaîr Shop Customers. Ths wll inclade telephone reoponse, emaîl re- sponse, and participation in web meetings for interaction. Suc- cesoful candidate will be traîned on sur produc o f levai f0 ho able to provide assistance in naw oser training when requîred. Salary commansurate wth expariasce. Email Resume ta Lynda@protractor.com Reurdfor Georgetown office. Flefible bor,1 outa par waak, $f10 -$l2lho ut bsdon eperiasca. Dufea include filing, typ- iîng andeanswerng pon.mmadieteotar. F.~ax ume tf090587370451 LEGAL SECRETARY Wîfh af leasf 2 years expertence in one or more of Litigation & Collections. requtred by Mssssauga irm. Speigel Nichols Fox LLP www.ontlaw.com brendon@ontlaw.com F3 Inside Sales Reps Mssssauga based ElectrcaVlndusfrîal & Energy Conservation Company seeking Eoperienced Inside Sales Represenfa- fies. MusI be fluent in Englisb, goal orienfed, aggressive and self mot ivafed. Knswl- edge of lgbfing, industrial, and energy ef- ficient producfs a definife assef but not necessary. Excellent training provided. Silary+bonus. Salary sfarfing af $450./wk lnteresfed candidates please email sales@everfteine.com ge 905 HOUSE 0F FLOWERS n Downtown Oakvilte requirea e new teamn player. Sales Associate 3-4 days a waak. Rtait eop. required. ph# 905-4-7573 stadlgflowers @on.atbn.cam Attn: Heather House of Flawers Downtown Dakoitte requires a Part-Tme Floral Designer min. 3 yrs floret eop. ph# 905-845-7573 stadtgflowers @on.atbn.com Attn: Heather Positions available for: e Servers * Dishwshers " Kitchen Help 9 Student s Apply at: Swiss Chalet, 50 Market Dr. M ilton. - IVY ARMS .1Retquires: DISHWASHER/ PREP Please cuit Mram or Joe @: 905-876-4899 or Drop Off Resume The Frehali n Oakvîtte Hrng FIPT Servers FIPT LUne Coaks, $12-Sl7Ihr Apply n Pemson or Fax: 905-827-2026 doug@ttreflrehali.ca www.thelirehall.ca WINGS Up -now hîrîng tul-fume part-fuma, kirichan craw. frontfdesk t- fendanf undt dlîoary drivers. Asful-tîme evenîngo munaget position evailable. Traning provîdait Pleaee-mail rasume: kal@wngsup.com or cuit: Katharunu 905-730-6284. BEVERLY eti oc Wi aus Ceaig ALA laesepiene p TRIM Missino' Neeti youî *i frîm unraded? Base board.donor aod sîino casino, Fee estmates in Miton. CviiHector 905- t-877-JUNK-TWO-GO. 1- 877- 86-f596 Same day jsnk remonai ser- vice Senior discount. Calit& gene doncon! JUNK & rirbish remnovai. Sieur raes.gWe du di mte Sheavy iffing. 410-655- 02600 1-t8vovjunioys ww.teukboys.om Hawe you herlIsnean' ittsildnow hm len dlaafiedili BirthBitI GRACI, Charlie and Angela lnee Alaimno) are tbritted to announce the birtb of thaîr trst child Joseph Anthony Giuseppe Antonio on September 29th,20 weî gbung hob & 8oz. Prosd firt tima Nonni ara Tony & Tina Graci of Miton and Surs & Maria Atimo of Ktchener. Josephb s very mach tovad by firotftme Zia Natta and wtched over byGoardian Angat Zia Yoanda Rita. intb Great Grandcbitd f0 Antonio & Rosa Volpe of Miton. A opeciat thunk ou to Dr. Hanter and att the spectacotar ons et Miton District Hospital! You traty live sp to your great reputations. ROSEWELL - Jay, Tiffany (nee Murdoch) and big sister Rachat are teaoed toanounce the bîrtb of toeynMlla Eleanor wbo was tinalty coerced out of ber 'comty place" on September 21, 2008 at 7:35pm weigbing 7lbo t 3oz. Welcoming Katatyn are prosd grandparests Peter and Carolyn Roseweil of Miton, Ernest and Janice Murdoch of Smitbeîlte and Uncte Andrew of Toronto. Extra spectat thanks to Dr Cvetîc and att the L&D nurses et MDH. miltoncanadianchampioÇm 1 Community Notices continue on Page 24 Sldlled & Hel Sldlled & H elp omce Hel ce Holp lkf-À 111 Hotel Restaurant 1 Hotel ReMurant Technical p Tchnical eln m o:m-

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