22 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday October 15, 200§ schooBus Urgently Neoded If you're retired, self -employed, or a stay-at- home caregiver, this could be perfect for you. Supplement your income with a steady, secure part-time route with Canada's largest Sohool Bus ý1 An Equal Opportunity Employer 0 ROGERS- L a utorzd a L2CELLCOM - Dz Snow Truck Drivers -Tracter Operators *Sidewalk Equip. Operators fer witer 0t0w cearîng.f treete acd los. [Il GnHeP KIDS! KIOS! KIDS! --Ages2+-- Wanted for TV & Moie Jobs! No Fees! Mers/ Wsmen 16-65 yrs. Needeit for samet No etras Parents caîl: (416)221-3829 ClaigLadies neddfor homes in GeorgetownI 9057.5225 IELPI IVariety of Ijobs availablel Fax resume: 905-336-0272 CELLCOM Wireiess, Casclies irgest exclusive ROGERS denier andi F100 retaier specixliiin wireiess sud datx prelincis, is cnreentiy leokeng fer FULL-TIME RETAIL SALES REPRESENTATIVES le jois tieit teant n i sxrlo ictons threngheut te Oreater Toronnto Area and Scout Western Ontario. CELLCOM effets cempettvtcempensation, benceitc aient mecthiy ccctesis, txcentincs.nand prenides oxning trnining. Wtt ceer 50 retnii loaeinsc acrets Canadan, CELLCOM belieses in tht "preisate firmwtitix "conceptanxd effets ndvancersext eppertuxittcn ta empinyces whecnnxîaishie. Traninng ciii be prnid.d mPiense eni reterse te. empieptsenioninnie@cetcomwtttiesscer or a46-f43-1023 We npprecite the inierestif ait epplicensn hoenset eniy îhone etefen nan ierý,tw ii becentactesd ____ j -okn o ok UCalil SR tfig-958878 e atWokîg oe ! Mould/Tool Technician-$11/hr " Straîgiri davs, M-, Buriigior " Lysa tem ttsvvrvry poston s aibe imeduattiî " Masutacturing experiesce!Oîgh mavuai dexieriy seettes Production Associates-$10/hr " Simaght clavs, M', curîscîven " Lng term iempvrary postions " Mut have excllent matuai aeecstyivasdtooi expeterce Warehouse Sorting/Packing-$10/hr " All shifts, liftng up tiv 30 lOs " Temporary positons, Buriigton Order Picker-$11/hr " ttraîghi Onys or streîght aftersons, C Fcurlirgios " Order pîckîsg expeience a must! MUST HAVE OWN TRANSPORTATION ce lMessenorBehait90.637.35 -irrandstad work solutions 895tBraat tireet, vUi o - cuflintov, Cee rardstatt ce CUSTOMER RELATIONS $1790/hr Local Disiribuior for Inernational Manufacturer now ecpanding in Burlingion and Dakeilte. There are openingo in the Cusiomer Reations Depuriment. No experience required. Company ofters: Complete training, puid vacation, rupîd Adancement & benetito. Al applicants muet be neuf in appeurance & ready te tan immedistely with an tansportation. 905-634-0000 -lOam I8pmT fAW,!VýMtro1and n Bulngien iv lookîng for P/T Pocket Feediers for "f lyer inserting" machine. day and afternoon shifts available. $9.40/hour. hours may be flexible. Apply in pernon with resume ai 5300 Harveuter Rd. Days-Ravi or Coreen (8am-4pm) afternoons-Tony (2pmn to 1 Opm) Th lina t'i ~ ncne Connect wÎth Your Future J ob1)Fair Open to the public Free résumé assessments Admission and parking are free Access to employers from a variety of industries Thursday, October 16, 2008 Burlington Convention Centre 1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. Corne 1prepared... Brinq youo - stirn&s' Dress for success! For further information contact Halton Region 905-825-6000 ext. 7121 or email: empl oymentservi ces@halIton. ca leading Ontario Road aneanecmany has an immediatel requirement for the following winter positions: Snow Plow/Spread- er Operators and full time Mechanios for the following areas. Mimico Yard - (QEW/427) Contact - 416-251-5293 Hamilton/Burlington Yard - 905-637-2248 PalermoYard - (Milton) Contact - 416-251- 5293 401 & 10 Yard - (MissssaugalBrampton) Contact - 905-670-3080 Applcants must hase a minimum DZ drivers lcense and a dlean drivers abstract, TRAINING WILL BE PROVIDED TiiD is an equal npportunit employer. The Oakville Beaver CIRCULATION DEPARTMENT te csrrently looking for a P/T DRIVER te deliver shertages te cutemers & carriers. Must be relable with swn vehicle and ealid driver license. Please e-mail resume/aeailabitity schednle te: Please Ouote Job e SH0102 Alec Ancher at: aanchor@oakvilebeavercom or fax (905) 337-5557 NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE GROCERY MERCHANDISERS NEEDEDI Pareto iv eeekîng enperienced merchandisers fer an on-goîng prelect FTd da-ehurs Monday te Fridey New night-tiime shifts available Must have grocery experience Send your resumne te careers@pareto.ca INAVISTAR CANADA, UNC. je a ieading producer of medium trucks, heavy trucks, severe service vehicies, buses mirnqv diesel i.esandi parts and Mexico and moe e han 6t dealers in 90 cousntis ihrcugheut the mold. We have a challenv sg and dynamic opportus iy in Burlington fora.. Material Handier *part-tene, Sw-ington Worshouse We are looking for salety conscieus part i me and os cal employees who are able te work flexihle heurs sn a fast-paced envîresment. Independent and team oriented, you have streng erganizationai skiis and cas ioad, unioad, and meve products and materiais hy hand or with basic materiai handiing equipmest as Weil as pick orders and stock. Your marehouse experiesce in compieting orders sn a timeiy manner asd iamiiarity with a marehouse management system are compiemested hy a grade 12 dipioma, experiesce with radio frequescy ecipment, and a basic knemiedge of computers. If von have mhat il takes teuhi' an integrai pari of a preactive team eriented culture, please forward vont resume te. Personnel Services Department. NAVISTAR CANADA. INC. PO. Box 5337, Burlington. ON L7R 5A4 fax: (905) 332-2975 e-mai: burington-hr@navistarcom * . NAI '!STAR Enteirse ED ITOR The Caledon Enlerprise seeks an experienced Editor to Iead ils editorial staff in the growing communily of Caledon. Major Accountabilities " Haedie the day-to-ay management of the eitvsiai department " Design and layoot the edîtoriai pages " Supervisioand asoîgoiment of ntaff wrtems and reelancems " Heip bid the newspapers presence onlîne as we continue tut transitiot trom psint onny lv moiti-meda " Represent asd prvmvte the newspaper ai cvmmuvity events Qua liications " Prose es vls ariver " coilege or University degree/iipvma in îovrnaiîsm or reofient foperionce " Svpervioory evperîenco in a loto newsroom " Detai orierted vith soperior wrîtîng, editing, page avoot and Engish langoage skiils " Demonvirare a cvnmîitmert to gvaiity and the atiiitîi 10 manage a multitude vf tasks " Have protîcîency with Quark Xpress, Advbe Phtvshop, InDvsîgs ana Onlise Isnctivns Peportiig lv the Generai Manager, the successfui applicast wiii Pave extensive vvperîence as a repoater aria edîtor and the creativir-1 and drive vecessary 10 proasce a superior prodoct. lnterested and quai/ied candidates should submit their resumnes by October 171h 2008 to: Bill Anderson, General Manager - The Caledon Enterprise e-mail: b.anderson@caledonenterprise.com I NOW HIRING AT THE WTRONLOCATIONS j for the following shifts 2pm-Opm, 6am-2pm, 6am-lamI Bjjfts availablj Abtos Cre $1.5 Billion Ecergy Leader One eftihe tastesi grcwing ie tTi energy companies in Hr T'i A North America. Independeni Bonaces & Yearly Senior Residence Reoidual Incentîce Paymento Rspid /&PT Growih Opperianties -' NNG O' For consideration EVR Oal1-l«&585-6404 ,D' -SHR for generai labour Drop resume ta: duties on 11:30- 4151 Kilmer Drive fpmn shft. Dutiet in- Burlington clude: loading & an- Fax- 905-319-349 loadîng rcks, pull- Attc: Shelley îng commercial turni- Chaîmers, Ges Msgr. tare ardera. Muai be able to lift SOîbs. Forklifi esp. a muaist Ii~l Licence an asset. $1 i t istart =ork Wanled fer turnace and cil tank installations. Semae heavy lifting & Valid Drivees licence reqd. Stan immediafely 905-876-0928 after Opm Long established Pacing Company Requires experienced 'Asphait Rakeman *Bobcat Operator -Labourer Good pay with lots et heurs Cali 905-842-4141 J.MICHAELS mc. Mapleview Mail 1 Oakvllle Place A progressive Ladies Wear Chamn Corne Work Witfî Us! You wil Ccd thai aue ffet a competitive- compensation package, an individual reward pragrsm, a generous associate discount policy ccd an ecvircnmeni ihati s tut & tosiers open communication. This is pour opporfuniiy f0 grca ysur career aiih a greai retailer! Piease submnit your resume la person or fax: MAPLEVIEWMALL - 90"-81-7479 OAKVILLE PLACE - 905-339-0704 Or e-mail to: pkachiarOjmichaels,net Onfy candidates consldered for an interview will be contacted. BURLINGTON! WHAT WOULD YOU DO'WITH AN EXTRA $800 EACH MONTH? Get plenty of exercise with early morning dloor-to-dloor delivery of The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Star! Profit Potentials may vary, depending on the size of the route. Must have reliable cehicle. 7 Daye a week. For complete details on the route nearest you, please oeil 905-526-3377 or simply fi11 out the online application foron at www.hsp.ccm and a Hamilton Spectator representative will contact you. Experien ced Maintenance WorkerlMillwright Wanted for Processing Plant Experiesce and Knowledge et eiectricai, hy- draulice, pneuatice, plembing and welding are ceneîdered eseential. Experienced KilI Floor Foreman Minmums 5 years eperience in eepervisery rele, esperienced batcher or kililIteor ekilîs are required. Lecsied cn the 5mftheille Ssrreunding Ares Please Fax resumnea to: 416-744-2980 Ref # 100808 ax resurne to 905-814-0613 Attention Randy /Andrew 1