Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 15 Oct 2008, p. 21

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The Canadian Champion, Wednesday QOtober 15, 2008 - 21 a - à g ; :Index: Real Estate 100-135 Business 140-169 ______________________________________________ entais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240-299 Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classified@miltoncanadianchampioflcom s Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57~ Mon. 10 Fri. 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haftonsearch.com* Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION cati: 905-878-5947 Ad submission by mail or in person: The Canadian Champion, 555 Industrial Drive, Side Door, 2nd Floor, Mlton, ON L9T 5E1 Dadiles: Tues. 10 arn. for Wed pubhilcaion, Thors, 10 a.m. for Fri. publication. Special Fealore & Holiday doodlioes may vary. Payment: We accept cash, cheque, lterac, Visa, MterCard, Amercao Epress. Al ada placed are nan-refundable and no credfit will be issued. Business accosoto Cao bo openea with an approoed credif application ooailable fom your Sles Consultant. CHECK YOUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS fo eooure the iformation io correct. Contact your Sales Consultant mithîni 24-Hours if an error oppears. Av eror in a Fri. publication must Se repsrted vo later tiras Mon .11 a.m. oues FrSale ues For Sale MILTON house 2 years old, 2 storey, 3 bedroom, 3 wash- rooms, hardwood, double door entry, 9 foot ceilings, balcony, pot lights, ail appliances. Cali Raj to view: 416-275-4855 or page 416-740-4000 Home Lfe Superstars RE Ltd. FABLOUS et. 3 drm Mavtamy ome on pronmiu ravine bt Hardwoo ioors ihoughout. Maboe kit abines,' dock 'ce raîn cs ini kit_ loyer anrd al bains, lînshed basomont. S .5ieeo1 appliarces and mnscfil more For uewn g or more nin Cvii 905 208- 2729. 2 Bdroom conon, 2n4 Ioor Rvrsîdo Park aea, not nd of iGuelpn. sk ing $190.000. Cvii 519 8469286 or 519638 3712, COM . peciaI REASONABLE îdstriai onts 1600sq fO, 10 3200sqf0 vtS badng docks. 9052779347 or 905275-6034ý lm ppornities BUSINESS for sale cOul dren s potograpSy, voîk rorn home, minimal ilyst ment ana unbobevabeien- con e. viiitrain, atsl in quipient, prop, and nocboology. once in a ie- tino opportunity< cvii any- ime 416-8752059 S$MONEY$$ Consobîafo Pebts Mortgagos to 100% No incon OBaa d ed OK! She Mortgage Cenvreo 800-282169 M usies l arments & MMatSer Re!t DowrorowN MILTON Mitside Tawers 82 Mitside Driven. AtOactue quiet building, Spacîon brgSf dlean 1&2 bdroon unîf s vtS aundry laciity and social roon on silo. Regubar rendoni evonin 0pen 7 days f&evenlagS Cati 905-876-1249 wwwreatetai.ca ACTON APARTMENTS vry dlean. quiet building ilS avdry aciiiy or sie. i bdrnî apt 's avaîabir Opel 7 ayn 6&evngn, Sarno day approval Cou i1 519-534374 wvwreal starca Flats Fr Roc! MILTON, nely onoated largo I 004 ooin banom n apaîtmonn wth lreplaco sopanate etrance, uifies nciud00 $1.025/mo005 finît/ ast Aailale SAi Cal[9050700190 NATURE Louos Paradîse in b ýn&1nuse mn a nlae I edroon 0on Buce ral. l-mniise, riuGO TrainNo smoking $850 n unii ins cuise ai 905 702 7440 For ent d MILTON rsdna,"R re 0o e Rd 46 B 64544 Aate!s&t FULLY lrnished home MITN3bdrm man floor noom/ batn availbl nin bungalow, gos ireplo e ndiaieiy untirMaý st 4 2 parking s00400 anndry, Cal Dan 905 782 0205 n renovafed bathroom, -S $1305/mi, utlts in GEORGETOWN 340ed4 cIu4o4 Prr non snon nom main onot ofhoise n/pts. Nov isi Lynda Ap0no au4y n5 5g05o-83a14 Pae 16 smoking/pois AalablO 5050314Noembor lsn Frsi lasi i-BDROM bse eni ouird. $1.200/monnh1 I-BEDROM baementplus 70% utilîr s, Jo Onnu apanimont. contrai George 519 8569882 town location, Newly rono- oulea S850/monili in d cludrs urnîrnoes Avalablo GEORGETOWN 3 bon immediaioly. Cali 905877 ronin main Inn rir O hcar$ 1594. nort Noanmal schools$ No smokin g/nons5 ACTON noly ronouaiod, $1.150/nonh plus 2bedroom api Fîirs/asf outlîlîrns, valabio Pecem B S950/monih includos bon isi. Cal 519853 B soaf/paneîng. Close in 2161. shoppnug & Oobus mature _____ b____ adul no pos Oalable im i modatel 51908533156. MILTON 3-bodrooms, 3 ________________bathrnoms, Maamy homo GEORGETOWN 1 boa nn promnuon ioncod-ir Lotn oom i uitbuIdinAalablo Nomber 'SI,5 cîn u a l amnnes 009. $1.500/monilh plus i uailablo îmme daiely uilies. No smoking/pois, 1 750/monrb, No smok Cali 905-691-0088 -ing/peis. Firsi lasi/rolorN onces plaso, 41688 SHORT terin reniai 2-drmP 5720 ioisnod bungalow. nid MîIon, $1450/mIS n GEORGETOWN 3Obc- ufîlînîs. Aalabl o SoueI Y rnnm bungalow, lan, 416081708442ý quet, parking, CAClaun .dry arawond. No smnkF îrg/ rois $1295/ monS whee. Cal416-6952225 Exe-io nher e sion 229.FrRn s RENT-TO-OWN ugo lr-v GEORGETOWN 3bed- old ownhnme, 3 bod room main flion bngalnw oms 3 ains, îadog -Close 10 50Osoppng and win u»grades, proession schools. Landiy CAC, nn ally finsbod basomonn. 24 pets/smokng, rfrnces, roui mssage 416 901 -crodîl check 7154, Bad Credîl OK. $1.300/monfb plus. Cail ___________ 905 7034618. 865SQFr.fiînshed base- GEORGETOWN sracîos smn, A/C, 5aplîans 1 nowly rnoaiod 2 bed 0000104 unor Tanon New room basemoni aparîmonr Homeo Warr, immodiato 1 biorago rnnm, parking, Possession. $323.990 io fireplaoo laundry' caivO in Main Sreet ui $950/monih n icusîue rlage, please call james 647891-3464. 4162506563 dunîng buni- ____________________ nesshours GEORGETOWN spacînus1 nowly renouaiod 2-bod FREE Lst ni Reni room basomeni apanimeni. To Own Homeo ww 000 Sirage ronm, parkng, Fas coin finnplaco, laundry. $9 50/mnnth inclusiue 647891 3464 DOAKVILLE- 3 bedronin îownhouses aala0o n MILTON i bdrm basemeni mediaielo irougoPNouein_ vol, now aalable, includos ber 1. 4 appîaces, Honpe- ea, hydr, air, cablo, date Mal rea. akesSoie nernet, acolai lob, park Management 905 ove- ng, sopanato nranco, 3336, sharod aundry Nn Pts/smoking prolrred -Frsi & lasi îquîîed. 905 Rooms For 8783356 M ent &. Wanted a.MILTON, basemeni aPt, MILTON Furnsbe o m re sai t 1pron, no pets/no for rni Aalable immedi ssmoking preferredl 00er- aioy. Perny and Anoý o- nces & firstilasti non trong. Frs and fast. il 750/miS Cal 9050870-$500. Aat. Sou sf Cal 8223 & beave a message. 905-6916314. Lst& Fnd M Trcks or Sale t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __s i arer crer FOUNO compliments. 2003 Podge an 1500 ions no, actaalby mako Quao cab, Cco bni collid hta heaps, eady 10 lose fin 4x2. SLT niodel Cer .ç The Oakville Beave wo gSi and find snne of tnleO and e tesied 1r r ,1Jfcm your swn7 Go ns eroal S$13 900 905-630 3821:ým ý f aeer Trning aeer Taining inrT isng EXPERIENCED Oayc are rrou oer rui fme Fa't lme, al ages welc mn Breakfast.i. 01011 siak n ovînen CPRFP Pîron O pute Tu5lbl Spafts r- ui rer0 reacnabue r2 o i 15 sn0kirg/ens 51. wnaped rsse el ,oi $7095a Faorice 39S al 51 572 5557 DINING sel. 2 extensions 6 chairs, 56 ai Peppier, $200, 000 Double utrol loi, $100. 080 905064 8334 A Kn.ig or Quoon Orîhoine dl mattress set. Pieuin plastic Warranty lion $1600 Sacrifice king $550. Queen $095 905 567 9459. DEDROOM Cherrywood. Ood, drosser, mîrror, chesi, nîgStstand, new, in boxesOovîal construc tion. Cool $7000 Sen $1500. PînîngroumIn l pioce Cherry.New. Coni $8000 5ell $1900 905 567-4042. CARPET I haue soueral 1,000 yards ni nov Staîn Master & 100% nylon cal- pot. W Il do ilingîoin & hall ion S389 nciodes ar pot, pad & inutallation 130 yardn) Steve, 905-633- 8192 HOT Tub (Spa) Couers bosi price, Oesl oualityo Al nsapen & cubonus. Cvi1- 866-5050056 wwwlSheco uexguy.ca HOT Pub/ Spa-Bravd now 2008 modol w/ali options, ynd cuver, 5il n in ranner. Cool $0695., acrifice $4250. Cali 905971 1777 POOL Table, Brand New, stîll in box. boid Wood, I'Sate, Ai OAccessories. Cosi $6,700, Sol $1,950. 905-304 9994 FOR nale: i year nia le- maie pug. Favo coor black lace. Vaccinaions 0p f0, date, rocovtby npayod. Osking $400. lin dodoes craie). Carl Jenvîlor ai 905-064 9256ý M, arefr Sale 1997 Jeep Grand TSero- kee. Fviiy bnadod, excellent condition, certiîed/ o testod, 121,000km. S6000/olbo. Peano cvii 905-878-6930 11997 Toyota Camry XLE V6. Automatic, 8/C, lulby lnaded. Nov tiron/braken. 259,OOOkms Sîghvay. $4.200 obo PExcellent con- dibiol 905-873-2322. Are you between the ages of 15 & 30? The Youth Employment Preparation Program (YEPP) can help you to find a job asd keep a job. You'II get free transportation and get PAID to attend! 4 Halto n Canada Thiso gam i udedinypat by the qoenn e ofada Contact Marqaret Springle at: Haton Region 905-825-6000 Tuil free: 1 -866-442-5866 liN: 905-827-9833 Email: margaref.springle@haiton.ca www.halton.ca On Track is a 1 0-week program offered free ut charge. Open fo al Haltos residents and avoulable throsghout the year. Assistance may be available for cild care and transportation. The On Track program includes: *Job search and interview skills *Creating a resumé and cover letter wHaton Fandedin partnership mith: i:Ontario " Career planning " Computer training " High School credits " WHMIS training Contact Margaret Springle at: Halton Region 905-825-6000 ext. 4626 Toil free: 1-866-442-5866115Y: 905-827-9833 Email: margaret.springle@halttn.ca www.haiton.ca I i- SPECIAL FEATURES EDITOR The Cakville Beaver is seeking a Special Featares Edtor f0 as- sîst thre advertising department. Workîng wîfh a team of sales representatîves, freelance wrters, designers and the produc- tion team the Special Featares Editor is responsible for produc- îsg effective, carrent, esthetically pleasrng aod informative spe- Cial feafures fhrogghout the year. Major Accountabilifies: Handie day-to-day edîforral reqaests from sales reps, Design couers, soarce edîf, write articles, edît and estahlîsh the look tor ail specral features and magazines, Design, write, edîf and layout 0 -paper features, Supervision of freelance wrîfers, maîntaîn freelance budget, Represeof and promote the newspaper at cornitriy gvents, Corne up wth Compelling story ideas and thernes for magazines and sec- fions, Establish an effective relatîonshîp wth the Towno, commuo nity organîzations and local Companies/clients, Be on top of upcornîng features and provîde sales team wfh polîshed loy- oats and sfory îdeas for sections, f0 help thern soîl, Work wth The Drector of Advertising f0 s00 each special feature and magazine throogh from starS Ici finish in a tîmely manner. Qualifications: Proves resulto driver, College or University de- gree/diploma in0 ournalisrn or relevant enperîence, detaîl orient- ed wth escellent wrîfing, editing, page layout and Englîsh-lan- guage Skilll5r demsnstrafed commitment to qualify, hghly espe- rienced rith Quark Xpress, Adobe Photoshop, InDesigo, Micro- soft Word and Onlîne fonictions, Familiarify workîng wth com- mantty groups, the Town etc... Must ho able f0 multi-task while focusîng on priorrty proects, Organized, efficient and production minded, Frîendly and willing f0 attend communify fonctions & acf as the face of the Beaver af events wthîn Dakoille, Creative thînker with the abiity to in- spire & corne ap rith ideas, Up-to-date on publîshîng style and current trends in the industry, Must be able f0 work under tîght deadlines and pressure, Available f0 work after hoors rhes re- quired, Mont have a car and vaiid license, Have an understand and a passion for the publishing industry and process, Team leader who cao work well rith a team and independently. Reply to Daniel Baird at dbaird@oakvillebeaver.com Deadlîne ls Friday. October 17. 2008 SGateWay We are a leader vnproviding grnund transportation solutions fhroaghoul North Amerîca. Started in 1994, Gteway os a lcenued, reliahle and re- upecfed tranuportation broker. We have euperienced tremevdouu growf h and are espanding once ogain. We offen a final clans work envi- rosment that încludeu stable empioymevt, compefîfîve compensation, training & benefifu. We have two eucibing careon oppnrtssitîeo available and are lnoking for the nght indivîdualo 10 jois aur toom: JUNIOR ADMINISTRATOR! OPERATIONS ASST. Dt es wili inclode lighf bookkeepîng, collections and credif, variosu of- fice and uecretarîal dutîeu, au well as provîdîng clerîcol support 10 our boay operabions deparoment. Applicanfu mont ho computer literate, orga- nized, capable of working wifh minimal supervision, avd have excellent writen and verbal communication ukillu. This is an immediafe opevivg for a fol-time, permanent position. Thiu lu a junion lv infermediate pool- ion and compensation wiil be commensurate with ukîllu and experience. LOGISTICS CO-ORDINATOR We are ooking for an above average communicaotaoccurately route and f rack carga uhipmenta. The successul candidate mufse computer liferafe, be a team ployer and wurk weil under presure. The ahility f0 recognize and work through potential problemu whiie communicsfing et- fectively wif h cuatorneru, carriers, and ca-workera îu euuentîai. Thisu s a boay bof aatiufying position reqoiring an enengefic, customen-service driv- os individual. INSIDE SALES & ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE We are looking for an otguing, highly motivated profeunional to juin pur sales team. Excellent telephone, preaentation and trsng urganizaflunal okilis are reqoired. Yua wll be reaponsible for colling un pofential clients, asseaaing needu, clusing sales and relabionuhip building. Preference wilI be given f0, individoals wifh a proves sales track record or a background in tranaportafion. This lsa sualary position with group benefifs and an abuve average commission package. Please eply In confidence to: Gateway Freight Systems Inc. Fax: 905842-2925 Or by emnailita: hr@gatewayfrt.com 1 E p T magic.coni a

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