A14-The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, October 15, 2008 SPORTS IceHawks take point from red-hot Raiders GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION TAKEDOWN: Mifton Districts Ben Millar (#20) gets hauled down by Georgetown defender John Vankooten during junior football play last Wednesday. MD won 14-9, thanks te two touchdowns fram quarterback Darren Prong and a big defensive stand in the dying minutes of play. Jase Lavigne scored two TDs for the senior Mustangs - incîuding a 90-yard return of the opening kickoff -who raf lied te edge Iroquois Rdge 13-10 ast Wednesday See page Al 5 for Bshop Reding football resufts. Branco big in OT loss By Steve LeBlanc CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A inother winless weekend, LXbut net a pointles', one. Clesing (out tbe holiday wcek- end witb somnetbing te be tbankful fer, the lceHawks gaîned their first point in four games - against none other than the red- hot Ciecergeîewnli Raiders. Enjoying the hest first peniod of-their current six-gaine 1osing streak and stellar cage work frein Dillon Braco Milton pusbed the conference lead- ers - wbo've 0W oflonIl1straigbt - te evertime before being van- quisbcd 3-2 Saturday at Alcott Arena. Itfs a point... a big one on the road and against the tep team," sad bead coach Bill McDougall, whese teans 00w si ts sixth ai 5-6-1 -1. Wvhile encouraged b> two early goals and a better overaîl effort cleaning the zone, the lceHawks' f irst-year bencb boss admîts theres been a bit tot much reliance on bis goalie te keep things close. Ouellette hits milestone with photo-finish win atWoodbine Lue Ouellette joined some .elite cern- pany this past weekend wben he reined in bis 8,0Oth career win. The 43-year-old harness racing driver - a Quebec native who new calîs Campbellville home - bit the milestone Friday at Woodbmne, piloting Longbeacb Tuffy te victory in t.he seventh race. The final outcome was in doubt rigbt up until the end, as Longbeach Tuffy hit the wire in a dead-heat with pacesetter Bacchus Marsh, who refused te relin- quish the lead be enjoyed frem tbe enset. Tbe 1:58 win was Longbeacb Tuffys third in 19 starts tbis season. Capturing most of tbe sports premier races - including tbe Pepsi Nortb America Cup, Little Brown Jug and tbe Meadowlands Pace - Ouellette is one of just 15 drivers te bit the 8,000-win plateau and now sits with 153 victeries on the year. That number would ne deubt be sub- stantially bigher bad be net been side- lined for four weeks witb a fractured ulna (elbow bone), after being tipped eut of the bike in an accident at Flamboro Downsjuly 11. He escaped senouns injury in anotber misbap last montb at Mobawk, wben tbe crossbar of bis bîke collapsed underneath bim. Along witb being among the top win- ners each year, Duellette is aIse one of tbe top money drivers in history, witb a career bankroll of more than $120 mil- lion. "Dillon's the hest gealie iin tbe league. We're lucky te bave him- Tbat was certainly the case Saturdav, with Branco turning back abtut 50 shets and serving as tbe onîx' lîne of defence foi significant stretcbes of the last îwe perieds. Milton's bid te upset its neigb- beuring rivaIs was fînally squasbed two-and-a-balf minutes into sud- den deatb. witb an upstaîrs deposit by Kyle Esser>'. FHe also scored iii the fîrst, alter the IceHaxwks jumiped eut te a 2-0 lead on top cerner sbets by Justin OPMeiera and Justin Basse. That early production was espe- ctally pleasing te McDeugaîl after a string ef fruîtless fîrst perîods. Provîding just as mnucb opttmism was tbe return of veterans Allen Petretie and Dean Kulla, whose long-awaited comeback from a bead înjury sbould add te the clubs grit and boîster its sub-par face-off efficiency Said McDougail, 'Deans still net quste in peak shape yet, but bes dlef- initely going te belp us." Kulla did just that an bis first game back Fnday, recording a pow- erplay marker and adding an assist. Unfortunately bis efforts came in a tee-little-too-late sbowing for the IceHawks, who dadn't get on the board until the final few minutes of play and feil 5-2 te the second-place Burlington Cougars. The visitors mounted a 4-0 lead after a scoreless opening frame, and sealed the deal with an empty net- ter. Tyler Stothers had a goal and an assist and Kevin Caister drew two helpers. The lceHawks visit the mid-pack Brampton Capitals tomorrow and host Georgetown Friday at 7:30 p.m. at Memorial Arena. 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