The Canadian Champion, Friday, October 3, 2008 -B5 ___________Smart Meters Are Coming ta Rural Milton, loose In search of a cougar...a 1'm drawn ta danger like police offi- cers are ta Tin Hortons. Or maybe its duat I'm drawn ta Tim Hartons like police officers are ta danger. One af those. In any event, these stories af a cougar baose near Milton have intrigued me. First, there was the story by Champion reporter Stephanie Hounseil. There was a sighting, but no0 conclusive evidence. 1 believed the story, mostly because 1 wanted ta believe it. A cougar? Cool. Then there was a letter ta the Champion by Ashley Mabee. That was even more convincing. Two possible sightings, one in Campbellville and one in nearby Mofiat. Where theres smake, there are cougars. The two sightings weren't identical. One said the animal was black, the other tan. Tan wauld be the correct colour, but it was night sa a mix-up is surely possible. But, as 1 loaked a littie cdoser, 1 gat a little more suspiciaus. Woodward and Bernstein have nathing an me. Was this some kind af hoax? Were they ail sitting araund the corn roast one mught ater running out ai things ta talk about and came up with this plan to play a joke an everyone? The last name ai the letter wniter gat me thinking. Mabee? Yeah, OK. Ha. You thaught you cauld foal a Woodward and Bernstein clone? Not likely 1 attempted ta look up the name, quite certain 1 wouldn't find it. If her name was Kitty Mabee, I wouldn't have even bathered tryng ta look it up. Well, there was such a name. But, it could have been part ai the hoax. I called the number. Sa much for that idea. Nat only legitimate people, but nice legitimate peaple. The hoax theary went night out the windaw, and I was even mare con- vinced that it wasn't a big dag as was suggested, but a cougar. Ashley - a university student wha doesn't take herseli tao senaously and whase nick- namne i nat Kitty - knaws the diller- ence between a dog and a cat, and even better than that, since her letter was published, other people have came for- ward and told her they toa had seen a cougar. I kept diggmng. Then I found out samething from an ananymous source who shaîl neyer be named. You cauld threaten me with death and I wouldn't tell. Yau could cut off my taes and fin- gers and I wauldn't reveal this source. 0K, if you threatened ta make me go see Mamma Mia! I might tell. Anyway, theres a story alleging that some people had kept three large cougar-like pets, including a black one - a puma - and they were released when the couple separated. It was a rumour, nothing I could confirm. ese. FEAR on page BS On September 29, 2008, Milton Hydro commenced its smart meter rollout to residential customers in rural Milton. It is expected that the rollout wiII be completed on or about November 1, 2008 (see map for approximate timing for your area). Once your smart meter has been installed, customers wiII be provided written notice in advance of moving to Ontario Energy Board (OEB) approved time-of-use pricing. Until such notice, customers wiII remain on OEB approved two-tiered pricing. If you have signed a contract with a retailer, the pricing as per the contract wiII remain in place. Visit for information on smart meters, conservation programs and more! -1 p i <~ , - 11fr!' IMWUW» I'jI j I f3SU~ftOAD~ b3 I1.L,~ i Iu~~ If'!' i,,II ~. ~ S.B~ E ainS Ie n -v." I g gL~3~ ~ m~ism j K Il I 4 T~L~A~~44 g! [e14UINtUaAI~ z MILTON HYDRO DISTRIBUTION INC. 55 Thompson Road South, Milton, Ontario L9T 6P7 Telephone (905) 876-4611 Fax (905) 876-2044 Dmy .-- 2 I SEPTEMBER 29 - OCTOBER 10 2OCTOBER 6 - OCTOBER 17 3 OCTOBER 13 - OCTOBER 24 4OCTOBER 20 - OCTOBER 24 5OCTOBER 20 - OCTOBER 31 6 OCTOBER 27 - OCTOBER 31 6