B2 - The Canadian Champton, Frday, October 3, 2008 11Cotl om.jjpcionVolunteers sought Mtltonians can help înakc thetotwn a little greener this weekend. Tornorrow the Twn is kickîng off the Urban Forest Education Project with a ni-ecplanting event ai 9 arni 'tt Sprutedale Park, and lotal rcsidenLs arc învited to parttti pate. i the ftrst phase of the projectt areas in and 'iround c m eSprutedale Park - at 10)50 Spiuttdalc Lane -w ilht plant- c in e cd wth trees and shruhs henelîttal to wildlifc. entertainmn The Credît River Anglers Asociation is d oaa î1, ilvtr mnaple, castern white ptne, white spri c and red oak trtcs Terra Grttnltouses is tontnhbuttng shade trees. . . Evergreen ie assisting in fundraising efforts ta tover the cost of an educational sign, while Conservation Halton is supplying planting mnaterials, funding and logistical support. Shwie VoidFrto , 103Ir hrdy1/ The hesi wvay ta desenhe aour daN, (Wcditesdas ) s\vas hiilîs hilis aind more hîlîs. It sceîncd as îhoughi we werc running up and down hills al day. WOe arceceliîîîteîy developing soiTe tighit hutss for L-averne and Shirley ta look as in the RV!! Put youî sunglasses on hoys!! At lunch today jilI spoke ahout her mains catncer jilIl lst lier in ta hrcast cancer. Near the eînd of her moins cancer, jilI inovcd haime ta take tare of her(Our conversation made toc shînk a lot ahout when I was caring faoriny moni. I wauld research oin the internet and ton- stantîs ask questions looktng for a cutre that wattld save mvy moto. As a lîtîle girl, I drcained ahout get ing inarried. and has'îng tlîilreit I lookcd foiward to sharing these ninmrtes wtth my in. When ms' main hecaîne sîck, I felt that tîînc was running oui and 1 felt gutts for not getting marricd and giving lier grand- chltdien helore she lelt thîs earth. The guilt that 1Ieldlhas, taused nme ta close the hook ta these parts of mv fle. Mayhe one day I will change my mind, hut only tinte will tell. Mayhe my lîfe was nos mneans for children or a marriage. Il not, 1 wîll not live wîsh the regret hut rather live a lîfe that would mnake my maoin happy Todays soîîg is In Thtis Lîfe hy Delta Goodrein: I wa-s oui turcd, I wos shelîered I 14CLS c(ii ol4tnoti nftfg I tva',seor littgfor thoi otîhing Tninmg Io ftid i on the rtîn oh uand jisî a hen I siopped loohing I ta Jisi bot fat Id t oftiC in tihis ic bn tIJis fie You givr e clove Yoti gise nIe ltghi Show nie ci cri îlngihot's heen hap- penîaig . Ive opeuîcd tmP ni Nenes. Iove. the Sophies Run Tcami %4ATING BlLts) S A high-efficiency heating Ask about a system frorn Lennox' $1200 Lkited can put more money in fTime Rebotel ou the ENERGY SUPER your waiiet and keep SAVER SYSTEM! you cozy ail winter long. Fali Saving Event Recelve up to a $1,000REIBATE $ 2.5oFF when you purchase a a Duct CIeaning** qualifying high-efficiency home comfort system: STERRY ROWLEY mechanical mc-. 925 Main Street East, Unit 3, Milton, ON L9T 4H8 905-878-1979 www.tr-mech.ca 24-Hour Service Availcible. 11HI42 PREM*fIER DE.- ' liEk117L- Otter expires 11/1412008. 0 2008 Leneot Industries Incterrrot dealers incfude rrdeperdenffy ooeed and operafed businesses. 'See your parfropafreg Lernot dealer for etais.Oee off,, avalable per fualirfirn purohase, tebafe off es vafrd onfy with the purchase of qulfyrni fernot' poduts, -Servrce otfer appires feew cusiooers only '$1,200 tnergy Super Saver Sysem rebat, s vaird only otf purhtse of the ruaifyi Lerot sysem and talable througfr Octer 1Zi 2008 ~LN1J 1