AS-The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, September 17, 2008 ýKARfN'S 4LJ n " " COMMUNTITY (905) 878-2881 wwkaunso W.o ?<e~b~e&7em* '4' ea#,m 4t'e The 28th annual Terry Fox Run drew hundreds of Miltonians ta E.C. Drury High School Sunday morning. Clockwise from above, 76-year-old Glenna Dempster - a cancer survivor and a run participant for the past 23 years - gets a big hug from granddaughter Kenidi Gent, 12 (left), and daughter Detta Dempnter at the completion of the event, in which they ail cycled. Nine-year-old volunteer Abbey Smith hands out water ta participants. Glenn Demptter enjoys herself during the event. Firefightert Ryan Tyrer (left) and Colin Widdis show the effects of the heat and humidiy an they do the run in firefighter bunker gear - part of a group of about a dozen firefighters who took part. Members of the Winterhawks additional entry atom hockey team participant ax a group. Keegan Bean, 5, races hin broth- er Tyler Smith, 15. See a nlideshow ax for more photon of the dayx event. GRAHAM PAINE/ IcANADIAN CHAMPION ~'VCGEQ ogeco Cable Channel 14 Programming Schedule - Wednesday, September17 - Tuesday, Septernberl16, 2008 W CoaO eeiinGE0pnTCgc 0 pnTCgc 0Cpn Vooo 60Oi TCgc :0pnTCnon 00 i Vooc :0pnTCgc Truly Lcleeeon News News News News News News News I6:30 pin Hauntod Halton 6:30 pin Sportszona 6:30 pin MotorCyClO Lits 6:30 Pin Seniors 6:30 pin Seniors 0:30 pin Soniors 6:30 pin OptIlIit TV I 7:0 par WIth Gond Lino (ropiay> 70 a nToReod70 hoatrson 7:00pn arson 7:0 pi Tarson NORTH HALTON STUDIO Tse 7:30 par Yoor Lîîo :0 mO TeReod 7:0p Shoaen 790p Shoaen 700 ShoaGen Sino (Lino) --11 T-t - r i ii..ii. Show, Show Show 1:30 pin Your Lilostylo Laurier Plaza 500 Laurier Avenue Mifton, ON L9T 4R3 905-878-9306 0:00 Pin MotrCy Life ts (linpAuo>Epet 0:30 Pmn Os Tho Record 0:00 pin Living Hsaiihy 9:00 Pin Seniors 11:00 pin TVCogsco Shoarcaso News :00 pin That Orson 11:30 pin Yoor LIlontyls 8:00 par Halon Rogios 7:30 Pin Your Litontylo 7:30 Pin Cooncil (cc> 8:00 par Haustsd Halon 0:00 Pmn 11:00pin TVCogsicn 6:30 pin With Gond 0:30 Pin Nows Taste 0:00 pin MotorCycis Lits 0:00 Pin 11:30 pin Your Listylo 0:30 pw Os The Recnrd 9:30 pin Ynur Llostyle Haastsd Halton With Gond Tests MotorCycis Lits On The Record 7:30 Pin Your Lîfostylo 0:00 pin Haiton Rogion 0:00 pin SporOOZONE COuncii (cc) Ilis 11:00 pin TVCogoco 9:00 pin Haunted HaIton Noms T:3aPWth o d 11:30 Pmr Yoor Liiontylo