Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 2008, p. 6

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A6 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, September 17, 2008 OPINION Loss to be feit Milton bas lest a valued member of the community with James Snow's passing. The former Ontario cab- inet minister's contribu- tions to Halton go far beyond the 18 years he spent in governmeflt as an MPP He was also a faniner, entrepreneur, and perhaps most importantly, a strong community supporter. James and bis wile, Barbara, helped couotless causes over the years and even made history with Milton District Hospital's largest lever personal dona- tion - $500,000 to the hospital's CT Scanner Campaign. But the couple went even further than that when they donated their farm, worth $2.5 million, to the Salvation Army As so many Miltonians know, that larin had been the venue for oumerous funictions both polîtical and charitable over the years. "I was bom and raised in this commumty and 1 see the needs the commu- niy lias and 1 like in some way to belp out in meeting tbose needs," Mr. Snow said in a 2007 interview witb the Champion. Known for bis faimness and bonesty, Mr. Snow earned people's respect. One example of that respect was clear in tbe re- naming of Fourtb Line to James Snow Parkway IÊs fitting that tbîs road is one of the town's busiest and Most important routes of travel. Let's reflect on ail of Mr. Snow's contributions every time we use this road:* There's enough to remiema- ber for a lifetime of trips. Readers Write E mail your letters te eclite a@miltonoenadiachapion om Please pitch in during United Way's 2008 fundraising drive DEAR EDITOR: Having attended tbe recent kick-off of the United Way of Miltons annual cam- paign, l'm wnitîng as a volunteer for one of the many orgamizations supported hy the United Way te, remind Milton residents about the value of making a donation. As a new resident of Milton, and a sup- porter of the United Way, 1 urge others wbo bave recently moved te this commu- nity te consider how local agencies sup- port their neighbourboods. Tbe United Way of Milton funds more than 20 organizations, providmng critical services te seniors, young people, persons witb disabilities and citizens in criais. Tbese services improve tbe quality of life for residents, as well as contribute te Multons bivabibity As Milton continues to grow the pres- sures on its social infrastructure will increase. Giving to the United Way is an effective way to let your town know that baving strong, sustainable community services matter. Milton residents should know that if they participate in a United Way work- place campaign outside of Milton, tbey cao still direct their donation te programns and services in tbe community wbere tbey live. It's as simple as checking a box on your donation form. Best of luck te tbe United Way of Milton on its 2008 campaign. CHRIS MCLEAN, PRESIDENT (BOARD 0F DIRECTORS) HALTON FAMILY SERVICES Criticism of Green Shift plan was unwarranted DEAR EDITOR: In a recent letter, Jon J. Komow criti- cized the Liberals Green Shift plan as an old pollution control credits sebeme. In my opinion, bis arguments are mis- leadîing. The plan is a broadly-based tax on emitters of carbon dioxîde - the main greenhouse gas responsible for climate change. Theres ne way for compactes te buy their way out of it through credits. While smog is a senious air quality issue, it isn't the focus of the plan, although it will he lessenied as a by-product of lower ernissions. The plan doesn't cal1 for hureaucracy te generate wealth, but rather it will allow businesses te choose the hest methods te reduce emissions through market forces. As a result, this green tecbnology would alhow us te compete in a growing intemna- tional low carbon marketplace. Furthermore, many economists advo- cate a revenue-neutral carbon tax as a nec- essary step te Iowering global emissions. and its being successfully adopted by many countnes. Most importantly though, it will help us reduce the serious impacts of climate change and ensure a greener and necher Canada for future generations. RICHARD SCHERTZER ELLIOTT CRESCENT Thanks to evei who made cà barbecue a su DEAR EDITOR: Mission accomplishedl. The second annual back-to-s barbecue, bosted by the Healtb Ct on September 6, received a selff-dis This day was a succesa onl Miltonians, plain and simple. Whe business owners, voumeers ort who enjoyed the event, ail contrib ceas. And Uic success was two-fold. Uic day we coilected more Uian $2 again raised some much-needed the Rick JeffTey Kids Foundation. Last year, Uic exposure helpe tienfs objective of educating t about Uic need for local clildrer participate in organized sports ' financial barriers. As a result,i sponsored a record number of kid we hope Uiat Uiis coming year th. many more. if Uierc's anone who wishes te maion about the day or the founc go te our website, wwwbealUicer or cail my office at (905) 878-813 AUl in ail, everyone enjoyed a wiUi demonstrations, games, face and fun. Milton continues ter astound in generosity, and I extend my bearr DR. HEALTH CENTF 4'4i lEb C anabiani cbEampion MIton's Comrrncn:ty Newpaper Srce 1860 555 Inidustriai Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5E1 905-878-2341 Editonial Fax: 905-678-4943 Advertismng Fax: 905-876-2364 Classified:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.mültoncanadhanchampion.com 14 V.P. - Group Publisher Neýl Oliver General Manager David Harvey Editor in Chief Jil Davis Managing Editor Karen Mîceli Advertising Director Debbi Koppejani Production Manager IDm Coles Circulation Manager Chatiene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pare Thec Canadian Champion, published every Wedneiday and Fîiday, is a divsion of Metroland Media Group l.td. - President lan Oliver Adtertin ts accepted on the condition tha, tn the tsn pce occupitd by she ettoteo iteem, togiher wth abit allowatte for signature, wcil Cet e charger] one a.eoau e balance of the adveCteent will be pai for ryo aie the applicable rate. Tht pubtoshet tesetces the right to ariýfCCAB Audited ccess Rat ognizeil fat excellence 1)y 8ocn Ontario Coin ue:Cf 2.C a Nescpapter ssociahion ehool chanity NesaesAsoito ntre of Milton Suburbha n N wspapers îgnosed A+. tfAmsececa .y because of ther it was the he individuals The Canadian Champion is a proud irrdia sponsor for: By the end of ,000, and once awareness for il dic founda- te commutiity tot be able te vithout having die founidation s it sports, and ere wiil be that get more infor- lation, they can itreofmnilton.ca, .1. day in tbe suri, painting, food e as it shows ils felt tbanks. DAN CHAJKA tE 0F MILTON cigle Bel Fond CANADA DAY UNITEDWAY m VUTO OF MILTON T CTO MILTON SANTA CLAUS PARADE YYMCA Showca M llt

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