Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 2008, p. 3

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F--West Nule virus stili threat The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, September 17, 2008 - A3 diHýI Iu hîîd infecied witb Vsest Nile virus (WNV) of 2008. The Canadian Co-operatuve \ildife Health Centre in Guelph bas confirmed that a dead crow - picked up by tbe Haltun Region Healih Department September 8 b as icsted positive for WNV Lt was found in thc Ontario Street and Steeles Avenue area. The binding cornes un the beels of twu Burlingtun birds and two Oakville batches of mosquitues tesning pusitive. Su far thîs year, 13 birds across the regiun -eîghî iii Oakville, four in Burlington and une in Milton - have heen found tu have the disease. Four WNV-pusîîîve batches uf mosquitues have been conbirmed, ail in Oakville. Thuse numbers mark an increase over ibis time last year, alibough tu date there have been nu reports of humans being infected in Halton. less active ai icio-peraties below 15 degrees C., but ai tbis tume of year ibere are stili pleniy of nighîs wiîh temperatures above 15," suid Di. Munir Taha, associate meclical ufficer of bealîb for lalton Region. "Until we bave bad a [ew beavy frosîs, 1 wuuld encourage everyune tu continue to preveni musquitues t rom biîîng." in order to do su, tbe Region's bealîb deparimeni reminds residenis tu practice tbe following precautiunary meas- ures ibis fal * Cuver up. Wear ligbt- coloured, long-sleeved shirts and panes wiib îigbîly-woven fabr. - Use an approved inseci repelient, sucb as une contaîn- ing DEET. 0 Limit your trne ouduurs frum dusk tu dawn. This is when musquitues - wbicb can carry and transmit WNV after bîrds -are mosi active and lîkely tu bite. - Keep musquitues oui of your home wiîb well main- îaîned wmndow and doue screen- ing. - Reduce mosquito breedîng sites around your hume by gel- îing rid of ail water-filled con- tainers and ubjecîs. Change the watcr in bird batbs ai leasi once a week. Maps showing the location of WVNV positive birds, as weIl as standing water sites that bave bad larvicide applîrd, are avail- able on the bealtb depariments website at www.hbalton.ca/wnv<file://hal- ion.ca,/wnv>. Tu report a dead bird or standing water, or for more information about WNV, cail Halton Region ai (905) 825- 6000, TTY (905) 827-9833 or e- mail wnv@halton.ca. Hit-and-run death trial delayed The trial of a man cbarged 1n tbe hiî-and-mun Aichin bas heen cbarged witb dangerous driv- deatb of a Milton bîgb scboul student bas been ing causing deaîh and failing to stop ai tbe scene delayed. of an accident following the deatb of 18-year old Stephen Aichin, 34, ut Haltun His was scbed- -Lauren Cooper, a student ai Milton District Hîgb uled lu appear ai Superior Court of justice in Scbool. Milton sîarting Munday for a îwo-week tral. Couper was rollerblading the nîgbî uf July 13, But bis lawyer, Paul Stunt, was injured and the 2006 on Second Line, jusi nortb of No. 15 case was put over to a date thats still undeter- Sîderoad, when she was struck and killed by a mined, vehicle. *Opimum Canada*-USED VEHICLES -24 Hour Roadside Assistance 1

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