28 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday September 17, 2008 BirthS Stag & DRor Obitua ry STAG & DOE ~ Jayne Currie î & Matthew Downs we -mml 1,ý Kubinar - Joe & Christina (Kitchen) and big broiber John are tbriiiad f0, announce the sale arrisai of William Frank on September gfb, 2008, meigbing 9ibs sou ai Milton District Hospital. Proud Mima & Papa (Robo & Phyllis), Auntie Janny & Melanie, Uncia Durry & Cousin Alesia. William is meicomed by msny Aunts, Uncias and Coustns. Tbask y ou f0 Dr. Zevafios and the excellent OBS staff. HyBirthday Grandad Lots osf Love Fran Lennon, Cameton, Callun, Grace & Lian xxxxx We're Having a Surprise Party For Wane Wilson ts 65th Birthday Bemng held at: 366 Woodward Ave., Milton, Ont. The Family would like you to join themn to celebrate Wane'S Birthday on Sept. 20, 2008 2:00 - 6:00pm. Phrasa join us for an Open Houe Crlrbrating Faith "Bonnie" McLeod On her 85th Birchday IRoyl CndLeg [ Bc. h ,Char tet Milo h1 3 sBetWib ny PleJ Milton Sports Centre Sat. Sept. 20 8pm -lamt $10. at the door Obbtaries B ARTHUR, Joanne Passed amay pescefully, in bar 66f h yesr ut Credit Valley Hospital os September 12, 2008 atter a courageous bate mitb cancer. Losing mite osf Lorne Arthur - blanned mif h 46 peurs of marriage. Sadly missed by son Wayne, and daugbfer Lynn. Adored and greafly loved by grand- children Ern, Abby, Lindsay and Trevor, they mare hlessed mitb the love of a oery special Grandma. A loving nistar f0 Janice (Ken) Sper, Jin (Judy) Fins, Ron (Susan) Fins, Doug (Wiliie) Peddie, Jim (Audrey) Peddie,' She miii be especiaiiy missed by ber best friand Carol Hilson. Tbask you f0 the specisi people in Joannes lite that held han band, friens became tamiiy. The taniiy received visitors at J. Scott Eariy Fuserai Home, 21 James St., Milton (905) 878-2669 on Mosday fron 7-9 pm and Tuesday front 2-4 pn and 7-9 pm. A fuserai service miii be held in the fuserai home chapel on Wed. Sepf. l7th at lpn. la lieu of flomars Donations fo the Credif Valley Hospital or The Canadian Cancer Society mouid be appreciafed. Thank yo5 f0 the ioving and conpassiosafa nurses at Credif Valley Hospital. J. Sc,2QTLâ SMITH, Christopher Leonard Passed amay peaoefuiy, at home mih his tamify by his sida, alter a long courageous baille mith cancer os Sus- day, Septambanl14, 2008 ait 36 pears 0f a98. Loving husband of Brandie (nee Robants). Baioved father osf Jacob and Shapse. Sos of Duncan and Sharon Smitb. Son-is-iam fo Geoff and Brendla Robants. Survivad by sisters Sandi (Jeff) Besedicf, Tracey (Dava), brother-mn-tam fo Alyssa, T) and Matf. Chrin miii ha sadfy missed by 6 nieces and 1 nephem. Friands caiied at the Road- house & Rose Fusierai Home, 157 Main St. S., Newmakef os Tuenday, Septembar 16 front 7:00 f0 9:00 p'.M. for visitation. FuseraI service miii taka place in the chapel on Wedsesday, Saptember 17 ait 2 p.m., toliomed by internent at Newmaket Cemefery. If desired, donations msy ha made to tbe Southiake Regionai Heath Centre Foundafios - Nem Cancer Centre. On-lina condoiences nay ha made at mm.roadhouseandrose.com SNOW, James W. (Jim) - 1929 - 2008. Died peacefully on Saturday, Septamber 13, 2008 at the Milton District Hospital in his 801h year. Survived by his beloved wife Barbara (nee Hughes), his four Ioving children, James oef Hornby, Julie <Kelly) osf St. Catharines, Jeffrey (Susas) of Streetaville and Jensifer <Ralph) of Georgetown." Proud Grasdpa of Tara, Tabitha, Amy and Ryan Snow, Travis and Matthew Osborne. Aiso survived by his brother Delberf, niece Gwen and nephew Bill. Fr8- deceased by his parents, Wilfred O. and Margaret F (Devlin) Snow, and hie oldest brother, Flight Sgt. Wiltiam Oliver Snow. Killed in Action, September îffth, 1942 while serving on a Lancaster Bomber wifh fhe RCAF in the Baffle of Britain on a bombing mission over Essen, Germany. Born on the fanily farm in Esquesing Township on July i 2th, 1928, ha lived a full lite in hie baloved Region of Halfon, where he aftended Quatre Bras and Bruce Street Public School and. Milton District High School. Prom his tarm background, he sfarfed working as a carpenter la Daleville in 1947, starting his own construction company, Snow Construction Limifed, in 1948. AtftiraI the company built many houses in Oakville, then branching ouf f0 building msny schools, churches, factories, commercial buildings and apartments in the ares. Jim joined the Oakville Lions Club in 1950, being the poungeat club mamber ai fhaf tima. Ha han been an active member for over 58 pears, serviag an Presidant in 1957/58, Disfrict Governor sn 1966/67 and mas honourad mit h a Lite Mambership in 1979. On Septamber 1 3fh, 1952 ha narried bis looing mite, Barbara Hughes and fhey mera blessed mifh four mondarful children, James Douglas, Julie Barbara, Jeffrey Omen and Jennifer Nancy. Prom 1969 to 1986 ha omned and operafed Tube-Fao Ltd, an aircraft parts manufacfurer locafed in Sfreefsoille. A retired Member of the Onfario Laginlafure, being firuf elected la 1967, mhere ha served for 18 years as the Progressive Conservative MPP for the Halton East and Qakoille Ridings, baing ra-alacted 4 tines. During Ihosa terns ha mas Minister of Goveamment Services for 4 peurs and Minister osf Transpor- tafion and Communications for 10 yesrs, retiring and sot seeking ra-election la 1985. Ha then mus appoinfed by the FaderaI Goserameat and narved for 5 ynars an the firat Chairman of the Civil Aviation Tribunal in Ottama. Havios retired five fines, ha found retiremant not of bis likisg. Afttr neyeraI pears of moodmorkiag and cresfing monderful projects and doing volunteer mork mith neyeraI orgasiza- fions, ha neaded a nam challenge. In 2000, Jimas fsmily, became sole omner of Horaiby Glan Golf Course. On Augua t l6th 2005 the course mats sol d and Jim retired again. After fhe sale of the Goff Course, Jin and Barbara donated the Pinelasd Hornby propery their home for 46 pears fa the Salvation Army, and movad f0 their aem home os the Niagara Escarpnenf. la his lifetime ha achieved the greatent mealfh a parson an posseas; a nana mhich sfood for fruth, fairnss and honeaf business practices; the fulfilîmant mhich came fron pears of commitment f0 his principies and his conmunity; the boundless deiight of his tour chiidren, ais grandchiidren and the profound love of his mite the affecfion and respect of counflasa friands and associates;, Duriag his construction years, many buildings mare buiit mith no formai contraci, oaiy a hand shake. During his peans as a Minister of the Croma, ha mas knowa by huaidreds of members of municipal delegations as ai- mays qiving an ansmer and rmason to their requests. A pilot aad aircraft omner for over 40 years, ha mas an active membar, Director, Treasurer and President osf the Canadien Omners & Pilots Association and COPA Fiight 28 lac. ait Burlington Air Park. Whea ha turned 70 la 1999 ha sold his beioved Ceauna 210 and gava up tlying. Famiiy and friands are iavited f0 visit af the McKERSIE-KOCHER FUNERAL HOME 114 Main Sf. Milon 905-878-4452 from 2-4 pmn and 7-9 pm on Wednesdlay. The fuserai service miii ha heid in the fuserai home chapel os Thursday, September 18, 2008 at 10:00 an. A private burial miii ba in the tamily plot at Milton Evengreas Ceneery. fa lieu of f 10mars, donafions may be made ta the Lions Foundaffon osf Canada, Canine Vision Leader Dog School, Oakviile, ON ortof the Boston Preshyterian Church, Mamorial Fund, in bis mamory. Leffers of coadoleaca may ba att for the family ai mmw.mckersie-kocher.ca For me. evers dos je a neiv advenfure. New places t0 see! Newofriende ta sneet' Necvfurniture Io climh up on'! Monm and dad somcelmes ioonoer aloud i' 1 doant have more vote andl braises. But!1 tlsinl, iheY bnoiwwhs Thank pou for watching over me. Thank pou for lovig me. Baby Max (Maxim PhiIip Marino) I In Iaving memory of Marion Chester September 13, 1988 It's bard tu bel jase chat 20 years have gone by so qaicbly. Seems libe aely yesterday (aod decided tucake oafrom us atauch an eatly age. Yas nevor got t0 se yout g'aedchildren, but Wr bnoa' ou arr lookieg clomn opon tbem from brases. Ycoutr ahws in Our hearts and tbougbts andl mill betsadl missed as everyday passes b. ln our heaartsoarever o Lave Buaal Sherra Rene, Brandan ,,nd Kaylee In loving memory of ns nom, Helen Marjorie Marino who passeal one vear ugo We ai miss vou versy much; always love andl remember vout. Your loving son, Kevin, lennifer, Aohlee, andl Quinn * Sat Sept Sa ep20 tRate or Shine *Patio tablesichr surrousd ssurd stores systomi chaic sas, 20" VCR cornus TV. aroa a7.24 rugs & mach rore r n eonam Noemerds can expressctbemaywe feal aed hwtbanbful me are te have had sech a l agoe f friands, famil, ce meahers an et oures to elp us througbtbis mast cifojult tima n Our lises. It cobes Sp 'a Nu oe te hablhe ta nerse a sich pa- tiret, .ot ase ha able ca draI mtth ail the faceily emasiees as mail, yca mera coprh oece agair heyaed wetdt. Tboebe aise goes out ta Dr. Hanter and staff & Dr. Woeg fartchar care of Stases. Ras. Johe me can't thanh pou eneegh fer makieg Sssserct reareey su peacafel fer bim, yo gave bcm sach cemfert. Peter aed 1 mont te rbane ryoe mbe tae so isir atsd suppott as, me wl ee fer0 T yeea acrs of bondnest, vss as home an in the bespctai. Keryll peur scnging ar the service mas heautifol. Fcena & Shona yob avreaen amenderol support teme. There are many nere peopla t cold mes- tien tee, nany ru came ail of yea. Wr mae hlrtîrd ro basa yeu thare the passing of Ster ae wctb s Peter à&Jyce Andersan lI memory of Helen Marino, who paocea way one sear ago todav and as dearly' mised bysc many. A sear ao0 today they said ifs a shame thàt 1 woalal neyer get ta meet s oit. Tlcat soit had o cest for iife and losea hile hohis. LEpevialîs yoar graadvhsldren. But 1do see.sou cohen vou coame hs to viait me? Anal 1oaw you ot the big pares in June. 1 alwa vo epeab ta socs anal voit in tcan let me locow thrait 1 am lored