Entr Lee -DsI- Supor Agent feu ot thein local impert stores. W> cunrntîti have openingu for drives, enthusiastsc people Plhat cant more outfle. Previous automotive sales esperiesce is sot neceoay as cumpre- henuise training ell tie prosideit. We offen a fastastic commission plan, full tiesefits and *EscalIers coordsnating andt srgsnizstioeal skills. *Escellent interpersonial, and verhal, wnoese, and elecfronic communication skills. *Knoctadlge ut commuiifo resources. *Basic computer fitersc in Word, IEcel, PocerPoint, and Outloek. Pfean quat poaifsg # JEU-fl Oudfedîrndidul ea pl nwtn to: Huan Reacarcea Acciaîm Neaitt & Ceesntf Care SaeMce 2370 Speera Read, Oakolle, Onl"-l LOL 5M4 Fax: (9Z)827-5476 e-mail: hams uraaca@ccamheantsc Phease noe - ohiyiose applb selected foeitervcc M b> covtadted. 1 Aoetaim Heaffh as an Ifl oprvl bolr rARAIWD sons HEALu s re Full-time Shiffs start U 12 non or fates. Must comrrirrr>re, .. - he availahle to cork unsil 2am. Mot have tales people earned up f0i $75000.00 faut reliable tnunspentatios. Must he avaitabte toi yean. Osr company is grocîng fast ... come cors Satarday and Sonday> $f2 per hour, rocW cith uf! For a confidential intervie monthly incentives and shift pnemiums. Tco -las -mi a - urn - - - - ceeks paid training. Level 1 Help Desk -el imot-ulnlncyhoc suppert for Cable TV & High Speed Internet. -n Sae Manager Respeosible tas the delivcry of front-fine cootomer service and techoical support via telephone.RE L ST E Please fotwainl your reaamre t0:M A GE Bellnda.maltlna@ depmadeblehometech.com 7Large multi-ottice Bunlington /Hamiltvn W> aresa rapidffi espandîng financial services BR NC MA A E film locatcd in Burlington. Wie requin> individuals in sur Copessation încludeo geoerous ualary FINANCIAL ADMINISTRATION 'm and Drvlit articination. departmest. Candidates require pest- -es - - - --sm Bx 1 seconduny education and hase an aptitude for Th Ha ilo S - -to mathemnatics. Accounhvng esperience, Ha ilo , ON L8 fG r -al computer skiffs reqoired. - - - - - - - -gmil.om Emaîlio axa resmré ta ----- hamanreao>Ircea@ce I.ca ~ n ~ IsI Sevc ESTABLISHEO Miasaua aad CONSTRUCTION RETAIL tissagabsd hs a patlmc loti X~5 Tcleceemunications ahare open nq tar an >N eÇrê> SALES Company requires a enthusiastsc indevidau-ai os Sericeuordiatr. lchu ensisys cor Fast paced etiPotonrequires Poltfe Must be onganizeit, îng in a small office Phs adCutmr Servrce, Admin. duties, mutii-task otiested, envirosment. Must flral preparalon Floral capenience an asset. pleasant teleptose tic pot ciest on Plea.e drap oft resamne or emaîl toi: mannes. OuickBooks ac- karenaflawerahop@bellnetca Plae 1mi counting procedures leaue enta mnclui g prepara- feue o ion of monthfff in- Walking on a Cloud carsrs conte staîemcnts Lealng comrifort *tlellnk.com and hase soundt < - footwear retaiter corkîng ksocledge ot MS Offic Suite. Nue Hiring Pull ad Pat-ime Sales Staff tar Emnaîl reaarne ta: sur Miffonï store. Assl. -.Mgr, needcd for offareeta-get Georgetocn. Expriece al asetEmal t Fax: 9"545-9571 636-093 IYour Community Newspaper iprint I om p l SITEm and exp erience evory phrase of the CHIROPRACTIC ASSISTANT position. The Required ful-lime for friendly, practice culture is one that tosters LUBETECHNICIAN modern dental office in Georgetown. professionalism, respect and kindness toward Required immediately. Dental eapenience necesuay our patients. Approa 24 hoors per ceek, Please email resume toi: Tuesdays off. 7 arn start. Mihlon. Sorne Contac David Holden, Manager triendlI nta'oOyh ocm computer nequired. 90 rConcept Fond, Georgetocn Send reaarme to9563a 61o Phone: 905-873-1626 Itfec2M@8hotmat.conr Fax: 905-73-3309MIT NRH BC NC General Accoantant required tar Brampton *CLINIC ADMINIRECEPTIONS Construction Companty. Government remit KINESIOLOGISI * PHYSIOTERAPIST tances, monthly hliling, payroîl, hank recon- Reg. MASSAGE T1ERAPIST ciliationo, infercompany transactiuns. Coud I P ViNATUROPATM CHIROPRACTOR ciritten and verbial communication skIs. 1 ~ 7 a SS G s e W E-'ilRsue irhat@ms-' Must hase s minimum tise years experience. BOU IE Knswledge ut GA.AP Foceard resume] teresa@dunfis.com or tax 905-793-3537. PARTTIME SALES ASSOCIATE v Data Entry Operator - or Cal 416-571-7592 it (>ssettttttsiiffies.7m l it ýîs11ars Locate ir Hairon Hils ON AGSI is an infrton and nuc rechnoioqy sonnany W> are seeirv a quaified Data Eni mv_ HAMILTON VOLVO Operatr ols Highis organized and iras MO Otfice ' SALES PERSON H at napenience, GIS expeinemar asser. Enins-tevel, 3 monn 'Ç7 REQUIRED -- contracr wîtt good possiiiiy for exlersion Candidare anil rise mapping sotweare o en»> and edit data Fili rrainingf Hamilton Voles is looking for Sales Consul- Supervisor, Nursing Services provided. 87 pe hr tants su fiti vacancies in sur dynamic Sales Pissen Sf5 L Depantmrent. Hamilton Vol vo if the exclusive Acclaîm Heafth's commitment as a Carîng FarIner Pis ~ ~ ~ Vov DedrsrLo * i ---ealership servicing the Hiamilton reaches far heyond providsng a serice - comforting, REC PTINIT/C ERIAL area. 90e otter a stalle ut the art facility, com- compussionate cure is woven mbt everyhrng ce do. RECE TIONST/CLERCAL petitive remuneratrons, and an eetensive nec We eIr together eith indisiduals unit communhtet i Fuil-Time, for estahlished Milton concrete and uedi car rnvenfory. Or evperienced man- providing innovative and unique health car> solutiont torming contractor servîcîng the Golden agement team if drives f0 ensure total suc- in the Hallon region. Currently ee require a Horseshoe urea, Should hase excellent ceso. The ideal candidate dîtl he a sales pro- Supervisor, Nursing Services report îsg f0 the organîzatîsoul, inteossersonul and verbal festional in nelated and non refated fields. W> Manager, Health Services. This 10 a .8 FTE position communication skillu. Cvmpruter literate, wilas onorder driver, seff-motîvated busi- eaquai to eorking 30 hours per eeek. comfortatile with MS Office applications, nsn esecutrues searchîng tora n lw challenge PRM Y Self motîvated with uhility 10 multi-task and in a Premier Automofive Sales Envirorment. PIAYFUNCTIONS: respond ro chaînging srrorities. Should have 50K-f 10OK earoing petential. Responsitile for the supervision of nursing and abifityti o work undfer minimal supevIsion.. corporate hetlth services wittin a qualiffi Benefits package. SalarV commensurafe with -las - pl -yEal frameeork adhering fo applicaife legistation exPerience. Mris@aitnov.eorstandard> and legislationt. Sn -eum In cofdneti*enwyC aitnov. Areas of reaponsi1bifity include Vitning Nursing, Sen i Res e r ondeoa Specialty Nursing, and Foot Care Teamo. HALTON FORMING (1992) LTD.D U LOV IMOR CAS POSITON REGUIREMENTS: 593 Main Street East, Miltin, ON, L9T 3J2 HAV *EA AE Baccalaureate Degree, Nursing or eqoîvalent. Fax: 905469348091 EXEINEOH*TA AS Registered Nurse with a cunrent Ceticate of E-mail: nanderaannthaltanformng.cam OR eNAP IHYU Corv tence f rom the College of Nurses Whrle ce thavk ail apîrcants, oly those selecte C-RN 0A LN f Ontanro. for interviecs cr11 b cootacteH. -On> 0of Burin-gton's husieat dealer groupu is of- Prevous toperior exarietrce eIuh an astet. tarins a limitati number of sales psitdions for *Demoestrated knocledge and expertise in COMPANY NAME & LOGO Company PROFILE (INCLUDING: Company Product/ServicesYears in the Communiy, Company Benefis etc.) Your Company Profile Ilere! --nIÉOUU. Your Company da w p plyee? 11 Qâ F led MiItancanadiancham p ion.com vellrnaeeîo E Vtena9aoip sgt-IM ssesEkeINdu * For Hulas uanit Peel areaa. Ex Sperience prefenrei. * Apply on-lino at: * i E www.homecarjob a.ca l F as esumneto:905-702-7622 * E-mail: ImIs@paramled.cors Or I m al resum el EXPERIENCED Dental Hotel Restaurant HtlRsarn REGISTERED Asitant NURSE UR'olt"AKTFEH (R.. oý) Streetavle 1Guephaos on Grocer ilsSeeking a Requirei n hus Misueuauga sres Cullary Lade that cas direct and support Oakesîle tamily prnc- pîsax th tayoeaioso b n dynamic lice 30-35 hire/k reaum foi BakerV and K tchcn, Hardu on position. Pie eaal 95.6-7427 Baking esperience a necesuifi. Passion tan reaumne ta aIl. peuple and grest food a must, Competitise resumes.tmc@ Halrjean*fro Saary. cogeco.net. 1 L olmaîlicoe Fax resume 515423-5767 Boas Western Milton Inn à% 166lChia homrMiltonI Fsitming o pneus joh wa F/T & P/T se easy. Just opres 4ùmbQf INight Audtors I pm7am) classifiedt section ls ai t took Front Desk (3pmliprn) ctassified@a Piese tas resrs ta: 905-878-9701 or msltoncusudsuschampion.co a matIl ccooke>on@beatwesternnsîîtoa com Oprtndis entrent is lookîng f ormotîvated Iand enhusatc Chuldcure conkers fo taPIT and S 7upply Poserions in Haffon. ta: 906-752-8121 resarmeso aantienthr.com the PeadiInei Tuesday ea 10 aum for Wedmesday 1 Friday -Your Tot~ Recruigmeni 'j341 Your ad will be placed in sur speciaW Oppouiunitis Here! sectin wlith editorial content I asssi ICOMPANY ADDRESSI people wlîth 'ip and articles on how to IPHONE NUMBERI tii E-MAIL Il FAX I get the job thati riýghtfortileul! COTC JAM Buuiingt o st The OakvilleBae RÉ IW -bùjo COST: Burfington and Oakvile $929 BONS:AUS: Add Mâhon and Flamborough for $299 spot cà r hrm ý$50 Bnd Prffls colour from $150.a Cau for delailsNum BoEADLJNE: September 24,20PUBLIS-ING DATE: September 28,20 Ca& 905632.440' Fax: 905.632.8165 E-staîl: classifled@baltonserch.com The Cenadian Champion, Wednesacy September 17, 2008 - 27 Osaptl H o âl IedIl,00* Modîical, Catl Mdcal, Cna j j ~ j~ Be apart of ourN-PAPER JOB FAIR supplement andlet us put your empoyment opportuniiies int the hands of over 147,900 households in Burington, Oakl, Milon and Flmborough. Why flot give us youT company's profile alng with the addressi fax informatin, phone number and a list of job opportunities you have to offer.