The Canadian Champion, Wednesday September 17, 2008 - 25 caners Carm "IS u Cmn arenis E ca« lielp HenM cm enu ý Hl I1 Harnilton Community News SWANCAS/ER - UINOAS - HMILTON MO//NTIN -STONEY CRK SENIOR EDITOR (TEMPORARY) Are you a team player? A good wvriting coach? Proficient in news- paper design and copyediting? Enthusiastic about the exciting pos- sibilities of a muiti-media approach ta deiivering the news? Excited about getting out there and interacting mvith the community? If you are, Hamilton Community News may be the place for you. We are look- ing for a Senior Editor to lead our award winoing weekly - T/he Stoney Creek News. This is a temporary fali-time position for approximately one year. Tfhe succesoful candidate shoald be an eoperienced journaliot witfr soperior Qaark XPress, pagination, design and photography skills, with a minimum of two years esperience as the editor of a community newspaper or eqaina- lent publication. A thorough understanding of regulations and legisiation concerning libel, priaacy, and freedomn of information is required. tesponsibilities of the Editor include writing, editing, photography and pagination of a weekiy newspaper. The Editor is responsible for dlay-to-day sapervision of the newsroom, condacting thre weekly editoriel planning meeting, directing and prioritizing assigoiments for reporters, and thre edit- ing of copy. Tbis position will also neqaire attendance le a reporting and public relations capacity at varinus community enents. Tire succesoful candidate will be a confident, setf-motivated teamn player witir enceptional news judgemrent, who underotando the importance of meeting deadlines and can excel with minimal supervision. Proficiency en Adobe's InDesign, lnCopy and Photoshop are necessary and experience in online publishing - including aideo - is an asset. If you're up for the challenge, mie wouid like te heur from yas. Ail interented candidates uhoaid forward their resume by September 29th, 2888 ta: flteroland Hamilton Communi-.y News 47 Cootps Dr ve Dundas, Ontario L9H 1 B5 Attn: Manging Editor First 0 r Student Canada Hunting for a Great Part-cturne Job? St. John Ambultance Council for Oe/atio io a as/sntary agancy dadicatod /5 imprnsîng tha hea/th, naet/y andt qsaity of lite of On/t/rans through training and commsnity narvica. nia are currant/y naaking o confidant, anergetic Bmanchi Manager to jo/n our Hamifton Bmanch. Applican/n mont possans pmaaen management, markeating & sales o/e//n, and anparianco in y.- nanciat managament. Strong commsnity nf- filiahion and asparianca in the o/un/oas sac/ss as an anset; once/tant communicetion, nupami- sony and MS f/ca nKI// ara rUirAd. P/eaa fomward ranma /0: Human Rasourcen St. John Cortnci/ for On/ansr-io - 8y Saptember /9, 2008 E.maii:pang/ Fax: (416) 9232696 work! E DrQer kon RDries M ý1_ Local Company lnaking for o DZ Snae Truck DrIvera *Tractor Operators for vin/ar snnw clearing of stroats Contact Genry emrail: aMrÊ TRANSPORTATION 1>/C. howen.oo.ce an ce/I 905-208-3002 ieii ~ V ~ eeaHi AZ DRIVERS- WANTED For Local & US runs. ~ aiIo homemilo evenings A Iending Otario Rond Mainfenance company has an im- & weekends mediafe requiremeni for tho following witer positions: Fax Snow PlowlSpreader Operators. Work will be wifhin the 905-693-1801 Region of Peel and wiul be based 0uf of the following yard: Requirad/or PM shftin GTA aa canabstractnl(CVOR+peroOnal.Excellent Fas ansuma and abosacts 905440-]26 conupouy rnNor /h S,/uh Arnrc, andoner lhet/r tsï wo'cd, a,,nh operahions in40 cosntries and ccer $9 billion in sa/es The companty praduces, sels, and distributes aennoapher process and specia/ty gae, and hgh-performance surface coaiings ta a diverse group ofindusries. Proacr la a performance leader ine te indusny and has been recagnizadfar aufstandîng aadprfitabimty. Field Service Technician Thspositon isrespoasrb/e for tenstalaoan and mainteance o/ buk adousexia/gas supply syseems and equipment lccatedaofcustanter stes throughaut OntarInu nadditioa, ths postian ns requiredu ta rk on smo/I ceasie plants, cryogenic foodfreeng eqvpmetsdpi;mng nsalltnn. Yau arill poanees a trade certfirate as an lndustral Maintenance Ele/trcan, frgetratan Mechanic, lndustrial MilIrroght ar acommunify col/ege d1pemain arel/eddiscipline and hae anminumum a/3 years experience, Kouull be fam,/,ara,,th the ntalationand maintenance f bu/k us/ngenic starage tanks, assaclated rapauizers and pressure/Parc contro/ s/ataons, high pressure gos serrage tubes, as "'e/I as prarass equi;pment such as freezers, mixera and pracess cntr/ manfods. Faperience erth psping design specflcatians, prarase and istrumentat/en r/,agrams, schematir wlring rs/agrams, cantaol panes and autonati ca/ces wau/d be an asset Thspositoanrequires saineereekend and eening wark sedyau unstbe wil//ng ta frae/per/aaica/yothraugheut Ontario /nteretedaedqulibesfapphcants are requestedis subenet a resumeto Mamon Daounw MAanoger Praxoir Canada inw. FAMX: 905-503-1693 Ali suuwesspp/,usntsa,//hsm rquired ta nderg a Bkgrond Seuify Sarenng thsf incus a sunns background uheck end diers reuord absetra We ssithankscil cndidatesin sdiaesu teinappliatins,hssever en/y uandidates invsOd ter an interview se,/ As usntOuOd Prsssr Canada lnc.i usnriffd ta qual/, f tsnt/scnntefor wnn, abe,,gns/ pee/ss, visible mnorsit/es, and pesans ssth dssb,/fies. /n/sssnducandidats fothiase"ruts e encuutegskts opply BURLINGTON! WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH AN EXTRA $800 EACH MONTH? Get plenty of exercise with early morning door-to-door delivery of The Hamilton Spectator and the Toronto Starl Profit Potentials mey vary4 dependion on the size oft the route. Must have retiable vehicle. 7 Days a week. For complote detals on the route naarast you, please caIl 905-536-3377 or aimply fi11 out the online application form at and a Hlamilton Spectator reprasentatlve wlll contact you. COCSINSUPERVISOR Caoh psid da/y, NEDED 3rd party fundmioing group /ooking for people Tire Town af Milton, Community Services to ha/p fundraise Department is cunrenty accepting applications for Habitat for for the con/sudt position ot Concession Hsmanity Supaminor /o manage the fsod concessions ut Hafson. $t2-$20 Mi/ton Sports Centre, Memoriol Arasa and John Toneli Sports Centre. Ts indioidua aiI Pet hoar. supers/se and train part tins staff, set 905-510-7697. schedu/es, maintain sanitation/hygiete loe/nl vrth faton Regson standards, prepore and net KIDSI KIDSI food items, track and order înoentory and KIDSI purchase prodsct. M yoa are lnterested ln this position or --Ages 2-s-- would like more Information please olsit the Wantad forlTV & careers section of the Townss websîte ai Moîe Jos'. No Faon' Mat/ Woman 1t-65 yrs. FTH FIFTH WHEEL Fuel Bar Ns astran (w m L s/ currenly accapting Parents caîl: W a pplca tins for: (416)221-3829 *Full- &Part-Time Cashiera *Full& PartTimê Custodians MAPLEVIEW MALL P/ase Fax resman f5: 905-878-9303 8am-4pm shift Attantion: Art, or drop off in parson f0: Monday-Friday 5fh Whaa/ FuaI Bar, 40 Chîshoîn Driva AIaitedw Mîlfo L9T309location, Shifts tO-Opm, 2pn-lOpm, tam-/Oam Stopp's Drycleaners han part-/ina coontar Basa/tos anai/obla ha/p ovni/ah/a. Ns exparienca naadad, ai/t train. Hsums are 2pm - lpn taica a vaeek and enasy cthar Satsrday 9om - Spm. Ea/i resumnea ta H P E In pemsos et 8R5 Mets St. 83, Mitos, On. Loong for r? fg lat Ccali l * 9053607 1 R Scing- 9-878-7789 **kvll are- Pieuse fax rallume to- 416-233-1043 Applicanfs must have a minimum DZ driverS license and a clean drivers absfracf. TRAINING WILL BE PROVIDED CARILLION is an equal opportunify employer. Braptn Mss:eug - Tornt Richmond ~ ~ Hile.wmre Oki INERO C , PRO II* IN eESON A r> T