Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 17 Sep 2008, p. 24

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24 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday September 17, 2008 To -lc an Ad C*95 8 8 2 4 Index: Real Estate 100-135 e Business 140-169 Rentais 170-196 e Leisure 200-239 e Community 240 299Fax: 905-876-2364 Email: classitied@miltoncanadianchampioncomi e Merchandise 300-385 e Auto 400-470 e HeIp Wanted 500-57ê Mon, to Fri, 9am-5pm BONUS! Ail classified ads also appear on www.haltonsearch.co. Services 700-795 For CIRCULATION caîl: 905-878-5947 Ad subusission by mail orin persaný The Canadîaol Champion, 555 Inidustrial Drive, Sîde Door, 2nd Floor, Miltron, ON L9T 51E11 Deadliaes: Tues., 10 arn., for Wedt publication, Thons, 10 arn., for Foi. publicationi Specrul Ftuture & Holiday deadiiors may vuey. Pagment: Wt uccepe cash, cheque, lnterac, Vira, MasterCard, Americas Express. Ail adl placed are nae-refundabla and na creddt aili be issued. Business accountis cas be upened witti an approord credît application avaîlable trous pour Sales Consultatt CHECK YDUR AD THE FIRST DAY IT RUNS te esore tht intormation lu correct. Contact your Sales Consultant within 24-Hours ift etroe appears. An tror in a tri. publication moust be repurted to latter than Mor., t1t ar. RIIJ ousFor ale MM Fasr ReR!t Fit orRn b ILTON Esearpeet, ACTON APARTMENTB tand tee 4 Oedruom vety etean, quiet building r 05e 200 sq.ft 3 full arts iausdty aeiiity et c batis, double tatage ted site. t-bdrm apt. st uu iou pgtades. Asti auaiattie Open 7 days & t n esc than buidet's evntrgu. Same day te urîve esotuos 416-909- pruvai. Cati 1-519-853- a i740ý 4374 ternereaisternca 5 -MILTON great moidetrn I p HuDes api. Aii applirtnes & t rautry. BBR LBR ruons. 4pe. baih, Sat B ligrte in citded. Bro5uimt. 90s5t 426 Besetand Cnes. MILTON t-Outre eratisut Dunae Sept. 21 basettent apt. Laundty 2:00 -4:00Bpn parking. Nue-smuiier,i PRIVATE SALE retarences, nu pets. M'00,58 B95vmth. SAS 876-3457 t Lotr 9aIdx17ptr MILTON- 3 rdtr maie Lpoi Ir. dr0 h îîur jacuzzi tub, hard- Spcîv lio ln aundry, sate yardt 30h fi. 5 2 araie, Firîsiiasi. aredit 2 eashtoama, cfreck, tO400iina , sutie kichen utirties. Ititediate. Fam mous 905-878-7056 27frl r 12V tlfp oli Duatsg dtiusuuy for 2-eIEBBOOM Oucereet 6 cuis. 4 uppiiaiicesv apartmrnn tetetencei Ak, oid celîvo rsquitedý Naon Striai Clsresats.prs iqpets. Catila ale Clos plics parka pin sas u52o188t. Contact: 2-PLUS Oedraure, dati, 905-878-3001 private eniranve, detitty-A iauedry huait usý Couuntry settînt FarmD Far Sale ta minueas tu Genrge- Rent li Waald tewse $950/murh nO civ -tn59833-nou2. BARN arts 6t statis fori rent plus upper batr ntr bndreer basemant stetage, Watetdusn. Cati attattrtet. $1ruaimonîs 90S-69-OOOB iretudes utirties, parking, iaundny. Close tu areenîtîns Octuser Oct g ~~Industril oss-891-9157 Mm oolSpecaI ACTON 0-Ondrutr ec- REABONAeLE industrial u0- sentr Bnght,-spanate unit 1BOOsqft artS drive entrrae. $8ese hrnet te. 905-277-9347 et 905- etunrue. Fast eneuane onu883e isstOlast> Cati 418 uo20 8435ý OfiiOMD ileu ACTON baeSeter aport- Space ment. Fnidge, staee AC $7unîmeers incruste DMA81 privais offiees . tuariabia immedieteir beaurrruiiy appernted. Cati a416-0118. Hay 25 & u01. 190us 277-9347 ar sus o75- ACTON large 3-Osere 6834. teAreuse style apari- mete rupie Cloea te sohntS shos and deanteain EW7jI ~ $ 07rme 5/& B usmeers plus lbFo et utititias. teetteOeinmmmdi- - tnt5 Cati 519-833-2038. DOWNTOWN MILTON MtttetseTema ACTON neey reneutinu. e2 Milteid. Drise, -edraeer epi Fîrciest, Atractive quiet buiding. $95Otmorth initudes aeeous Orrghr etean heauaring Close te 16 O2nbdreere unîts tS sopping t fr0 bus me- iaendryteility aed tura aduit ne pets socialtremeonste. AutitOin îmmeditteiy, Baguier rerident enents 519-853-3156. Open 7daers PULLS renevatad 2-bat- Cati 90"-1249ae teere aparterent te ewaetarna Georgetown. Net- varpet. peint. biC, Otieeny, O- underground parking, MILTON r-Cg 1so Mare tarit te GO. tuaitabe On- ut. Avat Iren $1000 usber oct. $5/onsterer ait te. Cati ueO Tutf plus utirtres. t 505 805- Re/Max SA5-878-7777 8058. GEORGETOWN r Onud ruse aparterent. Bfrttmeth plus hydre. A Auia Ontoen Oct Ne \\tS\ pets pusiarrxd, Cati 905- GEORGECTOWN r Ieu teo i quiet buiding, irilb e resodiatnty, Io k $695/mn t Nr mo irgipets. FirstiitsItietni- ecspinase. ute-exu- 570 GEORGETOWN aarie r bndreeti oien & quiet. 905 preiercrsine pesan. n pets/smoersi reireries, 87 .3 1 1Noene tut1 95S-877- rou9 ~EORGETOWN, 2 fred- user Suea, ru estab- shed part uftosert, close aamenîtras, trdue and nuve rntuded. Avariabiae tetofrer lot. Nu pe ,rsu mukers. Cari 519_853- MILTON 3-bedruser rattieuse plus garage ririrtres. Firstiasi. Cati rus 876-4499. OAKVILLE- 2 aed 3 iedtuut teathuse. Auaitefrta uepremoer Iti i applianees, Hupedate sien oret. Lakeshote Manatetmet 905-876- 3336. RENT-TO-OWN Suge freehnid iveehume, 3 bedrooms, 3 brains, saded wrth upgtadeS, pouessreeaiy Oireshed saseerent. ou heur nies- sage 4165981-7154, Bad Crt tOK. n bgin cetre EM icls FREE- CeOy erib aed CERTA quen prîtes tep mattrnss,nexcellentusndi- manînese and boespting lires. Cati 955-878-9454. tut saea Grert conditien. ________________$500. Please cati 905- KMArices 884-0692 ALL Besi CasD$ Perd- Ceins, Jeaaiiary, i3td, Oiet Diamesds, Chi n, Cryctai, Oreer, Figurines, Royal Seul- tus, Swareesi Ait KisNeed Asiao 'rt, Cuitant bras, etc. ta 855tic on scata Spea ias nue Bl i h Cash. Cati leSsi Penni (thb hfo.] 905-331-0477 s200 oaci Pets, Supplies 90"-76-05 Ose li BaardiDg OACHSHUINDS miniature SOUD pains kitren cabi- puppras, sernerS b lent nais tin geed ceridition; Suit, Mit, sAuts. 95o0 B JaenAir dOte avers tin up. Otiarin 905-849- xteirig erder. Phoe 7138. 905-876-0494. A King as Ouen Orthe IN hume dog boainint pedra mantrans set. N.n NuriS Milt 9301 ergft tin plic. Warranry. Ceci Degqy dayotîn tise 80600. Sacrifice ing taraabe $0/ day. 519- $550. Ounen Boss. 90s- 853-3237 usmegsdeog- 567-9459. srning.coe GEORGETOWN Oubed- C te i quiet buiding, r Aitbert rmmndratey. t is95ireeni. Ne sereit s rgipnts. Firstdas/reter- C rnes pese 416-888- s GEORGETOWN t Onu- I user te quiet building , loete ait amnitins. tounîmeeth. Ne serei- egipats. Firstttasfrîatnr- t ocspiasse. 41-888-a 5720. v GEReGETOWN O Oad- csor aserentin tamily hm.Iratuding iauedry.t Quiet ampixynv. Neo $usaîmeers stuc. 416- 958-Star1 GEORGETOWN Seanw ten. t-Oedraere spert- ment. tuaittOte Sepiaem Set lt.i Nnt-iy rnnaated t Paringe, ttutdey, Seat tant Otudid. Btuaterenth. Catit Jenrter SA5-873-0438.t GEORGETOWN riewart bacOsier Oasernnt est. Oetarate entrariax non- smerr iratudes caOtnttauid ryf turntid, $7 oruth retsîve en 647-223-3932 ONE Ondrexer basemant parternt for test. Brg t, nea, spanreus, pri.vote entreesa. Matura aduit preterred. Ne sereiigine parc pra- ternud AUitnetcluie $95/mterrt. 905-C9t- 8809 MILTON- 3-bdtrm main fri, eterub hard ased, laundry, suga yard, garage. Frrstast. credît checit, BO400tme. e utîties. Imeedrata. 95-878-7056 5BORM country bunga- tua O-ver garage 244e aeritshep, large yard. Steeles16tit tie Bisusterr e utr'irtins Ne degs, avartuOta Oct. lst s0u-875-7004. 50 acres itsrtreuse, Barr i ats teriers guet- frs, geed etr tern reerîy. On Guelph Lina, tese I Castes. B3200tere 905r-464-8194. GEeRRS Breanta, Brand tam Mentamy 4-Ondrener OS5 batra, t850sq.ft avarteOta îmmedratey, $rBuniere plus utîlîtras, 905-467-8302. GEORGETOWN 3-Oad- ruse bungalowa Soeetridge, rier, gar- axa teekîeg tot serat Oaerrly enty Bt ,2Sntmerth plus. No smoinigipets. Betererns. OcruOnt Itt GEORGETOWN 3 fred- ron heusa. Frashty ttnusttttd iiireugheut ted at rie. fotusîg. Quiet trnai. LAC, rie smeti regipets. Avartafrie Ocre- Br ,3Soterenth. Cati Nu- ririe tîrqeur ut 519-833- MILTON 3 cearaser hoyu, large ericed yard, vioe te ncoees arid shoppitng Firet arid letac $1rSosh. Please cati 905-878-7860 Newspaper ifiprint work022)b 1îWTmttr leimtBtCrgeTann M armlîTrai ___ 4 yiiiiior&Trderg FREE job Search workshop for Experienced Workers T4a Bey usel Learnr Cantie Ont tisai 860 yaerîogîer Court Buttintr, ON LON 3N4 " Uicseer ail ot tour employable aLilIa " Develop tonese that eorku " bears t ru ter yoursnlIti rurupînynru "EZ r~ rstndz an eelzzteve si NU R SE S 40N TA RI1O NURSING CAREER FAIR Date: Saturday October 4, 2008 lime: il a.m. to 2 p.m. Place: Ryerson University Jorgenson Hall 380 Victoria Street Toronto Health care leaders, exclusively from Ontario, wiII be here, make sure that you are tool Hospital * um Mm -gl] THE GLOBE AND MAIL Do i aiy. fMlad origin TIORONTO STAR tbcstar.com Explore the possibilities of a Nursing Career. Visit aur website for more information. r PLANNING e trip te Flrd- de ? tnstaad ef stayîng et BEGROOM Chers eeod.,la aaBrSl a ue.uaxa Ber ensBd, dresser, reirer as oSl )rut ueSreCn- cesi, nrghtstend, nen ten door PooltHome! Deal boxes. Doeeail cnstruc- 2007BaigeeFrd Fcus, diraetr aitmha eanet iein Ceci $7000, Sait mini condition, 4 cytindat, rates comparable te $1500. Drninrxrom 1 uteeraice, AiC, per heaats Visi usait prace Cherry. Nea. Cest gises, test prusind. MyHotidayHeere $8000u Onul $1oo 905- ru ousetes, C14,500. Banta en 567-4042. Cati 905-876-00. CARPET t have seeal LeaB& Feund 1,000 yaxds o et sen 4C Hsnda Crere, 4-dent, E L( Master b 100% rin et- -spead, 28.,OOOims, pet. Wiut do liiingrseer b tea tires, tadiatoex- FOCND astre ted tan ta- Sali for $389. Inetudas Sausi, basteny, nu entas, main deg. On sitr tisa, carpet, pad C installatien lrteS, prescure plaie, Oeiaaan 5b& 151h sida- t30 yerds) Ores, sus- plus 4wintarsre tirers read un Sept. raiS. Cati 833-8192 $1500. OCO. 965-878- Qakuitta C District He- __________ 2513. marie Soety 90-85 eOT Tub t(Spat Cevers ________ 1551. Onsi prisa, Ceci quaity. Ai shapes b enleurs. Cai 1999 00/ Jante Wolfs- Dyae 1866-585-056 frg, blacit un blacit .stat etanmaeaerguycu 098,000km, AS IS, AvalaileB3500. Cu 418 708- HAWTHORNE Vae aGHO Tub/ Opa- Brand 721T Hoe rChd Ca Sus one rien 2008, e ai p- spane aaaba fo e2ins, anatuvr. Otine ree hSu on be n e/fe epiper Ceci $869 5 vial scoe (S5. Anthetiy's Sarie u$4250. Cuit SAS Structured aciutîns ted 971-0777 EXPERIENCED Percerai tran play, suitfiets rssis Cempanrent Aide. My andl euideer petit play. MOHING Att mrust go. service nclide: heuse- OCE queirtînd. CPBtPrrst Cedrenret living rusm eri itang, tauudry, meai Aid and excellent raitet- csiidsteretm/dnrgremin prap attends, shopping, ence VicoriakitCe.Beand nen AiC presýriptîer prctup. aec (1)34691 ant r-i mas tran. Cati 965-808-2800 ot E- 28987-8704 muail themus@syri Dy e POOL Table, Brand Neer, mc Wantd sllin ox id Wed GAYCARE teaded uller "Oaa A670 ASaeta 1,950 es OanD sco eae fr8&s9ya SA5304u594 eHd MySeouce oryurs AA cenr xe uccany erenex Dyae ne afobe . oi deopenf Car aq ad cofii fengsevie Cnat965-864-4500.W ne Co 64-9470 AiBer schaai Care Giner reqired fer detightfut httning impCirBd chitd 811h Aotîum, alg enm 1 - 2 bus peO day, Maudoy tai Frrday. betweBs i &Huln Opus - Spm ru aur hume. Tht rîght candidate 1e77-JBNK-TWO .GO titi bave experiesce wîth preuchoal oge 0-877-586-5896 Ot-ere sptcitl needu chrtdrer, knaCledgt of ASL te day luAr nemoal set- usel. Responsbrlrtrts wuold rscludt ustinîg C et n iot dos ont boDS ufrer uchout, tollowrrg throvgh tîth al&g idue routines, prograummng and tigogisg rn pyfo JONK A rufrfrsr reerevaJ letrrîng. Studens Aith mature attituAs breut rates use du ui nutîcome fo tppy Please send Collir letter the hney lifintg. t16- and resume Io landers03@me.con by 655-t8260 1--1unit- September 22, 208. freysatarsathui fruoys user

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