The Canadian Champion, Wednescday, September 17, 2008 - A23 Winning. weekend keeps IceHfawks unbeaten at home in rather short supply this year. That is, if early resuhts are any indication. Remove a season-opening empty netter frorn the equation, and ail four Milton contests thus far - three of tbem wins - have been decided by the narrowest of margins. That trend continued at Memonial Arena Sunday afternoon, witb the hosts eclipsing tbe Buffalo Jr. Sabres 6-5 in the leagues third shoot-out of 2008/09. Rookie Ricky Buebler sank tbe only goal among a cornbined eight shooters, beating Derek Mobney witb a top left corner snap. Sharing in the heroîcs, Steve Zoffranieni turned aside three straigbt shots - the lasî a Ryan Stouffer back- band - after getting a litîle belp from the right post. rcdernptîon for the lccHawks, as they surrendered tbeir thîrd lead of the garne witb a mere 5.6 seconds left in regulation. A ratber cbippy affair saw the cross- border oppontents amass 90 minutes in penalties - rnucb of tbat collected during a pair of birst-period figbts - but deliver very uie in tbe way of intensity or defensive prowess. Justin Basso collected four belpers for the lceHawks, wbile Ryan Stroz also stood out witb a goal and an assist. Milton wouldn't corne away frorn ils latest victory cornpletely unscaîbed, bowever, as veteran winger l<avin Caister left in the second period witb an undisclosed upper-body injury The IceHawks kicked off a three- game borne stand by edging the Returnîng frornt a concussion sui- fered in tbe first exhibition garne, sea- soned newcomer Ani Lifschutz marked his debut with a pair of second-period goals to put Milton ahead 10 stay Tyler Stoîbers bad tbree assists, wbile Zoffranieri turned back 48 shots for the win. Second-year Derby Dane Horvat fac- tored mnto ail the scoring against bis hornetown club, witb second and tbird-period goals and an assist on Streetsville's initial tally Milton welcornes Buffalo back to Mernorial Friday (7:30 p.rn.) and then beads bo Bowrnanville for its Governors Sbowcase (forrnerly College Weekend) contest. lis set for Saturday at 8 p.rn. against 0-4 Villanova of the Pbillips Division (forrnerly tbe Nortb). GRAHAM PAIN£ / CANADIAN CHAMPION DENIED: iceHawk Curtis Renaud gels turned back by Buffalo goalie Derek Mohney Sunday at Memorial Arena. *When you subscribe to The Milton Champion * for 1 year ($65.00) *we wiII give you a $1 0.00 Gift Card to Walmart. And.... your name wiII be entered into a draw for î Ia chance to win a trip for 2 to Las Vegas* ro subscribe simply fiiiiin the form below 555 Industrial Drive and send it, along with your pasyment, Milton, Ontario L9T 5El to The Milton Champion Circulation Dept. Ph. 905-878-5947 by September 3Oth, 2008. Fax 905-876-2364 Name: Address: ____________ ____Postal Code:______ Phone: U Chq attached tiVISA tiMC AMEX irdhoider namne: Card #:___________ Expiry: sb ""rh va I Signature: tclolln %z 4» ,md0 11I m *Walmart offer expires September 3Oth, 2008 or while quantities ast. -1 Draw date for trip wilI be held on Thursday, October 16, 2008. e e b 4-O tbr1 IERMSANOCONVM1OI In ordeAoregile YrfVcation YN ll be qire o snd à$45.0 fewhSdOcol$ur bDkarfetregtstratin andai coirerees 0.4 i The HomIftSf SpectatoL 5 BAY CANCUINGTAWAY -leCanw etaele s t eipeni t5 daydeluxeacomnsinCllffii5n, MxcoThsl5plaYe ivaldfor 2 dut nd p bo2 chidren, Tneç padosdmnot irhlue ostof taxesfod. bemages gauies grund trniwtllr or servica rges axesare $94 USparadulIto5e paid bC'edilcard atheirefoof teboknClffirpfled 4ratqnlalrr mustbe receied by l eia Vacations at90days inadvmiceof ywMd rim avdate. TaW dates audbeed»m rsrl 1st ad ember 1th.Rgc s Inîlarduded. I DAYC WNNACRUISE lbroffenrsva5d paaageof2adul sona5dayaae.Adrnei ai rtinnf c xes ioafareensesc are neerlM*d. hisceficae iddes HaAls adlost shipboad ieuL% hisproinooal pauiage isdesign for travel tSpern nnd fttffl (exdqhias). Fhnlotis notidad. 2 Nffl VEGAS ETAWAY -%vacation isvi o 2 nightsoteI accoarealnditsildW >cand 2 Mine tiket lm roed pointo lrçût lLa %easNV. vaclion ivatldl 2 aritiullcTere i n adiira cospe aForpo Sadgna uestu h vacation dos no indudae t totf fIai dcaaagesl ame ~aDifcAlrild eapola o inoenla copnsci vanaon sAS l Monayoeuyd Taxsluoêd lawae$98 USperperwsln atolil f siUS to departfrna ajor US Internanal ArplrtTaxes ae SI 1 US perpeon fratotal of $234USo depat font a pla.pproed CaudnInteraional PArprt AI taxesto be paîd by rditcad at lue of biciiPassongener(s obel 21yarn oagieor ld ait a vaildnaeri licandleadmajor ceft cr.Ah nravaflenineed pror of îlà ndpot 1..(spDrt biîerfica akae i arn rnfeal andcn sl or redad fr asnr shallvg rebate fan orcredds benridfo any unuttedbday o pattl hispacice isfllotali for employensDrorlativesof te parti dpti fcantThisocile is Save time, save money. __________ ~ TIBRICK. &*Wâomr- ~ uaIU ' - OOIN /5f1 "Zk â j$.U otswE