A22 The Canadian Chamnpion Wedneaday, Soptoer 17, 21108 Senior football teams ready to hit the gridiron By Herb Garbutt CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF David Montoya knows what it's lîke to hc a part of a suc- cessfut football progîam. tn higla school hie helpcd Notre Dame xvin the Hatton titte r uamusie UOIom 2090 No. 2 Sideroad I~ I Je 905-335-6028 www.camisIegoif.com NO RESERVATIN REQUIRED - anîd rcacli the Nlctto itosl tinal. lit uttive defensive MVP tn the Laurier Golden Ha victory. Now that hiés teaching at Bîshop Reding Royal ptayers the samne opportunities hie ha 't was biessed as a player," said Monte iong-tîme senior skipper Joie Jurus, who's Loyota. "Growtng up at Notre Dame, it wa best. We're bringing that tradition, ot onty from Notre Dame, but aiso from Laurier and it's reatty speciai to he part of building this here." Montoya's goal is to devetop Bishop Reding ito a perennial contender, among the tikes of Buriingtons Nelson, Assomption and his high schoot,' Notre Dame. While the fouandation is in place, Montoya said it's time to start building upward. Montoya optimistic Though the Royats iost many*ptayers from iast year's team, the pîcces are there toi buitd on a soiid 3-4 2007 campaigo. 'The truc strength is the youth of tht saîd. Richard Monk, a Grade I1 xvho is piayi: ai senior, is back at quarterback and jut back Sanlay Moodie and fuii-back Jake start in the backhietd. Stephan Gray and Monk's main targets xvhile offensive captail anchors the uine. Whiie the Royals have a strong second Gray, Pryce, Brett Farquharson and Terr their biggest challenge xviii be defendingt "Wr have somte nexv kids who haven't thcy're just reaizing xvhat it's tîke to tacki There's plenty of experience t0 heul Along xith tong-tîmc Reding coaches C Jim Harper, Montoya bas catled on Laur shape the Royals into a contender. 1Whiie numbers aie stili a concerru - t 34 players - Montoya is encouraged by junior program, xvhich has 55 players un David Agro. "The junior program is excetting. Th rsit\, lie wss,' the wks' Vanter Cup ,hle hopes to give id. ya, who replaces 00W at Oakvitie's s nothing hut the the jutîioi'sanc to sec vxhete il,, oiiog, liesaid. Untîl the seniors tan boast the samne kînd of ocimbers, avoiding injuries xviii be a kev in achîeving Montoyas goal of reaching the semnifials. Avoidîng the injury bug xviii be evcn more criticai for the Mitton District Mustangs. MD came xithin a few yards of going to the Haiton Division 3 final iast year and bas most of its players retrmîng in key positions, including quarterback Mustangs a bit thin Se ior But with just 23 players, the -Mustangs can't afford to have many High players on the sidelines. theWe have kids who have been with teprogram four or byve years. They Schooknow they game," said Mustangs coach Keith Pearce. "We're just light on bod- Footballtes. while n0W without Brenden Cronin, fI'eview who scored a team-ieading nine touch- * k U dow s iast fait, Pearce said hie likes the balance provîded by runnmng hacks Andrcw CemryJase Lavigne and receivers Cameron Freelen eteam," Montoya and John Russell. In a controiied scrimmage against a St. Catharines schooi, tig his second year the Mustangs scored four rushing touchdowns and threc ijor agcd running more through the air. Hetherington xviii Linebackers Brad Mazzocato and Wessel Engetbrecht add Cote Pryce xviii be speed t0 a defence that posted a couple of shutouts iast sca- ri Louis Aranguren son and surrendered onty byve points to Pearson in tast year's semnifinai losa. ary with retumees Where the numbers catch up 10 the Mustangs is 'in the ance Whitehouse, numher of players that have to play hoth sides of the hall, the mun. including tînemen Kyte Robertson and Daniel McLeish. ptayed hefore and "We've been focusing on condiiioning,' Pearce said. e," Montoya said. "We'vc donc a lot of work in practice to buitd stamina. tthe newcomers. In a game where the difference between wiîrning and los- .hris Belanger and ing cani be minimal, that xviii he important to the Mustangs' ier alumni to heip success. "We feut we didn't quite mccl oui expectations (iast e Royats have oniy year),' Pearce said. "We came up a kew yards short. Wc xvant the progress in thc to take it ait the way this year. der Lee Cond and Reding kicks off ils Hatton Division 1/2 schcduie tonsor- row at Georgetons Christ the King, white MD gels rottîng at's exciting to sec next Thursday Sept. 25 at Burlingtons Lester B. Pearson. AorLyol Intercounty team completes perfect season Work Wearhouse. 1 Flyer in lbdcay's Canadian Champion! Milton Crossroads 1220 Steeles Ave E. -905-878-6163 RETOPYUT BASKETBALL"Ml TRYQUTS I JUtJENILE GU-17 (borni n 92 or serW) Monday Sept 22 antd Monday Sept 29, @ Chris Hadfield PS. 8:00-9:30 pri MAJOR BANTAN GU-14 (born I 95 or starien Tuesday Sept 16 St. Anthony PS. 6:.30-8:00 pm lliursday Septl18 BrmeeTiat PS. 6:30 - 800 ptn Tuesday Sept 23 St. Anthony PS. &Mt - 9:30) pmn Tharsday Oct 2 Brme Tat PS. 6:30 - 8.00 MAJOR ATOM BU-12 (born io W7 or sarblr) Tuosday Sept 23 St. Anthony PS. 6:30 - 8:00 prn Thursday Oct 2 Bruce Trit PS. 8.00 - 31.30 pmi JUNIOR BU-19 Wod Sept 17, Man Sept 22, Wod Sept 24 ail at Biîhop Rediag, 8:30 -10:00 pm MAJOR 11111113£ MJ-16 (borninO 93 & 94) Moaday W p29, Bishop Roding Gymn C,8:30 - 10:00 Monday Oct 6, Chnas Hadfieli RS 8:00 - 9:30 pmn Tryout Cost is $15 Addilional Inquires: Contact Srhan Schroder 905 691-1675 Milton Youth Basketball w*T91 Milton Tennis Club served up a alite of history recentty, Brampton in xvhich five substitutes xvere needed t0 bul the xith its Itercounty Mixcd A teami putting the finishing ranks. Milton fell behind carty buît stormed back to xvin 4-2, touches on a perfect season. xvîth cadi match going the distance. Captained by veteran teff Trusxvetl and powered by Rob ' - juan Carlos Tovar, Bob Edmonds Krzyzak's 15-0 dominance, the local squad prevaited in and Dave Hudak anchored the ait 16 matches throughout the regular season and overatl victory playoffs. Other standouls this summer Milton punctuated ils unbiem- were Mike Mitchell, Aie Giacopetti ished ron xith a 5-i toumnament and most improved ptayer Gonzato finals triumph over Germain Milis at MWPages. Toronto's Rexait Centre, after sidestepping Toumnament With ils tîtte xvin, the tcam n0w moves up tel Park in the semis. the Majors Division. xvhere they'li take on former intemna- Whîte fending off defeat at cvery tomn, the tocais faccd tionat touning professionats. as weit as NCAA players and their share of adversity; inctuding a memorabte showdoxvn in provincial and nationaity rankcd juniors and aduils. 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