A14 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, September 17, 2008 Pain Relief through Osteopa Tchniques- y steopatby is a 'hands on' manual therapy and one of the oldest approaches to Meredith Craigie BPHE Utreatment of injuries in the joints, muscles ligaments, fascia and tendons. Treatments hons., CK, GMT, NT, CC: take into account how the whole body moves and adjusis to pain. Osteopaths work with Osteopathy, graduated in 2001 the patient to facilitate good structural alignment, tissue health and organ functions that ftrm Brock University with a will alleviate pain and prevent symptom re-occurrence. Osteopathy aims to iniprove the degree in Physical Education patients' 1longitr health and vitahit. with a speciality in Disability Studies. In hier 5th year of post You may be sufferlng; Treatment benefits graduate studies in Osteolpathy, wlth one of the typically Include:Medihsa rtfd follwin isses:Kinesiologist, Registered Reue Muscl Tensio Naturotherapist and Specialist * Bak Pin Reduced Levels of Stress li Myofascial Integration " Repetitive Str ai Injuries * Improved Spinal Health Therapy. * Whiplash Injuries " Headaches/Migraines * Frozen Shoulder " Osteoarthritis, or other Degenerative Conditions Rheumnatoid Arthritis, or * Neck/Shoulder Tension * Sports Injuries Sciatic PainI Digestive Complaints, Gynecological Issues Should You Ditch Dairy While Dieting? (MS) - Most researchers and health experts say, "no." Studies suggest that the nutrients in milk, cheese and yogurl, including calcium and prolein, mai help people lose weight and body fat. In fact, dairy products may play an important role in regu- laling energy metabolism. This causes a reduction in body fat and an increase in weighl and fat bass. That means instead of eliminating dairy while dieting, replace il with low-fat options like skim milk or reduced- fat cheeses and yogurts to fuel opti- mal weight bass. " Increased joint Health * Improved Circulation * IncreasedToxin Elirnination. * Improvied Breathing and Digestion * Enhanced Sleep * Accelerated Injury Healing Ture For more information, please visit Meredith at Advantage Physiotherapy of Milton at 550 Ontario Street Unit 7 or cal 905-693-8043 with any questions about my services. 1 look forward to meeting with you and creating a long-tern relationship. IMeredith Craigie Osteopathie Services 550 Ontario St. S. Unit #7. Milton i he SureSiMohc September is the timr- to gel back inlo routine aller the indulgence of the summer. Why flot include a weekly visit ta your personal consultant at SureSlimn to gel adîtional weight off salely and rapi0ly. You'Il be a slimmer you and Iearn to control your metabolism for the upcomning Holiday Season!! It's just around tne corner! tri utS vol ..' Ir$ éfr imtetIsmliI We carri r ac bie out r a1LYrIarr- bui W(- 'r- r lr r ,(S ) - a w qý g i, t v t Vr' YaaUr ri u aI rs n ari r , r v,ýh r- jr-i Wre- iavil -rfical aira( i. a-)r i r'i~ 1iiai o r i r "I i 1a 3 a i r ri rr-arina ni errriaaî r r11'n!rr iii personalized eating plan iu m, trim s1 fa4spiari ap BuOrr-jî.n 90-i 3t 7400 Hai-iror 905-a18-3234 St Catharines 905-684-4848 Nr-wrnarket 905-895-SLIM îý-6 L