Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Sep 2008, p. 8

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'-I Ah - Tho Canudian Chumnion. Fr/duo. Seolomber 12, 2008 à'- ____ 7920 k/j) ___________________________________ I St. George's Anglican X Church,Lowville DiocseofNiagar-Anglean Chuvh of Canaa Serving Lowvlile and Milton for over 150 years Invites you tu worship with us this Sunday FamiIy Service at 8:30 a.m. Nursery and Children ý T/ime Provided Join us before the service for Refreshments an d Fellowship 7051 Guelph line (just North of Derry Rd) 905-741-8007 St George's AnglicanChurch (Anglican Network in Canada) Rector: Rev. Ray David Glenn Invites you to, worship with os tbis Sonday aI The Crossroads Centre in Burlington aI 1295 North Service Rd. Nursery and) Children 's Scitool Provided For service tinses visit oui website aI stgeorgeslowville.Lirg or eall 1-866-351-2642 est. 4050 Let Go 0f Your Anger Anger and auîmosity are tîke cancers which will rat away ai us and sap Our spirit and energy. But, sometimes Our anger feris Sa nighirous. Wr are Sa certain ihat we are right and ihat others arrewrong that we refuse ta gîve up aur anger. Wr may rven tell oursrlves thal it is a malter of principle, attd thati t woutd bc a dettîgration of aur principles ta let go of aur anger. Who can deny that there is a time and place ta tbr righteously augry? And yet. mast of the ttme thai me futtd aurselves haldtng att aur anger, it is mare about aur egos. Wr may feel as if me have heem însutted, aad must make tl right. Or, me fet certain that me are right and somecone else is wrong, and me wani the warld ta recognîze the carrectness of aur position. If me are fighting for same great social cause, then righieous atiger may be appraprtate. But if me are fighting for aur puffed up ega, then at leasi me shautd be hontesi enough ta recognize that, and realize that tis sort of anger is a worm that wttt gnaw ut us and eat as altse, sapptng us oif aur zest for life. We should lern ta let aur auger go. We wîll be gtad me dîd. Be angry but do nai sit; do flot let the sun go domu ou your anger, atnd gîve no apportutity ta the devil. R.S.V. Ephesiaas 4.26-27 Mitton Bie Gcfflc ~ S Mi il a , ý1 LvnGa/. Lipeuopte. Sundays at 200 Main Street 10:00 arn Worship & Teaching Children s Programs Running Concurrently 11:-00 arn Coftee & Conversations (We serve Tm Horton's Gofféel) V î e 905-876-3586 Fo uir oGa www.MiltonBibleChurch.ca ' &lix MILTON SEVENTH-DAY ADVETIS CHURCH Invites yaa tuosa weekty Sahhuth serices ait Hugh Foiter Hall, 43 Brown St Milton Sat. 9:30 a. o. Sabtiatt Scbaat Sut, 1100a.m. Disine Service BIBLE SCHOOL tiisiaaer the aoueing Bible ansrs ta tîi' peîptining questioas. and thr sectet toia happy liii. f0O Ban 23012, 55 Oniaria Si., Miltoan, Ot., L9T 54ý On theINT7ERNEThap îaauiap.caaaa ad ww.aa ouingfaciî.aiu/ibteicohacimtliainuip PASTIllE Ai DuCaîta 519-835-8301 For moeinformioin aboutaouiiasiie adpmogun pls ati. ÇRACEWAY 'BAPTIST CHURH S 103 Martin Street ,AM 905-878-1629 Pastor Walter H. Isaak 9:50 arn. - Sunday School 11:00 arn. Morning Worship 6:00 p.m. - Evening Service Thursday 7:00 p.m. Bible Study & Prayer ,,You'l always finit a triend at Graceway" www.aracewaybaptlst-org CHURCH 0F CHRIST 1412 Britannia Rd West, Milton, On L9T 2X8 905-875-2939 Sunday School Classes 10:00 amn Worship & Communion 11:00 amn Thursday Bible Study 7:00 pm Minluter Steve Corbett MILTON GOSPEL HALL 306 Ontario St. N. e 878-3873 10:00 arn. - The Lord's Supper 11:45 arn. - Sunday School 6:30 p.m. - Gospel Service- Wednesday 7:30p.m. - Prayer and Bible Study Looking unbo Jesus the author and finisher of our faith. Hebrews 12.2 l Knox mm Presbyterian KNOX Urtîfîed by Christs love, we share Hîm wîfh the world' Join us Sunday: 10:30 arn Worship Service, Sunday School & Nursery Blertdîng fradftortal & cortfemporary sftyles Pastor Howard Sullivas 170 Main St E. Milton 905 878 6066 knoxmiltoo@belinet.ca 1t rom NEW LIFE CHURCH FOR GENERATIONS TO COME SUNDAYS Service Tirnes -irs Sevice 9(10se, (Sur dry Sclriool 9 30 su) Second Servict 10:45 Am* Fvenvvg Serice 6:3 lG Chiid,.ns'Minhstri AI/altdble in ait Services *Captiuned for the Deuf/Harda)f Hearing WEDNEsDAys Family Nîgbt 170 Pm Errrreme 1 te Yuirîrth New Children's & Youth Centre coming soon! Corne, check out the new building! 824Tbompson Roud South, Milton, ON (ST 2X5 Visit Us Online www. NewLfeMiltofl.comn or calI Pustot Dan Rogge ut 905 878 3358 RAMADAN-14Z "c»Iieverst Fasting is prescribed for you as it was C U H prsrie for those before you,>so that you may12ManS..,ilo F.CTS:Sunday Sept. 14 Worship Service adulte acrons te noorid observe thms itoly montit of Ramaudan, byfosting Traditional & Coniernporary - 10:30 arn Of douon till sunset. Musimufollom te lunar coleutdar, icit lis 11-12 Supervlsed Nursery Care f-Dm 10: 15 amn ehorter thon the Gregorian Calendar. Fasting lis one of thefivefundamenta S nayShoOenHuet104ar in lstan. 00Check out our new preschool Sunday School Ruead the Holy Quran - the Last Testament Cotfee & Conversation affer the service se write 10: lulauslmfo@muIIonmasjld.cs or visit: www.whylolam.org or oeil 1-877-WIIY-ISLAM Corne worship with us! Titis message brought Le you by te Mualim Association of Multon Rev. ona 391 Burhamtitorpe Road E, Oakvilfr, ON, L6H 7B4 Chu . ofice 95 878 et.2 A8 - The Canadian Champion Friday September 12, 2008 We welcorne you to... 1

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