More ciovernment help needed for affordable housing in town The Canadian Champion, Friday September 12, 2008-A7 nitro glycerin used for blasting DEAR EDITOR: i have wnitten several times in the pas! about the severe lack of a(lordable housing in Milton. Despîte Miltons drainatic increase in population, there bias becen n increase iii subsîdîzeci housîng for peoiple wîîh low incoilies [or inans sears. Now, arn prospect ni tbat sit- uation îmiprovîng is ibreateneci bs the et rai gos ,erninents- intenition to allow sesejal rus! îng prograrns - sorne in pari- nershîp wîth the Province - to end on Match 31, 2009. No addition ai funding was provided in the last federal budget. Tise programs that are n0w under threaî include the Canada-Ontario Affordable Huig Prngram. That pro- ga sproviding fonds, man- aged by thseRegion of Halton, tc, nul w projects in Haiton - one in Halton His and one in Burlington. Tise Region had rec- bommended a tisird project called Regenesis, in Milton, for any future funding tisat isecame available. Ifteprogram isot renewed, that's no longer a possîbîlîty. The last Milton statistits that 1 have receîved lrom Haiton Access bo Cornmunity Housîng siate that there are 49 senior househoids ancd 223 non-sentior households on the waîîîng lisî foi subsidîzcd housîng, and a total of onis 222 existing units în the whiole towîî That's correct, 272 bouse- holds on a waiting lîsî foi 222 omis1, ail of whicb are currently occLipied. Shelter allowances arenft a gîtod .alternatise ni Milton because we have a s'ery lnw vacancy rate for rentai aparîments caused by an unusu- aily limited supply Though generally not as severe as in Milton, the shortage ni allordaisie hnusing is a prob- lem acrnss Canada. The best way to address it is through a National Housing Strategy that includes concrete targets and timelines. Every otiser modem, indus- trialized country bas one, including tise United States. In August, Peter Hume, tise presi- dent of tise Association of Municipalities of OJntario, urged representatives at their annual convention to push the federal governiment to move on this. Recently, the Right Revcrend David Giuliano, of the United Churchi of Canada, wrote t0 al church mnemrbers with the saine message, that the Province and rnuinicipalities don't hasve the capacits to provide this essenîtal service on their own. Now that a federal election bas been called, Milionfians have an opportunnty to mnake tue can- didates for ail parties aware of the urgency for action. Think nf ail those seniors, and others whose incoines are too low to afford a decent home and who are using our lorai food isank, staying with friends and family or cuttîng hack on other essentials to pay the rent. Please ask the candidates wisat their partys position is on a national housing strategy WENDY SCHAU, CHAIR MILTON AFFORDABLE HOUSING COALITION Dogs have no place in school yards DEAR EDITOR: t urge tise people of Milton and surnunding I'm wnitîng to, voîce my frustration attse par- areas to eaul animal contrai services sisnuld tisey enta who are bringing dngs onto tise scisool yards. see pit-isulis tisat aren't weaning a muzzle. If one insista on isringing a dng onto scisool t'm disgusted attise blatant diseegard tisat some property during scisool isours, tise dog should be pit-isuli owners have for tise saiety ni otisers. Tisey muzzled. Thsats usîng gond judgment. know full well tise laws and yet flat out diseespeet Somte children are afraid ni dogs. Fears are per- tisem. sonal and everynne is entitled to tiseir fears. We To tisose whn nwn pit-isuils, tise community must rememiser tisat scisools are for cisildren and bas now iseen reminded ni tise mies. t suggest that they shnuld feel completeiy sale wisen on scisoni if you love ynur dog, ynu nisey tise law and pur- grounds. chase a muzzle. Recently I saw a man in tise Hawthomne Village And bear in mind tisat sisould your dog maim area walk acrnss a park full of children with twn anynne, ynu will be iseld cniminally responsible unmuzzled pit-bulîs in tow, cleariy witis no regard and your dog will ise eutisanized. for tise safety ni tise cisildren or regard for tise law PHIL TAYLOR - and with distueising.arrogance. LAUGHREN CRESCENT Expense would be passed along to customers - from HAND on page A6 thîs "littie tising- cnuld add up to a big expense, which ni course wnuid be passed nn to tise consumer in tise form ni higiser prices. Since SARS, t have purchased my nwn isand sanitizer and wipes and keep them in my car s0 I have tisem availaisie to use wisen I feel its necessary. Perisaps Lapainte sisnuld do tise same. CATHY KURCEBA MILTON 'Tinte Capsules' are gems of infor- mation extracted from pasî issues of the Champion and otiier publications in acier to provide a window into Multons pat. Explanatoiy comment is sometimes provided ta place the situa- lion in cont ext. March 1912 The Brandon Syndicates oil well was "shot" on Tuesday at 1:30 p.m.. by tise exploding of 50 quarts of nitro glycerin in it. The explosive had been brought by sleigh [rom Petrolia and had been on the road since Friday. It was put into live lin cylin- ders, each five feet long; with a point at one end and a cas'ity at the otiser, s0 that they fitted ino each otiser. They were exploded hy a long fuse and a cap. Tise shock was barely noticeable, the graund bemng siightiy jaeeed. Owtng ta the depth ai the well, a little aver 1,500 feet, notising appeared for neaely a minute. Tisen a quantity af ou sisot about 100 feet iùîto tise aie and fel an tise snow, which was spotted for some distance ta, tise leeward. The many spectators kept to tise windward and thus escaped having tiseir clotising soiled. The shot is believed ta have been a camplete succeas. The weIl was at once capped and outsiders were kept away fram it, but tise Champion reporter was favoured by iseing admtted into the shed and by a demonstration. Tise valve was opened very slightly and tise escap- ing gas made a loud noise. The expert in charge estimated tise pres- sure at fram 150 ta 200, but tisere was no test gauge available and tise exact figure could not be asceetained. It was stated tisat tise pressure had iseen light befare tise abat. Later in tise day, when tise sand pump was put dawn, it was found tisat tisere was about 40 feet ai braken rock oisstructing the lawer part of tise weIl. Some beaken stone and a few gallons ai ail were pumped up. Tise regular pumpmng of ail will flot isegmn for a day or two. Unti it does, tise capacity of tise well "Ii nat bse knawn. Tise drillmng outflt is iseing removed about 400 yards ta the soutis, wisere anotiser well will be drilled ianediately A numiser ai outside locatees are here and it is 4ilton Capsules reported that they have secured a gond many options or leases, but one ni them, Mr. Aikîns, complained that tise land nwners generally were ton suspicinus and would not listen to offers. He maintained that o nil field ni any account had ever iseen devel- oped without the expenditure ni a great deai ni nutaide money and tisat the Milton field wouid nat amount to mucis witisout it. He said that some ni tise iiggest aperators in America were isere in persan or isad represen- tatives here and tisat tisey were ready tai spend money an a large scale in weii-drilling if given tise oppartunity Me. Aikins is said ta bse a bsig capital- ist and a weli knawn operatar. Tise land owners sisauid ise careful about signing leases or options, but tise wîs- dam ai narning down ail offers witis- out enquiry inta tise standing ai tise isiddees is daubtiol. Ont ai HaltonÉs oldest and ist known residents, Benjamin Waldbrook, died an Feiday at is home in Trafalgar. Ht was 85. He was a son ai tise late Robert Waîdisraak, ont ai Haitons pianetrs and was barn an tise original isomesread isetwetn Omagis and Milton. Mr. Waidiseaak was a stauncis Liberai, an ablie speaker and taok tise piatform in support ai tht late Johsn Whitt, M.R, Wm. McCraney, M.P and other Liberals in electian campaigna bsesicles speaking in favaur ai tise Ceedit Valley and Hamilton and Nortiswtstem Raiiway bonus isyiaws. Latterly ise itctured on aid tintes in Haiton, being a walimg encyclopedia ai eventa in tise eariy histoey ai tise caunty Tise C.PR. bas opened a telegeapis office in FB. Smitss drug store. This mateetalius aasensbled on behaîf of the Milton I-iitorical Society ky jim Dlii, who can bc reached through tht society at (905) 875-4156. www.wcdental .ca - SA, 4 ~ 5 Aff n to missing teeth esthetically natural 9 58 82 4 29.55 Argentia Rd., Unit Dl, Missîssauga