A6 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 12, 2008 Helping Terry find that cure Very soon people aiross Canada and in countries around the world will walk, mun, RollerBlade or bicycle in mcmory of arguably one of our nations mosi celebrated lseroes. In Canada, we're just two days fruis tihe araîual evcnî tibat remembers the courage and perseverance of Terrance Stanley Fox. Each September, the Terry Fox Run continues thse lega- cy of the young man who single-handedly made it bis mis- sion to raise awareness and money to beat cancer. Few Canadians under the age of 35 likely remember that inspiring summer of 1980 when Terry his best friend and a van set out to change the world. In 1977, ai the age of 18, Fox had been diagnosed with osteogenic sarcoma (bone can- cer), which resulted in the amputation of bis rigbt leg above the knee. Soon after he was fitted with a prostbetic leg. After witnessing the suffering of other cancer patients, Ta.rry vowa'd to mun acrnss the country.- front east to west - in order to raise money to fight the disease. Ris goal was to collect $1 from eacb Canadian. In preparatiori for the joumey, Terry trained by mnniîîg more than 5,000 km. Iben, on April 12, 1980, be launched bis Marathon of Hope in St. John's, Nfld. lnitially receiving lîttle publicity for the cause, Terrys incred- ible effort slowly began to atîract media attention that extended beyond Canadas border and around the world. After completing 5,373 km over 143 days througb six provinces, Tenrys mun was stopped just outside of Thunder Bay Ris cancer had retumed, spreading to, bis lungs. In the months tbat followed the end of the young mnans r extraordinary effort - be averaged 42 km (26 miles) eacb day of the Marathon of Hope - plansý hegan 10 hold an annual fundraising mun in bis name. Terrys dream of raîsing $1 from every Canadian was realized when the Marathon, of * Hope fund reacbed $24. 17 million. Terry died in June of 1981 at the age of 22. On Septeinher 13, 1981 the hirst Terry Fox Run attracted Inore tban 300,000 participants and raised $3.5 million. To date, more than $400 million bas been donated in Teriys name. This Sunday, Milton residents will be able 10 show their support ai E.C. Dmiry Higb School. We encourage those wbo arr unable to particpate in ibis a.elebration of Terry Foxs beroic endeavour to donate to someone wbo is. For more about Terry Fox or the annual fundraiser named for bim, visit wwwterryfox.org. Readers Write E-mail your lettrs to, editona@ niioeriadianchapîonom. Hand wipes in stores unrealistic DEAR EDITOR: the money she touches, her bank or Surely Maggie Lapointe is kidding credit card after she gives it to the clerk, when she suggests that wipes should be the gas pump handle or the plastic hag supplied hy stores toi dean shopping and papers the Champion corntes in? cart handies. The list could go on and on, and get What's next - wipes to dlean the more and more ridiculous. door handie she has touched on thse She also states that, lîts such a hîtile way in and out, the products she picks Up off the sheif, the hank machine keys, thing," but 1 bet if you asked the stores, -see EXPENSE on page A7 Theviewhffere Eyes sharplyfocused on Halton Riding thiistnw aon The election callas less than one week old, but already tise race for MP in tie Ha'Ilton Riding is sbapig up toise an interesting one. An issue that bas been at tise forefront of tise local campaign so far fis tise federal Conservatives7 decision to bypasa tise usual nomination process by appoiting Lia Raitt as its Hilton candidate. Hilton Conservative Association presi- dent WiIl Stewart says a number of people in tise association were frustrated witis tise way tise process unfolded, but ultimately tise board voted unanimously i support of Raitt as its candidate. Wbile tise riding executsve la backing hier, 1 bave a feeling tisis an't tie lat tirne we're going to hear about tise Conservative party~s decision. LiSeraI incurnbent. Gartis Turner bas deerned Raitt% aippointment as one of the top local iues in tise élection. Raitt begs to differ and said ahe thinuîs thle Conservative last tie, but is now a Liberai people m Halton are more interested i the flagbearer after being ouated from tise party bigger picture between tihe by Stephen Harper regarding Conservatives and tise Uiberals. content on his controversial Regardiesa, l'm sure tise isaue internet blog. wiil cornte up when thse two face Turner is also notorîously off at ail-candidates' meetings in outspoken and controversial, tise coming montis. wbicb appeals to soute votera Thse race between tise ~ 1 and not to otisers. Conservanives and tihe Liberals i Has Turner loat or gained Hilton proved toi be a close one mi support along the way? tise liat federal. election, witb Wiil votera decide to go blue tisen-Conservative Turner gainer- - - - agai? îng 30,578 votes and Liberal MP Or wiil tise nidhg take a dif- Gary Cam briging i 28,498 votes. ferent turm altogether and favour tise NDP or At this poit, 1 tbink ifs bard to predict if tise Green Party? tise upcomting vote will be anotier neck-and- 1 don't have thse answers, but one tbing's neck one for tise Tories and tise Grits in tise for sure - between RaittIs appointment and local riding. Turnera contiued. outspoken ways, ail eyes One unique twist las tisat Turner ran as a will be on Hilton October 14. Zfljc (Eanablin 'canipion Mîit," r iî Ni Wpapp, Su 6ù 555 Industrial Dr., Milton, Ont. L9T 5El 905-878-2341 Editorial Fax: 905-878-4943 Advertising Fax: 905-876-2364 Classifled:905-875-3300 Circulation: 905-878-5947 www.mniltoncanadianchampion.com V.P. - Group Publisher Neil Oliver General Manager David Harvey Editor in Chief Jili Davis Managing Editor Karen Miceli Advertialng Director Debbi Koppejan Production Manager Tinm Colas Circulation Manager Charlene Hall Office Manager Sandy Pars The Cacadian Champei, publislîed every Wednesday and Friday, is a division of Metroland Media Graup Ltd. - President Ian Oliver. Aàesing is aiaepies on the ciionaîae in t he event of a lypgeapeisal rorat portion of he adertisng sae occped by the etroneou iem, sgeth@r wh a ieasoaie aloac for i gna tsfe, wl nt e haged fot bu he bhalance ofthe adoertsemientill be raid fût ai the appi alýaiee The pisohei esalvs the ighl so CCAB Audited Rea'rgnzed foi excelience by Ontl aio Communoiity o S Newspopers Asociation C~N dOdian Commuia SKI ofAea The Candi Champins a protid inedia sponsor for: igiell Fond CANADA DAY 00 UNITED UAY [o OF MILTON j-- TV AUCTION MILTON SANTA C LAU S PARADE j YYMCA Showcasel w-.&t. L.a OaaiO2 als (,M LAo îooiho p.' -'ý - _?ýý ý . " -ý'. -- ý' '4 1f'eA5ýe" _- _f ', - ý - ý1 - - -1 0 ü