816 - The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 12, 2008 OrRaeslaebeen asking for a g)aper wvith more corn- A I.IONTHLY PUBLICATION FOCUSINO ON nù ,CIO. ph.,t..*..pb. Il i% tr.ol> uîo THE RmS#DENTS 0F MILTON a ARMA Pe985 Bah (sus» e1su1ilct "ffo pe u rou4i and eu.f. K..l p tho Ileat siokl !irbe Qanabîan Ebanipion -z-« swaIOwcA&sE VO»Ui BusINEss 555 Industrili Dr., Milton IN URUIS QULAILIIYV 1PR«OJCTI. CATHY CNIJCHMACN SMITH TI,: l905) 878-2341 v 217 Fax (905) 876- 2364 B ~ K I ~ 1 Let Halton Region HeIp You With Your Hiring Needs Join us at our JOB FAIR Receive résumés on the spot Thursday, October 16, 2008 Burlington Convention Centre 1120 Burloak Drive, Burlington 12:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. *Access to, over 1,000 motivated job seekers from ail over Halton *Free registration, parking and refreshments *Extensive promotion of your business Limited space for commission based businesses For further information contact Halton Region 905-825-6000 ext. 2701 or email: B ronwyn. Spotton @halIton. ca J0IN US IN CE1EBRATC FOODS 0F TUE WORU) A dlifl'erenlt buffet themne ea Ch nift Qff Monday to Thursday, 4pJm-9pJT 9099 Monday Tuesday Wednesday lllLldty Chnme s i Mexica Itaia Buy One Buffet 9.99 & get a second FREE! 40 Chmsholm Drive, Milton only ByOne Buffet9.99 & get a second FREE! 40 Chisholm Drive, Milton only Offer avaiabble atMikonlocaion oly, 1wy 25 a401