The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 12, 2008 -B15 'F rec s ro fa i pe f c pain Reg $1.9 ea. MN)ÂPtn i s oneh ofi th mos imatu I Ied bFore c pa rstcnie folwn faB: puterhnt f petn pintin £as2 (NC) AîPîte ng of ne of teost nda. accnts neededok ypckn ami c andur cos e fe tive wastorascl cand riiillge the oou Familyn . lok ac room. Add in ind tat qickot o an Frsd ATewr colours oed NwAtsnk raearscfeln hea the allows yoc t et e tonpe ofyou home, b t inaly r sed , rang and bel odfne thns plete b tefor icking up aush e o se the fmolng t h suoehnsofprf n pn ciga tipst corefTe Hrom e pt suraae. F a c ent. r the look ikng ait mairu n olou an Gttpin srd iBefore chs ing i al paint anr buidn aon t ihhusfostesm colou r c oosdr thi etr r and rfacal lih n d o tiou r e fa i hsrfet hi rn.Lgt ea ce roÏm Kepindtt slbir coous enNew rtis Air Createarusi ln with bu-o ry toes m a an romapea lre rs hie m hd ae s htyes , hatl ie eyewo been around forer colursete a ozn atoelli igre. r ra d tion i nises sucm h a bronzee dand copper, Mted ors glossy N Pant eshen, is iheamoun of Clea the a raongc with theretuandof goldhund. - sattein bs forbos gbt a tyi all se or and intall whl lsypinrel it Ak- U onr  h e fwiewsm îngit erlc o hnn xeo ufcs n niu ryfmhsrfet hsred ih Perenu HCodeiFrR evmu hom 30Asso(Rg.$399edh Alarms InsAililSoil worngo 1360 orer Roed upp mes cottage (East of third Une) todlay! M-S.SS u VNý " î:05,S1,1-,CWS