86 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 12, 2008 Hoppinj event planned to support Rabbit Rescue GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION TASTY FUNDRAISER: Canadian Champion advertsing sales representatives (from Ieft) Colleen Gorman, Cathy Smith and Clem Scholtz take pars in a recens pizza day as the office, which raised $100 for the Terry Fox Foundation. The donation cornes just in time for the Terry Fox Run as E.C. Drury Hign School this Sunday AHio O h egoa Urban Yard Waste Collection Only use paper yard waste bags or open, reusable, rigid containers labelled as yard waste. If using a reusable, rigid container, you can drill holes on the bottom of the yard waste container for drainage. Do flot use cardboard boxes. Yard waste labels are available at no charge from Halton Region. Cali Halton Region between 8 arn. and 5 p.m. Monday to Friday at 905-825-6000, i -866-4HALTON (1 -866-442-5866) orlTTY 905-82 7-9833. Containers may have a capacity up to 125 L (27 imperial gallons) and weigh no more than 23 kg (50 Ibs>. Yard waste in cardboard boxes, Blue Boxes, GreenCarts or plastic bags will flot be collected. Brush must be tied in bundies no larger than 1.2 in (4 ft) by 0.6 mn (2 ft> wide, with branches a maximum of 7.5 cm (3 inches) in diameter. In Collection Areas 3, 4, and 5, yard waste is collected every other week, on the same day as your garbage. ln Collection Ameas 1 and 2, there is no yard waste collection. Acceptable materials: Not Accepted: / 0Leaves *Grass clippings *Sticks & Twigs *Tree stumps " Tree trimmings a Sod, sou, and rocks * Decorasive cornstalks a Clay * Pumpkins e Plastic shopping or garbage bags " Fallen fruit from trees e Plastic flower/plant pots " Yard and garden trimmings a Flower/plant markers and tags Grasscycling Grass clippings are flot accepted with yard waste for collection. Instead, grasscycle! After mowing, leave grass clippings on your lasan. Grass clippings are approximalely 80 per cent water and will decompose quickly, releasing valuable nutrients back into the soil. Grasscycling is an environmentally and financially friendly option for your lawn tare. r / Ai~1~, Local residents and their bunmies are invited to hop on over t0 Rabbit Rescue's BunFest 2008 later this montb. The event, put on by the Milton- based non-profit organization, i.s slated for Sunday, Sept. 21 from 11 arn. to 4 p.m. at the Meadowvale Community Centre in Mississauga. Itfs designed to educate the public about the benefits and proper care of bouse rabbits and raise funds for Rabbit Rescue. "There is a lot of conflicting infor- mation out there, and most rabbit own- ers have no idea what a wonderful rela- tionsbip tbey are missing out on," said Michelle Wasyluk, Rabbit Rescues media manager. "Pet rabbits are often kept in cages that are too amaîl, ges no exercise or even see a vet in their entire lives. Most rabbit owners are surprised to find out that a rabbis can be litter trained. We as Rahbit Rescue strive to show ail rabbis owners that rabbits are loving, enter- saîning and wonderful companrions." The day will include a bunny spa, bunny glamour shots, carros easing contest, bunny soys and treats, a silent auction and rabbst-savvy guest speak- ers. AIl visitors are invsted to bring their healthy rabbits in a canrier, stroller or approved hamess. Special guests will include represen- tatives from the World Society for the Protection of Animais, Toronto Wildlife Centre, Toronto Cas Rescue and Guinea Pigs R Us. The first 150 visitors will get a free bunny loot bag. Admission costs $5, and ail proceeds will belp the animaIs in Rabbis Rescues care. For more information visit www.rabbitrescue.ca. IS YOUR MoRTGAGE TAx DEDUCTIBLE? e CollectTax Refunds ePay off your mortgage 7 - 15 years FASTE R, SAVING thousands! Without changing your monthly cash flow! REGISTER FORA FREE SEMINARAT WWW.TDM P.COM Upcoming FREE Seminars in the Milton Area: October 4th, 2008 at 10 arn October 23rd, 2008 at 7 pmi November 8th, 2008 at 10 arn Located at the Best Western Milton Inn 161 Chisholm Drive Milton Contact your Local Accredited Mortgage Professional: Andrew Galea, AMP cali 416-849-1318 Email: eagalea@tdmp.com Toli Free 1-866-500-8886 TAx DEDUCTIBLE MORIGAGE PLAN