The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 12, 2008 - BS o-b.. --1, Brenda Lazenby, the Owner of the Milton Country - Depot, would like to announce that TSC Stores will be-.q taking over the business in the very near future.A While -this has been a difficuit decision, TSC is -.committed to running the business in much the same manner to which you, our valued customers, are - accustomed. You will see the sarne friendly and helpful staff, receive the same excellent service, and along with our standard selection of products, discover new items. There are also plans to give the building a much-needed face-lift. 1 would like to take this opportunity to thank Milton and the surroundîng areas for their loyalty and support of the business that my late husband, Bill, and 1 have_., received over the last Il years. Also I would like to than* my staff for their hard work and dedication. Without ail - or you me business coula flot nave oeen as successrui. F The staff and I would like to welcome TSC to the community and ask for your continued support of the business. - Sincerely 6Brenda f1azenlij Halton Region is developing a plan for building sustainable and healthy communities for generations to corne. This growth management initiative is called Sustainable Halton. Halton Region's efforts will mean less sprawl, greater protection of farmland, better infrastructure, and more liveable communities. In June of this year, Halton Region released five Growth Concepts that show where future homes and jobs could be located. In September, the Region is hosting four open houses to discuss the five Growth Concepts. Corne to an open house to learn about how the Region is planning for sustainable and healthy communities and how we will meet the Province's population and employment growth forecasts for Halton Region. We want to hear your views of the Growth Concepts. Your comments are important as we move forward on Sustainable Halton and further refine the concepts in the next phase of work. If you are unable to attend, or want more information, please visit our website at Follow the links to the online workbook and give us your thoughts. We look forward to hearing from you. Sustainable Halton Meeting Schedule Date Location Venue Time Monday Burlington Appleby Ice Centre 6:15 to 9:00 p.m. September 8 Multi-Purpose Room *presentation at 6:45 1201 Appleby Line Tuesday Milton Milton Sports Centre 6:15 to 9:00 p.m. September 9 Banquet Room *presentation at 6:45 605 Santa Maria Blvd Wednesday Oakville River Oaks Community Centre 6:15 to 9:00 p.m. September 10 Community Room A *presentation at 6:45 2400 Sixth Line Tuesday Halton Georgetown District High School 6:15 to 9:00 p.m. September 16 HUIS Cafeteria *presentation at 6:45 70 Guelph Street Georgetown For more information, please contact either: Perry Vagnini, Acting Senior Policy Analyst at 905-825-6000 ext. 7987, toll-free at 1-866-442-5866, or by e-mail at OR Alana Fulford, Intermediate Planner at 905-825-6000 ext. 7354, toll-free at 1-866-442-5866, or by e-mail at Ala na. FulIford@halIton. ca. HeUp break the silence and save lives Approximately 30 people die by suicide in Halton every year. Over 400 are hospitalized annually fron attempted suicides. And for eveiy suicidai death, at leasî six others are directly împacted.l September 1 Oth was World Suicide Prevention Day. To commemorate the event, 1 urge you 10 visit the Halton Suicide Prevention Coalition's website, The site offers information on how to prevent suicide, where ta go for help and ways to care for your mental health. A "Tell Someone" poster and fact sheet are available to organizations who would like to help raise awareness of this issue. For copies, cail Halton Region at 905-825-6000, toîl free 1-866-442-5866 or visit www.halton.calhealth. Gary Carr Regional Chair to break the silence. By talking openly, we can save lives and reduce suffering. Naft" Rogsdnd.d September 17 9:30 arn. Regionai Councîl l'"F'. -il grufr FITIT 11-