ARTS The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 12, 2008 - 91 805-878-711 i RVMý.CENTRE Things starting to open up for Steelecounty Local country band showing what it can do By Stephanie Hounseli CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Country music lans are the grcatest. Just ask Sterling Stead. whose band Steclecouni> lias been received wholeheai tedi>' b> the cowboy bat- weanin', ioe-stompin'. line dancin' crowds who's'e beard îbem pIsay so far. " 1 believe strong>' ibat ibere a nothung better than country' music fans,' lie said. "Tliey seemn to embrace you for who you are. Iliat was certain>' no different ai two recent performanc- * es that ma>' jusi catapuli Steelecounty to new heights. Wiîh haret>' enough time to recover and catch their breath from those recent opportunîties, the six-man Steelecount>' la now getting ready to take part in a major competition in Wisconsin. It aeems theyre on a roll. "1 just feel blessed... 1 feel like things are opening up for us," Stead said. Steelecounty was formed. two years ago b>' five musicians -tliree from Milton - who felt the>' could ofler something unique to the country music scene. At its cote were Sterling - a former Campbellville resi- hdent - and lius son Ryan, a long-time Mfltonian, who are no strangers to performing together. To sa>' music is in their blood is putting it mildi>' Ryan la a sixili-generation musician, with country' music infused into, the famil>' Although Ryan found himiself playing in a rock band in high achool, it wasn't lua niche. 'I realized it wasn't for me. Country is a lot more resl to me. The words l'm singing are a lot more heartfelt," said Steelecountys lead vocaliat. Completing the band are Milton brothers Brandon and * Kevin Sommerville, Tom Graham and newcomer Pete Allison. For the past couple of years, the group lias been in the I' basement, lioning their skills, writing songs and even learn- ing new instruments. Now they're resdy to show what they can do - and theyre well on their way in thie summer, Steelecounty entered a competition to play' at tlie Havelock Country Jamboree, recognized as one of the top five country' music festivals in Canada. Competing againat 20 other bands, Steelecounty won, despite some frazzled nerves and even a lack of confidence. "We knew we had a lot to offer, but mot everyone sees MAKING STRIDES: Steelecountry members (f rom Ieft) Pete Allison, Tom Graham, Ryan Stead, Sterling Stead, Kevin Sommerville and Brandon Sommerville are making a name for themselves on the country music scene. thinga the way we do," Ryan said. Performing at the August 17 jamboree was a tlirill, since it mesnt opernng for the likes of country legenda Conmie Smith and Earl Scruggs. "For us, it was pretty incredible - going from playing clubs to playing a massive show like that," Ryan said, adding lie took lis two sons along to the show, whicli had a definite famil>' atmospliere. Tlie second big event of the summer came about when they decided to enter the 27th annual Colgate Country Showdown in the U.S. The sliowdown begins witli hundreds of local talent con- tests sponsored b>' radio stations. Steelecounty competed and won a local round in Wisconsin. Next weekend, they'll hesd back to, Wisconsin for the state finals, which take place Saturda>', Sept. 20. If the>' win tliat, itîIl lie on to the regional round and tlien the national competition. The band lias quite a few of their own songa banked - written most>' b>' Ryan and Sterling - and this competition allows them to showcaae their songwriting abilities. Somethmng that sets the band spart from others la its ver- satility, Ryan said, with the six members playing about a dozen instruments between tliem in addition to singing. On top of being lesd vocalist, Ryan plays banjo and alide guitar; Sterling ia on the fiddle, piano, organ, saxophone and guitar; Brandon plays basa; Kevmn is on the drums; Grahiam la lead guitarist and peddle steel; and Allison takes care of lead guitar and dobro. One of the reasons it's important to have a wide range of instrumenta at their disposalisl to, be able to perform a vani- et>' of styles, Ryan said, tailoring the sound to the venue tliey're at. Whuùle younger crowds at the clubs might prefer a more pop/rock-infused type of "new" country, festivals usually attract a slightly older crowd with a liking for the more tra- ditional country sound, Ryan said. Looking forward, Ryan and Sterling both agree they hope to get signed to, a record label before releasing a full-length album. How does Sterling feel about playing with his son once again? "It neyer gets old. 1 look over and see this man singing and 1 have to pinch myself to remind myself its my son." He said lies glad he was able to pasa along to, Ryan what his parents gave to him. "The greatest gift my parents ever gave me was the gift of music." Stephanie Hounsell can be reached at sthiessen@mýiltoncana- uIuaaoEuuTER HERE «I didn't want the kids té worry about me being alone. 144th a wide range of adh'vities that I share with frWends, my metrement has neyer been tis much fun." Join us for a personal tour and a complimentary lunch with our friendly residents. Free tranisportation provided! csmmwsa CL.. s C6 Cail 519-837-3605 SELECT* 1691 Gordon St., Guelph, ON THE ROYAL ON GORDON M