- g The Canadian Champion, Friday September 12, 2008 - 29 Gppn om 1 meeai Heip MI GOeernalHelp neosP Hep ener Hep enal p Getr ep Tschicst tnip iie H aciflt QUALIFICATIONS TO APPLY: " Drivers Abstract ln goot standing " -G License for ai leust ose year " Esjoy reorking with childras GREAT FOR: *Stay ut home parents (pre-schooiers can rite atongi *Retirees rebo h ave extra tiras as thein bants *Anysas iooking for a positive ant sapportive environrosst O yods GENEROUS BONUS FOR "B" CLASS DRIVERS IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR A CARING. -- SUPPORTIVE AND FUN COMPANY STOCK has a September route ava PART-TiME OPPORTUNMES & l COMMUNITY SERVICES IO DEPARTMENT The Town of Milton, Community Services Departroant is currenffy accepting applications for the following part-time positions: *Lifeguardu i Sulu Instractors *ConcesnnHeer *Public Skating Patralerns & Cashiars *FltnessTrainers & Welght Rooni Supervisons If you are interested in any uf these positions or wouit like more information please vsot the careers section of the Towr's websîte at rearemiton.ca. Canada's leadîng Weight Loos asd Nutrition Centre is looking for energetîc asd enthusiaslic people witt a goo atttude to loin sur teami at sur Minissauga, Wînston Churchill location. Indîvîduals wili provide motivatior and suaport o sur clients and oeIl herbai producto f0, our retaîl clîeotele. Full training provîdet. Fax resamae la 905 8%4-7288 or e-mail: dk henlalmaglcnw2@hutmall.COm FIFT WHEEL Fuel Barl WHE L curreotly accpting w applicatons for: " Fuil- &Part-Time Cashiers *Full Part-Tîme Cuatodiana Please Fao reoumea fo: 905-878-9303 Attention: Art, or drop off in pansus f0: 5th Wheel Fuel Bar, 40 Chîsholm Drive Mihon L9T 3G9 F ull ast pout-rime available j Pleasant envîrosment. Emrait resumne ru: aunufose@s1bmirc se FPoolaide Fine Swimmng Poola & Spaa Positions aeullable for Swlmmlng Puai Cloainga & Construction. Must ham dlean ,alld drivera licene. Huurty Waea & Future Heafth Benefit Ail lateted apilcata pmau alyl Phon) 9527-5433,p t Fax 905427-5453 Email: lnto@poolalda.ca ARE VOl] OUTSTANDING IN VOUR FIELD? IF SO0W! WANT TO HEAR FROM YOUI! A welI estabtotret Burfisgfos basat businesi is ueeliing a pmofeuoîonal CSR wtfr a pmover tracti record in the personnel service isduolry. Pleaue lorward yoar reaumae along esili yoar ualury expectationa ta: Box 2087 clo Burfington Post Burlinglan, ON, L7L 7G5 Dot> quafle otlsltduais west ha cootactat. Looking for work?a mo Cal positions reqaîred SRG Sffafflng - 905-878-7789 j SALES REPRESENTATIVES S n AUTMOTIVETECHNICIANS Fan Haltors stastest gnownsgdealer MAAE OFB John Vas Rooan, Geserul Manager MEM ER HI ivanto e gar etosni cs Orcai 90547T7-7818 Wluh ever 000 U.S. 4ores rang- Img frein 20.000 te 110.000 square foot. vue nase aa.k the. felloseinge Now Hiring FT Positions Front End Lead, Inventory Control, Receiving Lead I f0te 5M1A s iooeing mn a sysarros imiaraus ta Ici Si FACTORY ciMMW Y in TU SeIWst HELP Variety Of APPY IN PE:1ff jobs available. Bed Bath & Beyond At Dorval Crossing Fax resume: For directions, cal 905-336-0272 905.337.1233 GoigAial BED BATH & Assitent Beyond ony store ofit ns . apolcant must be EOE poroonable, dedîcatet , love wwbdahnbyn.o animais ast ha willisg to work r clooelIy wth them. 1 OKN O Piesse tonurrd 1 AKN F apllcaonla CHALLENGING & REWARDING n m !MOYMENTOPPRTNITY? The YMCA Of Haritn/Budrtigtn is offerisg parti-time posiions provitisg licessed care fo & i childreo beteesfthe ages of .8-2 yars. 1 Th, ,,cessfot candidates aibe tsas lbs te 1~ W- foleschedà. Resposibiitiessisctude ftostline Fax esune deeopmstt, adminstraotion asd aonliiog as part (Oavile aea) oftheY School Age ChiLI Care foam. Oakiville SeniorIfyu Citizens H ans a diplosa rn ICE, ChiLI ard Youl or Reaaon Realdence I*Or have les or more years es(periesce wotlttg sitit 1 Stuert reiets children in a recralion or child care satIng fo .asff 0 Are 18 years of age or sf/en No esporesca 15 Piss+ ase complets tire job application fourd Cati Debbie or sur websils ymcahb.an.ca ast ereail 905-27-4139 w ith your resume ast cover lelfer to I SACCjaba@ynrca.ca or omai[ to: Avg $18.50 + thr SACC JOBS G OPENINGS Muat ha motivatet c/9 Ros Edartu Family YMCA Team esslnooment 500 Drury Lave tuttisgtoo, Ontario U7R 2X2 NO EXP NEEDED mor Orientto clasa provded. c/o Hlamilton Dossbsan Family YMCA Excellent bonus 79 James Street Soutih, Hamilton, Ontario L8P 221 I structures ast inceobives. 11-M"-21-2727 We aek aft toiteseapC, oItyttOff IuM JI onilWnb caelfe r sk an v105. -1 Now hnrng ati 1 positios tali ant 1 partfrme. L--- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- --- Plase drop off 1 n (Corner of ,Csoe evc J .. 'e, *hI*'**e* j I PRODCTIOWOReR Newspaper In print TO WORK FOR! diable for youl SCOO BU DRVE TANN eTRT NOII III i previde leadership to our sales and service am. 3-5 yearo iv raoufts otientatat aoagementsupmisoy nota, as abitfty to iach, mothvate ast leut a tar, 2-3 yearo potrence sn maoagisg budgets, custrosr rmica ast provnaes utu epeence. E-nait caver lettles und neaumne lu: Andrea Bltsby Geineral Manages undeebl@awle.yntcu.ca nr fau: 9"-82479 Claalng dat Saplembes ltM NEED EXTRA INCOME? No sapanienca requirat. Intivituao seete f0 insert tters for focal taespaper in Butington. tait by the place. Dup ant evenisg shift availabla. Looklng for fuîlt imea Person ta strsp and skld bundies. Moaday ta Frlday. Appty tn pannas; 530 Harvaten Rd (batween Burlak and Appiab Lina). Aak iorTnlnh ar Sharon. WANTED CaiCentr Repa. FuliTime Immediate Opening Eopastisg High Volume BMW Deulenuhîp si Dakville as saeking oervice protausionals to cummusîcata wîth oun eoiSting & grosing customar base, with great grosth potestial. No Espesiesce Nacenaary, We Wil1 Trois. Forr au immatiats infamvies' amail your reaune -BeneItI -7?aining Great Wark Environnient FULL-'TiME LOT ATTENDANTS& WASH PERSON REQIJIRED Vulve of Oulsolîle is hîtsng FIT Lot Attendants & Wash Parson ru NII an oposingo. Must have a salit G duoss driners license, & must ha sbIa f0 drive standard vehiclas. Pteaae Apply In Persan or cail Stase DuCosaa (F) 9054-882 (P) 90&5-8548 A Scron Metal Recyclisg companry requirs a poros to fill thîs posuton. Ws cilea stutîng slary of $15.10 per hour aiong with us attroctive benesto package ast long ferro empiuymasf. Apply sn poroon DNLY as Dominion Nickel Aitaora 834 Appleby Lina, Buningtan No thone cais pleuve HERITAGE 7t Intapentient _Senior Rasitanca Burtinglon 905. Fax: 906.1 9-6349 Atns: Brise Hemmins 7 ,24 Do you have a flair for faahion? Wa requins an asergefoc porsos for paot-rime empioymsnt. Applîcunts shouit enjoy wontdng wlpoopi, have as aphitude for ladies foshios. Peggyas Diatinctive Ladies Faahiona, Milton Mai Cali 905478-1414 tu rmorne 905478-7055 IATIO , Oak 877-3 ation ISome heavy litting. Porkiît sapaesce un auset * ull-f me tayso No shift sorti or weekents ICoopîtîtve age ast hensfits. Rurai location.* UMohvehavevhîd Action Pracauf Concrets Limitet WAREHOUSE OPERATOR Fuli-tinse Office 6 MONTH CONTRACT c"n WetiSpring Pharmucautical Canota position uvaifobte. Corp. i0 a phurreuuicat confrucl Accousting exp. munutaclaning company tocatat sn preferret. Gatinilia, Ontario, specializing in the munutacuring and packaging of Fax resme ta: labil, capsulea, fopicat ast non-stanite 905-876-ttB86, oeil: tiquit pro/acta for the North Anai 905-876-1113, aot Europaan mroakets. ei5ii90in2 Reporting lu, tbm Warahousa Suparvis- 11890R or, you relt ha reoponaihia for carrying ouf wrehouse dtfea such as maierial EK O hantting, shipping ast raceiving asD5 KO raqaîrat sot support lthe racaipf, No sffice exp. req. atoraga ant han/isg of labels andi Must have goot olhar prnnft roulariats. felephose masser ar:Gae Hou/y sage Candidte requiremenats ar:Gae + Banats 12 aducatios compltfat MasO ha Ern Milto & QEW ticensat and hava esparienca sn No Studeofs operaling a Raymond Raach trucki; Cail for intsview Knoreesie ut using a comeputer 9054-SZ56 inventory systaro 5 consiterdat un i 7 assef: MuaI ha eotremely ratiabte wmf h Rft a olnong attention loi tatail ast bring a wittisgness lu learn ast positive atti- ESTABUSHED tata. Cantitates mstf ha flexihle 1 CNSRCTO anont asy shift (day, afternoon, nighul. COPNSTU1O If yo ara fooking for a ravearding hus a punt-time lob opporunf>' f0 ha part of a gnoreing share opooisg for un orgasizution, pleasa sent your esthuslasfic individu- rasuma in confidence f0: ai whtreanjoys sori- WeilSprlng Pharmacealica Canada Corp. isg sn a stmeait office Att: Humais Resaunce envîrosmant. Must Fax: 905.337.7239 ha profîciant in E-mail: hn@weliapnlngpharm.cs QuictiBootis uc- On>' those seiecteit for an interview weut coasfisg prucadurs ha contacted. No lelephose cails please. înciutisg prepuna- J tin ot monthif sn- comse stutemenst Offic Help Ofiel ant hue Sound sonkiso ksosiedge of MS Office Suite. ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT Emal neaume lu: for a umail Burlingrus CA tirro. Datubuse olliceetarge maintenance, schstulisg, boukkaspîsg, tiliig oakvilie.cam un ast geseao office administration are raqairat. Fan: 905-845971 Sfrosg knoosedgs of Microsoft Office is a must. Esperiesce with QuictiBookS a an assset. The succesoful candidats wîlI ha self-costrdiest FASIIION ast ssthusiastîc, cairo ast ustiappubis ih CONSCIOUS amuzîng muiti-taskisg art toilos-thruugh RECEPTIONIST - abîlities. Thres tayol aeek asdtoiur dayal Pustrios conosulans seei for the mosth of April. ased for fistuil Op- Seoed reaumnea to: ticai Showrooms burtington@pdbureau.Corm itea carditates sdi pooseos excettent communication skis part ime Raeptionial requiret for ast a flair for tastrise, a Business in the rural Curophetiie neatl sapanaence an unes. Sala> rorsinga (7:3Oam 10 omset & training nourri ast weektay allarsoons (4:00 uvailable. f0 7:OOprel, 17 hours par aneeti. Pliseaadrnp off re- Escellent computer siits are Sul npesa eat. essenliat. HAKIM OPTICAL Fiass fax your resure 10: 790 Guelphi Use, 905-854-1169. nudt An Jeff AI ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT NEEDED T ha Townofu Millons Curporufe Services Departmenl as acceptisg appications ton the tati-lime position of Administraive Assistant. Reporfing f0 the Director, Corponute Services & Tresrer, this position relt provite senior levet atdministration support uftfhe highesl qaality f0 the Director, Curporafe Services' temantig 'ont boat, j hile esencisisg mature jstgroant ast discreflus in han/ling contitentiai ast sensitive informoation pertuising Ou, Town of Milton husiness. The succeastul candidate ii also prosite s upport lu, the Depansments managemrent team, provide quaiy castomer service ast ho as integra part ot the Cuorporate Services Departroant. SIl oua are interested in this position or would like more lI nermation piseas vieilth1e careers section of the M Towns webslte et www.mllton.ca.