Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 12 Sep 2008, p. 28

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28 -The Canadman Champion, Friday September 12, 2008 v P a Genetp E ~Help ~ H I5 ~ H 7 ~~~ 5VII t5JTo Assemble Prodocts, Stuffîng Envotopes, FULLTIME RETAIL e Mailing\Processing Circulars, Online Comput- FUL -IM RE*I TH oNUTYLA Er Work available. Up To $1,500/Week. No SALESEOPLEEsperience Needed! FREE information ai: Yoa uoteojy sevin on oatofyog ene andopeate .* * * .WWW.Jobs-WorkConnection.com nilennly srig n atsyn dadoprtd 50 $10 Reference: 3-113 cuotomero eohibit work elhic, Cnd an pry xonh locations in Ontario SG IGB NsAALBE vslueo and ontegrity, ood also be adteMrtms confident in yoor abilities. Can You Deliver the Goods? :0 * i iEEDE LONG TERM CAREER Trc Driverus Base saay, Commissions, T U k D i e (manufacturer's points prognam & trips), RESPONSIa iMES: carpoot ares at 401 / Trafalgar. Leave mes- SPIFFS, Management Training. sfnl transport maes tno n d iîoni opnc.ifiîesi ntisions POITINS.. . .-BL sage for Jerry ai 905-785-7638. Please phone, faxor visit *Ioasecu n nlosd argo in aooîilncns.ith govennt rintonso* 2431 Trafalgar Raad, Oakeille Adrian-Phone@ f905) 257-5701 Fax@f905)-257-4326 Burloak and OEW 3715 Wyecraft Road,Oakvnlle Neii-PhoefOOs 409-2210 Fax@(905f-469-0601 3350 Pairven Street,BaIlington Ken-(9OS) 637-2003 Fax@(905)-637-575 hrdept0osaudavideo.cone CAREER OPPORTUNITY With the expansior ut Ford of Curada Oakoilte Manufacturing tacîtity and reent promotions, we are rn need seoerat addîtional Sales Proteusioruls und are prepared In train through a professînnatty preserted. FREE SEMINAR Learn about the car business before makîng a career decision. If ynu toue Uhe challenges of deaiing wittr people and are setf-motivated, Ibis map belfon pou. Excellent commission plan, car aitucance and benefit package ix avaitabie for the right candidates. LIMITED SEAl1NG AVAILABLE Kennedy Ford OakAiIe * ilneiop aînd maisntan eiù relaios ih custer QUALIFICATIONS: *a Claoî0 Dtdoie icnce. a ien abtrac and prevou oo lift ns pe ounien *ableto rnsd/interpe rlevnt ocuilomet anilmasp hig schoo dovilpoma o uiaen or sinonthos eatd xpinoe and/ or trainingoanusoivaientcomubiaiovofeducatonin epeiien Ifyou oharu vaus visonv snd vitaiOy pinasn appiy. us Human Itesources HOWELL PIPES. SUPPLY 11 Arnisitong Avenue Georifetown, ON L76 451 PFa 905-702-5740 e-inati: hrOêhowalpipe.. St. John Ambulance Councît for Ontano isa uoiuritany agency dedîcated lu improo ng the _______________________________ heatth, ssfety and quairp nf tîfe of Ortarars tbrough training and cummunity seraice. We are curnentty seekirg a confident, energo ic Bssnch Manager t, toin our Hamiltor Bssnch. maktn ae iuui xeecApptîcants musI possesu prooen management,. _ __ein &'Me klladeprinei i nancial management. Strung community af- filiation and experierca in the volntr sextor san asset; exceltent communication supersi TRANSPORTATION INC. sory ad MS Office skitis are reured.t Pleaca fonsard resume lu.oclCopn Human Resources 1~ oi L o nmpanpl HuI St. John Council ton Ontario 00O7~ lningfo Bp September 19, 2008 *DZ Son E-mal:pngln@onsiaca ruckDriersCONCESSION SUPERVISOR Fax: (416) 923-2696 *4'to EEE 1 Operators Lj for cîrter snoe Textile distribution oompaory In akoîie seeko clearing nf treets The Town nf MitIon's Communitp Sersices CONTROILLIER and lots. Department os carrerffp accepting appications 25-30 tari Per week, Salary 40K-60K Contact Garry ornail: for the contract position ot Concession Responsbltîtes -Reports toi senior" gai Saperviser lu manage the food concessions management * Puproit, AIR AR - Monthip bhowdeo.oo.ca on cati aI Miltnn Sports Centre, Memonai Arena and fînancial utatemertu*-Bank and subledgei 905-208-3002 John Torelli Sports Centre. This indiuidual wiii recorciiiatioru., îoreîgr cunrency transachions supervise and train part lime staff, set Cash flinw management s- chedutes, maîntain oanîtatîonlhpgîerie tevets Job Specihicatiens: - 5 yra ut accountI exp. IGernerai itelp cit Hlo einsa dod, prepane and oeil Proactiox, dletaîl onîented - MS Excel & maî il ~ food items, traci and order îrventory and Business Financials * CGA, CMA preterreil poncEuse Irroduct. Emtait resame:nsrthwaytextileOhstmail.cem If pea are interesteditn this pesition or MALVE careers section of the Town's neebsite at ea-p Al wwwmiiten.ca. 8am4pm Il -f e Monday.Pmtay AI se Waterdswn it 1i Caltabuin* urintslocation, Drtet 2pm-lOpm shit « I , e o Benehits avait CLASS AZ DRIVER JOIN OUR CARRIER required, citE 3 yearO experenc CLU Fdetîverng construction machinerpl focal ad out-o) tawn sites. Masst aneta$$ have otreng cestomer service skît) o, r weehsty anetas s good paperwiork, and mechanicat pbicabion in Hamit- W r okn o e be ability. 08e aBfer 40 hoars plus/ week tnand Burhngtxn. tiil repoknsîorrble , plus benefiOs. carierc with Y eso5S nd i s end ! R ea m e o:relearred. For door to i door to i de) iveries STEEPLEJACKS SERVICES .las - mi -- 1281 Spoeia Rd., OakviIIa, ON, L6L 2X5 -.tr 24î PLEASE CALL 90&478-2341 Il Fax: 965-8252801 hori.co* ExtD2U 9a -e.a 5Jaes nwPwyMi t Need HeIp Finding Work? s. l your FIRST STEP ta Pind out what services are availahie ta yea at NO o~,gtn esete Z.. Burtingteo: (905) 637-&U Labourera and Foreman required fulltlime, year round cork, for busy landscape t construction] man depeodeot on experience. Interested candidates cari cai Jmie 905-877-2919. Local Stone Quarry Seeking [ t be hysiaty fit a a eo-tarter MusI I s wr n no u td o rO e r rm e a oa a b e l Sayplus apariment. Fa eue 958295 e..WRKN e* ** BiIin9eaI Custamer Service! Logisfics Our client is a Burlînglon basel Chemica t3istributor who is lookinq for a Bitingua Customer Sersîce/ Logialîca person. Must have experience rn the Chemîcai induutny, proficient or Word, Excel & PowerPoint, gnsd muti-taskîng abilities. Receptios! Administration & General Office Short and Long Teni Position Order Ficher! Pacleers - Oaleville MusI have saflety boots. Liffing from 1to 150 ibs. Bilingeal Credif Collections Minimum o) 5 years experience in accounting AIR, credît chocks on nec clients, genesste monrtl reports. Proficient in Wbord/ Excel, Phone: (905) 332-1600 E-mail: info@chorylcraigcareers.com Fao: (905) 332-7993 www.cherylcraigcareers.com RECEPTIONISTI CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSISTANT A faut grocîng, smati Osiite tins requîreu the talents ot un experiericed Receptioniat and Customer Seruice Assistant cho ertopo a chattengîrg aork envîroomient. The succensfut candidute cîtt ho computer tîteratle and have somne customer service eeperîence. Excellent communication eniOxoe and oral) ukîtîs are requireil. Etectrîcul and lightîrg generat knocledge coutld be consîdered andl assai. Ptease emrait or fao pour resume and satary expectaoons lx: MAGIC LITE LTD. Email: wendy@magtctlte.com Fas: 905-825-8334 No Phone Cails Pteaoe Warseing individuels who are intereoted ncrig or' an as needed baais for Une posbo 0f eeeraLbuer Dxties cîtt incuekUn, )bg n bandîng skids. ybu musI be able to cork ir a fast paced ensflamment and bande lange oheets of paper ceighing approx. 45 pounida. St.Lr ZM Assistant Survovor bas buiht a sstid *Im ll reputation for marllet excallence. Takirg prte Under the generai direction and nupervision of the Proîxct in being une of)1 th argeat Suraeyor, yoo ciii be nesponsîbie fos surseyîng the tayout heavy civil engineeringo f uthe site(s) and asoîoting tho Sr. Suraxynu cîth tanin conraclora in fine suc an, rîading construction piano sud profile dracîngo industry, ce emptoy nute and amteudîng cuntrut points andl bencbmarkn as requîrxd NO0 people, and ate the Stnnng mialherosticat skîis andl knoctoige of curtent tangent ISO 9001 cedtiil suraxyiog techniques ai) requisil Y0v munt stay current concrets pavîng Company cilh oquipment standards and prucudurvo au neceonary an in Canad An cunernty cvii as estabtiofl a schedutn wîth tho nupeninitendent andl have an opeting loisa. cumpanisu cuntractous in urdor to appty, pleane tureard your rsonne Io: hnibtlawrencecement.ctm eîtl Assistant Surveor as the subîxct. ve, iiuank aiu ppiioapin ioriO ch e i ntere i nnn0 hoerofytecndiaes vevieâ fo an interiew weii De cotaci MOBILE OFFICERS CONCIERGE OFFICERS SUPERVISORS SPECIAL OPERATIONS OFFICIERS INTERCON CAN PROVIDE REC $11.50 TO $16.00 PER HOUR* APPLY As FoLLOWS iLYOU CALL OURAPE;-R 1 ' IfE IN PERSON 4 r,,' Tl- ý! 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