ThA rnnadian Chamnion. Fridav. Seotember 12, 2008 - A23 Not up to par, admits O'Shea Linebaclzerjeels he let Stubler down By Steve LeBlanc 1 select few who were around CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF when 'The Don' led Toronto to back-to-hack Grey Cup victonies Rich Stubier mnay have taken in 1996 and '97. the huliet foi the Argos' curreni Despite that farnihiarity, the, struggies. hut theîr stai- wart iinehacker accepted part of the hiaine in the wake of this week's coaching change. 'As a defence we have enjoyed consistent suc- cess for the Iast five years, so 1 feel lîke i have let coach Stuhier down Mike O'Shea hy flot perfonning to the expect- ed level," Multons Mîke O'Shea toid the Chanmpion yesterday iîiorning, foliowînig Don Matthews' replacement of the firsi year head coach Tuesday. The CFEs iongest-sers'ing active player. O'Shea is among a several players who'1 he under a microscope in the comîng weeks, as the 4-6 Argos look to regain the formidahie defence that's mnade themt a perennial con- tender. "We al] know this is a business, so when a player gets cut or a coach gets fired you still have to win the next game. And with coach Matthews, lie remînds you of that fact fairly quickly" saîd O'Shea, who turns 38 next weekend. "You have to fînd your passion and prove step on the field- W/hile re-inserted into the startîng iineup for Sundays 45- 19 ioss to Montreai, fYShea was used sparnngly the week before against Hamilton and admits hies heen having to work much harder as of late îo make a con- trihution. The three-time Grey Cup champion and is Argos wîli look to get Matthews' returf off to a good stant tonighit, when they host the Bitte Bomnbers. The last Toronto-Winnipeg showdnwn saw O'Shea go head- to-head with feliow Mîltonian Matt O'Meara, who was making just his second CFL stant on the offensive fine during a stretch of injuries. The 26-year-oid has since returned to hack-up duty with the 2-8 Bombers. Under-1 2 girls set for League Cup semis Unbeaten Magic clash with WJeland Despite this, they could be iooked upon as underdogs for hoth the semis and finals, as hoth One more hiurdie to chanipîonship play. W/elland and Oakvilie B are part of the First That's whaî Multons Under-12 girls are facîng Division. tomnorrow afternoon iii Hamilton, where they'li Should they prevail tomorrow, the Magic will look to dowsn W/elland for a shot at the SRSls- play in the finals nexi Saturday, Sept. 20. League Cup titie. - Thats when Miltons Under-14 The seriîlnal showdow had tnt Rf girls wili battie either Niagara Falls tiaily heen set for last weeken hut ,/ ' ""j B or St. Catharines - slated to clash was postponed due to rain It willM 4fiâ F7 Sunday - for the championship. now he hieid tomorcow ai i p.m. at Also undefeated in the Second Hamilton's Mohawk Sports Park. Division at 13-0-1 - foilowing Tuesday's 2-0 vie- Sitting ai a near-perfeci 14-0-1 in Second tory over Brantford BICS B - the older Magie Division regular season play - foliowing last have been nearly as dominant in the regular sea- weekis 6-0 tout of Mississauga B - the Magie xiii son, having been scored on just six times. take on Oakvilie B if they reach the finals. Like the Under-12s, their League Cup chai- The Under-12 girls have aiready cemented fBrst lenge wiil corne against a First Division oppontent. place in their division, and have given up a measiy The Under-14 ginls have four games left in the four goals ail season, with just one gamte remain- Second Division, including Mondays trip to, Erin ing this Monday against Oakvilie C. Mills C. AFORDBE: HMSI ............................... cJct/iit ýic- f our Purchase yur 2009 membership alter Sept i 5th and play the rest of the 2008 season FREEI, 1 -9388-8-3 Domond Level Gold Level Gr(,y Silo ù,cý Acton G.C f1lYý,t1c Gýc. Bý ý, ivý ýi 1 il,, G .C Br, ýr)t V, ýIIt y GýC Pbtinurii Level BF(DýDlfl(,Icl cýc cL)ný ýtog, 1 C.C. BLIrfOrCl G C C.C. cýýIuriI1 Gýc Fo>é.,,vood C.C. Cý ýnt, -rbLity G.C P,-iriý Gr,,,ii(i C.C C(,d.,ýr Cr,,(ýk G.C Sc(,Illc \Xloucl-. C-i.C F, mrvi(-v\ý G C Lýk(, B( lvvood G.C Or. ing, ývill, - G C Lsw$37 per .$wDOWN! DAY e WHTEVE - 2500 O CLAR!DELIVERY SpeciaIizing in, 100% Credit Re-establshment IF WE DON'T HAVE UT - WE WILL CET UT!. 1 78 IESN F 0KY f WILL1;1"fC I YO MLAS Busitns ýéout adý'ertisbig is Re ýýîiàig in the dark - 1,011 hilou, uliat.yoli ýre doilig - but iiobod.y else does!