-1 A9 -Th. rsieeBhomninn Frirloana Otnimbor 12. 2008 2007 HONDA RUDUELUNE lTi 3. SV TEC uo ip wnosoc/mors, bocke heate/t sets , AM/FM/CS changer, crose, tit, ABS, aitoy mOets & mors. RTL Modesi mtO Navigation. Ever Oas leather, pomer moomroof & .,4 SIver w00 aimost rom Michelin Tires Warranty 6 MontO/0,000kmn Go 0' poweotrai inçludng 30 day mechanrocal Smoer Io O mpes o O a 30 day/2,500km eochange polroy. StK I $279988 20107 FORD FOCUS 20O 4 O F OHC asto air p.mrtowito ks/mirors cuse/tl ,og lamos aslo sportmsels Forme renta Great miteage & osty oear Oas 4/t,662 km. Balasos Btf Ford 3 Yr.iBO 000km total warrants plus Roa/tords Asistance & 5 YrsiOOB 000kmr towetraîr marrarro Srk.0207457 .c . - Former restai. 4.OL V6, auro, air AMOFM p, ir/tots/toOks/irrors, rrss, tilt, Bttoy mOets, trttt/twin doms, se/t iser. 0ow package. tsew Cas' modei Os/t tf s a 4x4 SE' mo/tet Otry l0w, 0ow mittagt for rt star0l Balarce of issan warrarty Stk. G411106 2.5L 5 osi., mascai, air, BMIFM/CO. p. wisdowB/tooks/ir r505, crarBe. tlt, bucket seats, keyttss enry, side impact airba/to atioy wheetB. Woltsbur/t s/tsor Ouiiy iaded totlu/t ta ileathsr & powes mooroot. tosomioal 5 speed trarsmis- sios. Balanctet ofioksooagtr 4 OsiBO ,000km rotai wasratty B 5 Yrit100,0OOkm tnmt/ttan warrnty, Stk. GBTt 34 5OL oe, auto. air AMiOMîCD changer. crosse, trtt, ABS, trac- tron t net, su/te imtact Basa/to, bt/t liner, to 0k/t, rt/te sil/tsng mis/tom PuroOastd tnom leasing comparsy I i e 'ort'0 mo/tti mirO chrome bomptrs. Fats Oas power windows & iocksir Batance of Toyota 3 YriBO0,0OBkm rotai arsarty tics Roads/tt Assistance &S 5 siiO00O0km pomertrais matranty. Stk G002567 t.5L 4 est. auto, aie AM/FM/C0, t. wtdowstocksirross. tis., ABS, traction Otri Grtat oitea/te for t star 52,081 km r Blanof e Scion 3 OriBO0,OAOkm rotai warsarty tics Ooa/tsidt Assistance do5 Yri/oBo000km toms/tsars marrants. Stk St 14828 Funding aimed ait ai Ieviating patient off loading delays By Stephanie Hounseil CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF A one-time infusion of cash may help deal with Haltons hospital offload- ing delays, but Region staff and count- cillors aren't holding their breath. "It certainly won't hurt and it miay be of some help," said Halton Medical Officer of Health Dr. Boh Nosal at the Region's health and social services com- mittee meeting Tuesday The Region is poised to receive a grant from the provincial government for up so $125,000 that will go toward nurses who will specifically receive ambulance patients in hospisal enter- gency departments (ED), stases a staff report. They'll provide patient cace and supervision of five or six patients at a sime until the hospital can take over, allowing EMS resources to return to the comînunity. The funding is for the 2008-09 fiscal year. "ldeally, this would eliminate the majority of oflload issues during peri- ods of peak demand," the report states. Offloading delays occur when a hos- pital is at capacity and can't provide a bed for a patient brought in by ambu- lance. Paramedics must therefore con- tinue providing care to the patient at the hospital, usually in the ED hallway, preventing the ambulance front leaving and being used for another emergency Theyre somesimes there for up to 13 hours. Last year in Halton, there were sev- eral occasions when no ambulances were available to respond to local calîs. The amount of time lost to offload- ing delays each day is equivalent to two ambulances being out of service for an entire 12-hour shift, Nosal said. That added up so about $1 .4 million in lost vehicle staffing last year, Nosal told the counicillors. Halton is one of 14 EMS services in Ontario receiving the funding. Regional Chair Gary Carr said it seems the Province bas given this rela- tively small amount simply to say its done somnething. "We need to say Thank you minis- ter for that, but this in no way is going to help with the problemr."' The money will fund one fulI-time equivalent nurse -- but isn't enough for two - and council must decide to which of Haltons four hospisal EDs the nurse will go, Nosal told the Champion. He said the worst off-loading issues are as Burlingtons Joseph Brant Memorial Hospital. There's also the question of wlsat to do if shat one nurse gets inundated woth patients, he Baid. esee FUNDS on page A20