A18 - The Canadien Champion, Friday, September 12, 2008 Est. 1957 ~ $ONliV~ ~gw Farm Market &Pick-Your-Own le 6 Acre Corn Maze. j & Wagon Rides I is & under FREE!) XI riî u aeyfrFeà ae '4taC4kelt Town reviewinq snow control operations; looks to improve By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF in Iight of the severe weather that walloped Milton last winter, ihe Town has taken a hard look at its snow control operations and plans to make somte changes. More plowing staff and field supervisors and increased park- ing enforcement are among the recommendations; staff is mak- ing to improve service duning Hop On Board With Sehool Bus Safety. the winter months. A report that went before the Town's communlty services committee Monday night also, catis for increased snow control on Multons sidewalk and trail systemrs and a beefed up com- munications campaign to get the Town's'AIlow the Plow' mes- sage across. Ward 4 Councillor Wendy Schau said she was pleased to see the report, noting she received quite a few complaints from residents last year. She said sidewalk plowing ta particularly important to main- tain accessibility for people with disabilities. Fellow Ward 4 Councillor Paul Seherer said while it was a tough winter last year, he though the municipality did an outstanding job in keeping the town running through difficuit trmes. He said the number one complaint he heard was that in some areas, certain streets would be pristine while others nearby would be impassable. 'We have to ensure we're equitable," he said. The staff report recommends: -Bringing on four additional contraet staff members to ensure operators for ail Town-owned equipînent . Hiring three contract supervisors to oversee plowing operations in the field, respond to customner service requests and act as parking enforcement offi- cees during winter events - lncreasing parking enforce- ment activîties to remove parked vehicles blocking plows 0 Increasing communica- tions, including the 'Allow the Plow' campaign and more brochure distribution * lncreasing the number of sidewalks and trails mainxained by the Town by 14 km. The committee endorsed a motion to put the request for additional snow control staff off until the 2009 budget delibera- tiens. The extra staff is expected to cost $141,000. The motion also, indicates that the changes to, tbe side- walkftrail plowing prugraro and communications strategy should be funded fromt the win- ter control reserves for more immediate implementation at a cost of $34,000. The item wilI lie on town council's agenda Monday, Sept. 22. Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennessey@milton- canadianchampion.com. Beouty Supply We OUT LE T GRAND OPENINO! Saturday, September l3th, 1OÀM-6pm Join us at the Grand Opening event For the new BSO in Milton, your hot spot for beauty. Score RED HOT DEALS on your favourite salon products and update your look in the full-service salon. Riocan Centre Milton a 1003 Maple Avenue, Milton e 905.86,4.0007 (at the Thompson/Steeles intersection) 7388 Guelph Une, Campbellville fbetween Deny Rd. & Steeles Ave.) 905.878.1870 www.stenehavenfarms.com