The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 12, 2008 - Al17 Drury Park community launches Neighbourhood Watch program By Joanna Phillips SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION The residents of Drury Park * are the eyes and ers of rach oîher, now thaî a Nrighbourhood Watch program has been introduced there.' The citi.zrnship initiative was launched in Drury Park - an * adult lifesîyle communiîy comn- prising 196 drtached bungalows behind E.C. Dmury High Sehool -earlier ibis summer. According to chair of îhe Milton Policing Committer Tony Lambert, its a maîler of "keeping îhrir communiîy safe." "Ils the sharing of informna- lion and co-ordinaîing of the neighhourhood," said Lambert. Lambert is the area leader in Miluon's Hawthorne Village, wher a Neighbourhood 'Watch program has bren tai place since lalî faîl. Just like in Hawthorne Village, residents in Drury Park keep watch over the commumîty and look for the first sign of trouble. There are 16 deputy block captains and block cap- tains in Drury Park who relay information to area leader and chair of the steening committee, Stella Michaud. Neighbourhood Watch vol- unteers, guided by the eight- person Steering Committer, co- operate with police services to prevenl crime. "It's neighbours watching neighbours basically," said Michaud. The resuits have hemn signifi- cant in Hawthorne Village, said Lambert. A case of harassment was bren draît with before il escalaurd, and the program has also helped to, decrease speeding on ares roadways. Though this year its hemn "ýrrasonahly quiet" in Michauds neck of the woods, the general consensus is that its always bet- ter 10 be prepared. Michaud cited a forrsîed area behind sonne of the homes as an allure during the summer for teenagers - who party there - as being someîbing thats con- cerned residents. Vandals have also upset the mood rrcently On one parlicu- lar night in August, several acts of vandalism. occurred in the area, said Michaud. She bas since brought the issue up at an open house forum hosted by Milton Community Policing Committee, of which she's a member. The Milton Communiîy Policing Committee provides ils members wiîh the means to communicate concerns regard- ing public safrly to alI levels of governimenî, and to take an active part in devising commu- nity-based strategies. ln addition to local residents, meetings are upen lu members of the Halîon Regional Police Service. New customers receive 30 f ree botes * Osr 1milionCanaian no enoy with purchase of Premium Selection consumer-made wines at hom or World Vineyard wine. Retail salue $34.00 " You cao make wines of award-wiOfling Hurr m- crier expires September 30, 200& quality Ihol will otandul p ogaiool premium To get siaaSed sst sieply broum infis couon store bought wioes " Our 100% oatisfaction guarantee enoures yuu eoioy a great wioemaking eoperience every lime ~~u.s i (s0 81 6-0403,mf Il from every Wînexpert Kit goes 10 the United Way. For local arts evený 9 ,a SN k,& O .Soto w-S~ft~ o Tu SuA. Aiecede offeele avali cpon appeecil of creoSe only on Oece Brick bCad PIatinum, Miniemume chot ef S250.00 Any Brick delcceey charges, GST (5%), provincci sales taxes (if appi(alh') nrd edeee, Oterefee ($99.95) are equcocedto be pad aeeeref puchae, balace ducecJancceo201 Ietee mey accruce for the final 25 y obete pomtioedeOddatebu b aiemIO d f e payeeeeeisede i, full by the due date. Oee in soree or refer to your Brick Card Alccuri HoldeeAgreeeentfoi full Mails. Predceeay ay bylocation. We resere tetrght elieot qceeetes by soeand per puree5eee +ruseffet canneeee eoeebeed wt an te t e dso unt r feeq ee gf h se. saleo teherpreeeooue0 otereeml spec5ed. Effeceeegcee 29eh -Sepemebee 305, 200e, neSs etcerwee indccaed. S"iea tr for eeeeplee cleeccla. # Ln Milton Yo'-Wnenh Ne orIof" 1220 Steeles Ave E. yourNetqboUrOOilHwy 401 & James S'now Pkwy (905) 864-3303