NPUBLIC I4BRAF, MitnsCommunity Nesae ic 80Weed Edto 4JýîA Named Canada s Top Community Newspaper N E WS Halton candidates off and running S POR T S A &E Kickboxer earns Country band split in South Africa makidng its mark A Merolnd-ediaGrop pbliatio Vo. 19 No 53FriaySeptmbe 12 200 56Pags $.00 ind G..T. Turner, Raitt clash on childcare issue T-ony adIs suggest Liberals would end childcare benefit By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF While federal election campaigns are just underway, sparks are already ffying between incumbent Liberal MP Garth Turner and Conservative candidate Lisa Raitt. At issue is childcare. wath Raitt and the Conservatives saying that Liberal Leader Stephane Dion would scrap the $1.200 per year universal cbildcare launcbed wbat the partys describing as a "public information campaign" con- sisting of ads that rndicate Dion would eliminate the benefit. "When they compare leaders, par- ents face a clear choice," said Raitt. "With Stephen Harper tbey'll keep their $1,200 universal childcare benefit. Wit Stephane Dion, tbey'll lose it." The campaigu is based on an inter- view Dion had with the National Post in 2006. He was asked, "Would you cancel the Tory daycare plan?" Dion said, "Yes. The Dryden plan was mucb better," refemrng to Liberal MP Ken Drydens plan to put federal funds toward increasing cbildcare spaces. Turner says ads wrong benefit. But over in tbe Turner is saying tbis n pletely false. On Tuesday, Raitt a Todlay'sCh OPINION CLASSIFIED REAL ESTATE DATELINE www msltoncanadiancl A&P -SHOPPERS DRES MART.-ZR,,ERA.RAFO R SCIRNORSý REAL CANAURRE SUPER STORE -CANA NO RRIUI.S -SLAAP BAGTARA R ORTENS . HARDWARE . CIVRAS.- ROMA OUiIIOIRS .SIRMANS APALIANECS ITE BRICKR.SEU *WAI MARI.- BLAIRS PRIIOSPAPHY -ITH www.miltonto' Liberal camp, But Turner said the interview is otion is coin- being taken out of context, poinring out that Dion was neyer directly asked nd the Tonies if hie would cancel thse benefit and the Liberal leader chdn't specifically say hie would eliminate it. "This is a major gaffe, coming just hours after Stephane Dion in fact announiced the Liberals will be increas- rnpion ing the annual benefit by $350 with a new credit," he said. A6He said Dion bas also committed ta A6 creating a new childcare benefit supple- A27 ment and guaranteed family supple- B9 ment worth up ta $1,225 per cbild for low-income families. B17 "Nobody, anywhere, in any party has amincm suggested cutting of funding for par- amincm ents," Turner said. "l'm so disappointed that my opponent would start off the AICS.AADENCY OfNATURAL election campaign with a false accusa- ARK M RUDO VR tion. The Liberal Party will not be end- HOLLAND PARK :HOAME ing the childcare benefit." AS. MICHARLS -LONGOS But Raitt contended there's notbing SHOUREA RU false about the Conserv?.tives' ad cam- paign. "Thts ad is fair and factual," she said. * A It serves as a public service announce- ment tbat reflects the true Liberal posi- -see INCREASE on page A5 PHOTO ILLUSTRATION BY RON KUZYK / SPECIAL TO THt CHAMPION FORCIED TO MOVE: With Haltons homeless population on the rise, a Iack of shelters in the region is forc- ing many ta seek a place ta sleep in cilles such as Hamilton, Mississauga and Toronto. Homelessness on the rise By Ryan Bolton SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION Contrary ta popular belief, Isomelessness te a reality in Halton. It's a segment of tbe commu- nity tbat's on tbe tise and, in soure cases, tbatïs often being referred ta Hamilton or Toronto. A Champion investigation bas found tbat ridsng on tIse rising cost of living and slug- gisb economy, Haltons sole Isomeless shelter, tIse Halton Lighthouse Shelter, is witness- ing increasing numbers. Witb a population of 505,000, there are 10 emer- gency shelters in Hamilton with an estimated 509 available beds. With a population of 440,000, tberes one emergency sbelter in Halton witb a total vacancy of 25 beds; 15 for males and 10 for females. The Oakville-based Halton Lighthouse Shelter bas been operating at 90 per cent occu- pancy recently. In 2006, thse shelter supported 413 people, which was an 8.5 per cent increase from 2005. Within the last few months, however, the shelter bas been seeing a great boost in users. "We've seen an increase, definitely, since April," said Rachel Sawatzsky, director of tbe shelter, who attributes thse increase of users ta the slowing economy "We are just about full every night now if the shelter is unable ta accommodate an individual, they're directly referred ta another shelter in the area, be it Hamilton or Mississauga. Adelina Urbanski, commis- sioner of social and community services for Halton Region, bas bren watcbtng tbe rise of bornelessness in Halton. Most notably, ase bas witnessed a peak in family bomelessness. '11l add ta tIse cborus tbat tbe numbers are increasing and tbey bave been even before tbe .se. MORE on page A14 ¼Advan<tage -1 Physiotierapy Offerinq Active Releose Techniques Physiotheropy * Osteopathy * Personol Training [Chiropractic - Orthotics/Pedorthics - Custom Bracing