Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Sep 2008, p. 7

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The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, September 10, 2008 - A7 Students, staff populations on rise PTV L ~ t,.~ ~ VAutt TT0t,.utuS'- 1 lic ituilbi of -ta1i an sit ,ucct-,s it Rt,-0 an ti tit i8 8, ito c3t. Halton scbools bas rîsen by a iew hun- ers bave been bired . c urrenîly, tbe dred over tbe past year, according to HDSB bas 78 eiementary and 17 sec- statistics released by botb the public and Catbolîc boards. The Halton Catbolic District Scbool Board (HCDSB) welcomed close t0 ondary schools in operaticm tbis inonth. Tbe Catholic board employs about 3,400 staff, with 65 new teachers hired 29,000 students and 3,400 staff as tbe to date. riew 2008-09 scbool year began, wbile Micbael W Pauîler succeeds Lou tbe Halton District Scbool Board Piovesan as tbe HICDSB's fiftb dîrector (HDSB) bas just over 52,000 youîbs in of education. Piovesan announcedi bis ciass and 4,300 staff memnbers. metrement from tbe board earlier tbis For tbe HICDSB, tbe projected enrol- year. Suzanne Rossini aiso starts ber job ment figures point 10 an approxîmate as tbe board's new superintendent of 300 student growîb over iast year's education, speciai education. enroliments. Tbe projected enrolment A number of new and ongoing ini- figures indîcate 19,254 elementary and tiatives for tbe HCDSB's 2008-09 9,739 secondary students attended tbe scbool year will înciude: tbe furtber board's 39 elementary and nine second- impiementation of tbe board's Focus ary scbools, as weil as tbe board's on Faitb initiative, wbicb provîdes Contînuing Education faciîîîes in alîgnmenî and direction to building a Burlingîon and Oakviile on openîng strong Caîboiic iearning communiîy; day. tbe depioynnent of Itinerant Literacy Tbe HIDSB reports tbaî its enrolment and Numeracy teacbers to support bas grown bv about 1,200 students scbool staff wîîb improvements 10 School drinking water safe Tbe Halton Caîbolît Distnict Scbool Board reports tbaî tbe dninking waîcr aI ail of its sciioois is safe to drink. Duning the summer montbs, tbe waîer systems in ail of tbe boards scbools were tesîed for lead, as required annuaily under tbe Safe Drînkîng Waîer Act: Scbools, Private Schools and Day Nurseries Regulation, as impie- menîed by tbe provincial govemment. Water sanîples were taken from tbe board's elemenîary and secondary scbools and sent 10 Maxxam Analyties lnc. for Iead anaiysîs. AIl board scboois tested badi results beiow tbe regulation limit of 10 micrograms/litre in the sam- pies taken alter fîve minutes of flusb- ing. indivîdual scbool lead laboratory analysis resuits are avaiiable on tbe board's public websiîe aI www.bcdsb.org by seiecting tbe Student Programs and Services item on tbe left-band side of tbe web page and ciicking on Regulation 243/07 -Lead Analysis Resuits. Have Yo Told Yo Gum D Touad of o'adas r In accordance witb tbe legisiaîed requirements of tbe Ministry of tbe Environment, staff wili flusb tbe dnink- îng waîer piumbing systems on a week- ly basis in locations wbere the plumb- îng was însîalled alter January 1, 1990. Daily flusbîng wili continue in ail loca- tions where plumbîng was instalied before January 1, 1990 for tbe 2008-09 scbool year. As weli, records are being kept aI eacb scbool of tbe date and lime. of every required ilusbing and the name of tbe person wbo performed tbe fiusb- ing. Public concems about lead in drink- ing waîer can be direcîed 10 îbe Haiton Region Heaiîb Deparîment aI (905) 825-6000, ext. 7884. Questions regarding tbe boards implementation of Regulation 243/07 can be direcîed bc Giacomo A. Corbacio, supernîendent, faciiîy man- agement services, aI (905) 632-6300, ext. 171, or corbaciog@bcdsb.org. and the continued iinpiementation of strategies related t0 tbe Board's Bullying Prevention initiative. As well, tbe HDSB will construct tbree new eiementary scbools in Milton over tbe next year. For tbe first lime in a number of years, tbe HDSB wili bost a parent con- terence on education Saturday, Oct. 25 at Wbite Oaks Secondary Scbool in Oakville. Milton high school knows country best Milton District Higb Scbool provedi Sunday nigbt ils second to none wben it comnes t0 Canadian tnivia - and it was announced on TV for ail to bear. Tbe scbool received special recogni- tion on CBC's'Test tbe Nation: Canada, Eb?' as tbe bigbest scoring bîgb scbool participating in tbe quiz. "l'm super proud of my kids and realiy grateful for the opportuniîy to be involved in sucb a great îbing," said principal tan Joncs. Test îbe Nation gave viewers a cbance to, take part in an interactive quiz alongsîde six in-studio teams. The questions tested viewers' gener- ai knowiedge of Canada in sucb cate- gories as 'Made in Canada,' 'Funny Canrucks' and We Got Rbytbm.' Higb scboois aiso participated. wîîb one scbooi cbosen to represent eacb of tbe 10 provinces and îhree territonies. it was eariier îbîs year tbatjones saîd tbe scbooi grabbed bold of îbe cbance 10, represent Ontario, witb teacber Sandra Milicer eading the initiative. About 60 students fromn varions grades parîicipaîed, and back in tbe spning îbey îook tbe same quiz at-borne viewers did Sunday nigbt. But tbey were kept in suspense unîil tbe sbow aired about bow tbey did compared wiîb îbe oîber scboois, Joncs said. Wben îbey found out tbey'd won, Jones said they werc ail ecstatic. BOOK NOW FOR YOUR FALL TUNE-U "& INSPECTIONS! e Brake Service * Computer Diagnostics *Steering] & S Suspension * i onditioning Service MOT Safety Inspection a Auto Electric and e Tires Charging Systems e Ties *General Repairs 'u Been u Have isease? Theî e is a Laser way to fi eat moderate to severe gum disease without- cutting or stitelies. Intrvodtucing Laser Periodontal Therapyl' If you suffer from tender, red, swollen, bleeding gums, or loose teeth ealltus todav for an appointment to, evaluate your condition. Dr. Mark Cross mm Towne Dental Milton Mail Shopping Centre to n 90WII6118 D E N 'Y A L Family 1 Cosmetic 1 Implant 1 Oral Surgery Beer Pet Nutrition PLEASE JOIN US! BBQ FREE LUNCH ON NUTRAM Frîday September 12, 2008 11:00 a. m. - 3:00 p. m. Garage Sale Table Avaîlable Proceeds ta Upper Credît Humane Socîet #Draws e Samples @ Gîve Aways Board Recruitment Oakville Senior Citizens Residence (OSCR) invites applicants to participate on its Board of Directors. Our mission: Affordable Accommodation and Independent Lilestyle for Seniors. OSCR seeks volunteer Board miembers who will be committed tu our mission: willing tu deal with values, vision, change and the future: and having an abiiity tu think strategically. OSCR Board operates under a Carver Policy Governance model. The Board meets the second Thursday of the month. Kindiy submit your resume to: The Nominating Committee Oakville Senior Citizena Residence 2220-2222 Lakeshore Road West Oakville ON L6L 5G5 email: oscr@oakvilleseniors.com Applications will be accepted until Friday September 26. 2008.

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