Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Sep 2008, p. 26

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26 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesdlay September 10, 2008 ~Skiiledl & Sin ed & SkiBe illed & Sldtled& MIGeealHlp M GnrTeHl 8Gnea Hn îcalenrl ei, l Hein i Teclinicat Hein Tecimicat Heip E Technical ieip I TechoîcaiMeip_ Cati Centre Reps. Fuil Tîme AUE.Aïororto, a division of AIEOSA Immediate Openings Auctions Canada Corporation currently T/-IL/Ie Epanding High Volume BMW Oealership in FULL-TIME openings:________Ne sa r - akoille iv seeking service protessonals lov D1I E , LICENSED INOUSTRIAL ELECTRICIAN Ili prnt communicate euth sur caloting & growing SEODAD<IDYA PRNlE BURLINGTON custumer base, with greai groth potential. KEY TECHNICIAN - You wil be responsitie to cul keys on an SCN NTIOVA PRNIE PPORTUNITIES No Experience Neoessay, Wie WîiI Trainý assortirent of veicles, and wil prepare costestimates and inoicesMUTHVIN SRAJ JYSK BED-BATH-HOME in nur For an immediate interview entait your resumne systent. Yos ii aiso be responsble to mainitain an inventony of biank COMMERCIAL EXPERIENCE. Unit ~ ~ t #530 ame ~ isales@boddbmw.com keys, and have ti abiiity to use specialty toolt in order to obtaîn WE OFFER A COMPETITIVE WAGE Benef its *Training combination. This position requires the candidate to hase prevîsus key AND BENEFIT PACKAGE. .li. 0s lookîng ts titi toit time positions "Great Work Environment" cutting esperience, and the abiiity to work welin ia team environnent. PLEASE SENO RESUMETO, W O Oie toticint ares'LEAD DRIVER -Yvu wili te nesponvibie for satey operaing the FAX: 985-876-3983wokpIS51 *Floor Manager(s) .,atd n ur *,to . Ecis ,aigi cornpany van to transpvt dr.ïers to ard trom destinations wlthîn the E-MAIL: info@arthuretectrio.com- leaerin helare ormt rinin make. GeaerToronto Ares. You cii coordisate daîiy trips bit assgnînig NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE Full limne Merchandisers - dnivers tv vehicleo, compieig nelevant papeseok. maîntanog excellent 1 We ae sekig idivdual wh ar ineretedYour e Warehouse ear eknididulcoariteeed customer service and trouhieshoot issues as tey anse. Yov witi have a in woning on an as nieeded havis ton the vaid drivers license with a dleani drivîng record, the ability to drive uit tie seek handwvntving, sutgsing, friendiy position ot Generat Labourer. types ot vehîcies and have excellent cusitomen service skills M Ofc eloiieHl Toml individusis witt gvvd communication okîis. Sales and Sspcmvisvry esperience iv an anses. OScccvvtvi appiicantv witi have an excellent vppvrtoniiy for Caneen growth wîthin tie JYSK netmont. JYSK BED-BATH- HOME is an sperabso of JVSK Wsnidwide witt ve 1300 stores in Europe. JYSK speciatizes iv fvrnitone, veaonat pnvduct, miens, nattneoses, duvets and pîiowo. Pls nuch more. Pleana emal: buniingten@iysk.ca or tax your renama ta: STORE MANAGER fan: Fax (905)637-6887 RECEPTIONIST/ CUSTOMER SERVICE ASSISTANT A fast grvcîng, onait Ostîvilie tlrm reqoîres ttc talents vi an esperîenced Receptiorîis and Custoner Service Assistant cho unîvys a chsliging wonk enivironnment Ttc successisi candidate ciii be computer literate and hase some costomer service esperience. Excellent communication (enîsten and orai) skîlto are required. Etectiîcai and iigtting genierut knociedge cvuid be csnsîdered and asset. Picase emnait on tax youn resume and saiary especiatiors iv: MAGIC LITE LTID. Emal: wendy@magiciite.com Fax: 905-825-8334 No Phone Catis Plusse The YMCA iv imoking torsa dynamic indiiduai to providu leadenship toi sur cotes and service tean. 3-5 yean in reuuts vnîuniatud nanagenenisuperisony noie, an abiiity to coach, notivate and iead a tuas, 2-3 yeans esperience in managirg budgets, custonur service and proses sales espenuencs. E-mail cuver letter and masume lai: Andrea Bibby Generai Manager andreabioakvilie.ymca.ca se tas: 90644246793 Cinning dais September 19Ws8 f4V4wtroand NEED EXTRA INCOME? No esperîcoce requîrud. Iindîvîduais needed iv irisert ityeîs for local neespaper in Buhingison Paîd bl the pîsce. Day and sveniog shifts avsilabie. Loabing for fuiltlime persion to oirap and ukid buedles. Mosday fa Fniday. Apply in pern; 5300 Harventer Rd (between Banloak and Appieby Line). Ank for Trinh or Sharos. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY HALTON rcquîruv a part-line and fuvittime RESTORE COORDINATOR Our ReStone veils nec and used building ms- terlais. This position requirus somuone wîtt eccellent costomen service, retaît kniocicdge and ttc abiiity to csrk cîth votunteens. You must possess asaid dosver s lîonse and te able tolift, Piesse send yvun nusume to: offlce@habitathalton.ca or mail ti: 10-1800 Applsby Lino, Bail ingtos, ON L7L tAI Deadilfie: Sept 22, 2008 at 5p.m. Poolside Fine Swîmming Pools & Spas Positions availiabie for Swimming Pool Cloalnga & Construction. Muet hmv cieln valid drivers lcense. Ail lntsrested appicants pies.e repi te Phone: 905-27-5433, Fax 905-27-6453 Emel: info@pooiaide.ca bng PEiNGs. *us eetos wor inodOra/ Must bemated env olrmr n hreon l ae seTvvmf aenvronnehn prx 40 pouidsaii st hruc ture * acc drveren 0 * arincene * 416-34-606 *tiud Munday-Fnrdayan usaoly95r Benetitssuavait D ouhek a flairfr aion? TRINN neur neEngci eSntnpn-m eWDNESt.Appiat ShouTdM 10,o 2onton GLFpe havRE an L aptdetnade ahin PegsDScvAdesFaioa MToRMail Oel957811 areHaLSe97885 TOW TRUCK DRIVER - Ttc candidate ciii rumbet vuticies and park then rn their ssîgrcd ancas. You ciii eure veticies are in conkîng orden (bvostirg, sdding gas, and îiliîng tires) and provîde custonen service by sssising cusiomens nr îctiîoing vehicies. Candidate must have a vaid drivcr'v ticense wîtt a dlean drîsîrg record, ciiiing iv cork in sarîsus ceatter conditvons, and the abiiity iv drive ait types ot seticies. CONDITION REPORT WRITERS - Ttc candidate ciii compice ttoîougt sehîcie inspections by vbtaîrîng an accorais assecomunt oftte condition of ttc sehîcie, in the tain of a detiiid and ceit-critten report Ttc ircunt ciii aiso unsure thai ttc vutictus neci accepiabie standards by undcnitandîrg and crtornr specitic miles and guidetîres. Ttc succucotul candidate muai bu dutaiiud orîcntcd witt ttc sbiiity to muli-task, excellent connunication ukitis and able toi drive ail types of setîces Aso, ttc candidate must te proficient cîrk computers, and bu ciliing to cont in varions cuatter conditions. We 00cer a csnpciitvc vaisry and ao extensive tendit package Inicresiud appiicantv are iniviicd is subnît the restntne in confidence to: IMPORTANT. Piease Indicafe which position you are applying for ADESA Toronto 55 Auciior Lare Brampton, Ontario L6T SP4 Fax (905) 790-0306 hrtoronto@ADESA.com Qakailietad crui rD airO faityrKeqa Msenior Elcrnm echanical niedndpyican ft SM hav eifteng.Frl xience in usde/euierig tnulesti ng ciuis , bihift ivr or ead sh Cmeti ue vig ntneft torcoc eeaton, Msthcves n moicechnciuttoe tr Fax reaume te: 59-85-1238 WeiiSnîn Praceta Canaee itda COnp.iv ba phacrmaic eaica ctactlt e' manicoris lcompaTnyicadn MutOakvite Ontanv, ercai în le/s ngh nautactsrîtng rdts ack orain vi latet, cso ulter, tict adon-tenirter tîqu illb prvct toinidtes rt bArcn a ond i E rvo ie par ma ets. u o 7V alRepnt to mestwt uevueaervis- on ax iii um neuosbe ton-canr2iU g su t marhueates suaocasnaeniat hadlng shppo ar neciiga reuSin arsutitc Cnaeda ohe pnîaierd maet l otrc 12 eufcarin compteted Musteinb tie Oario hv espeizngienen opeaiuacing aannd pachgirgckf Knvcapsdge, vi usin a compter lqi rior fothe sconsiderdan an stro ann aretai nd. in wittings iv tear ar osve attri- tude.o Canidate es maibtsib ie cariv ort wanoshit (duaier uc s, ntt). hdig osaeiooing anrd rewading a ruity 1nd bupaort tiha roweig sorgandlin panen oles yoar rendiume n conien to: Gad 12educSplng PhamcetiCda Musrp. Atm: am anhv Reoaricea i oEmail wipingpndRatrck; Onvnty s setetes o niteriew ain au ston atenti on t etephond is piae Fuit-Time to tuai cupuriencu a majsr anset. Excellent cages and benettus. Send reaume by emfait or fax to: Haltes Lift Trucki 1054 Soauth Service Rd. E. Oakvitie, ON. Fax: 809-89-3915 Email: gleeden OhatonllfLcom Fuil-time Office Cîerk postion asaitabu. Accsuniing uap. pnoeered. Fax reauese fai: 90"-76-1186, caO:. 905-876-1113, email.sians204 f amaior FASHION CONSCIOUS RECEPTIONIST Pastîsn consultants canud frRetat Op- tica Stscrosms Idua candidates cii pesseus excellent Communication stitls sod a flair tor tostion, rctait cupunîcnce an auset &trsaining avaitablu. Plesse drop off re- sumne in pertilln at: HAKIM OPTICAL 790e Guelph Lire, Bud.,vosn Jetf DESK JOB Ns soice eop. req. Muni havegm telephone rner Hsedy cage + Brretn Crin Mutas & OEW No Storderts Cali for Interview 9095%M5 Ref. 79 ACCOUNTING CLERK Fuit tîme position in tnîendy, tant-paced Milton office. Responsibiiticv inctude Accounin Payable, Accounts Receivabe tnvcntvny Costing and othcr avvîgncd tanks. Ttc voccessisi candidate must have accouritîrg caperience, te motîvsted snd accorate chile conking under pressure to muet deadires. Pleaoe oend resume iecluding referenoea to. clo Milifon Champion Box# 101A 555 Industriel Or. Milton, ON LOT 5El Part lime Receptioniat ncqnircd fvr s Business in ttc rural Camptelvie ares. Saturday nonnings (7:30am 10 roon) and weckday ahtennoono (4:00 to 7:OOpmi, 17 tours pur wuek. Excellent computer skîiis are essentiel. Please fax your resume 00: 905-854-1169. Canadian restoant muatsapea, read and write Enginh fiuently, poseesa Customer Service quaities, file, computer, phones, generai office daties, excellent communication akitie, protfeselona Image and work lndependenty, 2-3 yeara experience, high achoot dipioma. Send cover letter, reaumne and 1 monetar reguirementa to0: Designer/SaIes Professional EaiabliîatedKkctn & Bath Stocrssm seekng tigtiy qustified irdividusis for sales & design ponitions. Ouaifled candidates muai hase mini- num 3 years enperunca in higt-end cabirctry design and sales. Computer and 20/20 deign ksvcicdge ieqained. Saiary plus comninsion. Paid totidays. Benetîts optiona. Tcan bascd upprssct dith an ecelletnt support staff Sesd resame lu: Oakvilte Kitches & Bath Oestre 599Tîird Lise, Oakvlle, Ontanto LOL 4AO or email: isfotioakillekilchescestre.com Establistcd ADVERTISING Windows and Dosms SALES Manufacturer requîrev pon cîî o OUTSIDE SALE evperîenccd Prnt PRFS EOAS Adsertiving Sales The posiion involves prsnwtcoat in-homo aies tint toi ew publica- prenentations t0 tion tr Burtiopton- tome ocnrn, as Hmlv raCs cei an icad petîtîve remuncîstion geocraion thrugt and 00pe050 pack- tome shows Il age. This is an eccel- 00cmr flexible cork cent oppvrtuffîty ir a vcteduies & cci rcnourccd consîderabie branct quaity publication. support. Traning Please reply, te: and ieadv are editonl234@ pîsvdcd. A vetîco iv hetreail.cer reqaired. Faxnreaume toi rpl- ye-oIoI 905-681-9970 vî,,acecuc , ~ Oakvilîe Place IîI~4RReqsres A SALES ASSOCIATE Canididate sooad hase slnong Cutonen Service skîis rn a specaty reluit environnent. Rciai copencoca pietered. Fax resumne to store manager at: 905-844-4718 or emfait to: hailmarki34@cogeco.ce Administrative Assistant Full-time Burlington office.

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