Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Sep 2008, p. 11

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ro.fessieonals H alton His ~ era j ~Spee ch Centre 1 iSPEECH AND HEIRINS "Your Caring Partners..." 311 Commercial St. Suite 109, Milton Oliveira Northview Centre, 211 Guelph St., Suite 5, Georgetown 905-875-3345 www.hearsay.ca (905) 873-8400 - www.haltonspeech.com How to choose a hearing clinic Q: My wife has trouble ra.bing pilla. How cain 1 help? Iu selecting a hearing chmute your doctor or 'car specialist' moy refer you, or you may choose a clinic on your owu since no A. Difficuity taking pii visa very contiton prohiemt for sevetai referral is ueeded. In deciding on the best hearing clinic for diffcrent reasons. you, there are several considerations. [)The gillsdonot1go dora. Ail pl sýhaaid he aken oith irqurds. Location: Ysoit wi isi bu niaking seicral vsits 10 the clinic Il tobes ar leasi 1 cup if liqurd ic flush the prlis throogh to the stomach. paiilaili, il a hicarîirg aid is'nccdcd, ihicielore, a convcriieni locair is Pil' shouid he given sitting (ii standing. Pilis shoutd neyer be given i ,) mmc.Iici Follhoo up appcinimicnrs loi miniîr hcaring aid tying down. îiciiisimciv purchasi ofl hearing rî.d hattries, airuai chcc-k-ups arrd 2) The glils are ton big. TIlk u ith yrrar phamnacisi tc oae if flic gils licaring ie clcantings are ivpical con be crushed. Na( ail gis cai lbe crashed asv they uoroiutvide of the siomacli and oray have a coing- bari stops filent hrealring dlown in rhe Office Ilours: Ille clincc shosîld bc open on a regular havis wiih an stomach. Il ihey cala be cravlred avi, yoar pharînaci if flic cravhed pili iiliie and ulff chai ciru cao visL WCctsli il necdcd Mlabi sure ihC h0illiv Cao or pat irro jara puddingo or îcecream vo flirt il ralev !Ietier. If il the cllOl are c.pcn oui bc caflve'cflci lii 030 cii be crshed ask il there i.,avosrailer version or a iiquid version ihai tff v mold ho cavier Io lake. il ibis is noi possible, tes rakiog the plil wih iif: n i th. mcvi iniflitn i o nsîdeîaîîîîs vs Lhi raIl StafI mater. Hîîid the grIl and the ssarer in yoar mollarh, gai your chrn dowrr trstbcîccoscd anîd qiialificd ii tevt and lit hcaring aids ASu tioards yoarchesi and voaliou liard. Soaloo agarin. Xiidiologisr must hase ai lcav a uiiv cri c Mastrs deiin audiiilogy and bc liicnved iLhriugh tc Cilcle ciÀ Audioihoysis and 'upecch- 3) The nuher o ilrls fihil need ro be aken daning fic da>. l'alk Language Paihlvclcgiib cd i3nir i CAO.511 Heaiiog instruinciii wriih yoar doctor andf/or gharmracri. Soorerîmes rhe dcîir caor change .pecc.alivis arc teriîicd rhrough .î cîllcgC ciii! picigiairi and cao lit tbe noorber of gris o lance a dos rarber rban three trores a dav. They ceiiîg aid, btru ona or nia> cari hc ahlc fi, do the icsiing fin> a eoiild aise, ho changed front tahîris ro capsules. Yîîar doiloir rnight aiso pssîini i n onto volit arc coioriahle and cîcitidcnit vorcci be able lu change bhou bu> arc taken. Soris gilis car, he taken in a ii)piLachfahce and Icitis îaic in s 0ii rqorsis fflu, iiiiii have liqardforu. Ask il is iquid caohe mrxed o ti jurce orinili votbati raviesbhouer. ltis dffîculi ii akrionangnir vsair'edicine. Donfot Selection: fhcdO tcl i ci ld cac s a iruniic i lut oi ivn tpes un malle ans changes yoursei o ithoat voisulîrng uiur diccrrrr o înabcs of l.sriîg acds, flîcre i an cxiciiscoc scle'cicn ci hicatig aidc pharinacivî. There are rmacons for cacha uedicatiîn. Read the labels on arailahîr cl îiccicimcîdaic necs buiidgets ciletlcs, persirnal faste, aii the botttes and talk %silh voor pharmacist. For luether inforrnion occeds Dontî loci !i'rî i l\îdv aIl ihec dîcîsîiivs An cxp(iciII. and lieip on swalirîni difiîcuiies pi ease caniaci(lie Italien Hîllv wcllt iaincd prolsssiîonal caoi iîctp ceci oiakc îhcsc imoportant dcccisi Speech Centre and a Speech I aongirage Pathlîîlîgrvt woad ne happy te, in yo1 bcsi coîcrcvî. beli îou The Canadian Champion, Wednesday Sepiember 10, 2008 All If you have anv questions these "Ask The Prof essionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 555 Industrial Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 3E1 or Fax to: 878-4943 MITN-OAKVILLE - BURLINGTON H-ome Instead MITOISSSAG r905.847.8433 Wi bol i lielpfront ift WWWd w .homistead.comi Low Vitammn D Level Can Lead to, Death Q. l'i abwa 'y afre my o ler o wdora ho rloesnt ofiet TOM CIIICIIMACII eat rigbr,afrobe ber nuittn Ar age 77, site sain tbol WWronrg Diror vitooririr dont reali> malter ansmitore. Is thait ruc? -i iaîî,i'cii'i III Ill, i, ici ,ncixi ge ii'cîî c i ils ici ,lcidtciiîiiiiccic îrilîîi 51 îciîýlcîi - Kicî iciic r" Icil îîîatîcc ý ii car. iti iic,liciuil 01. If sit lnni llîi clo ai liigbic4 ciilî,c oir, aii l fin, lii, r 1IiJ il Inii vr.piiîw'ir. i lcluneihricr iba icci t i, 1101 i i iter îli cainI Il l c.i a,rîIir and 1, icc tîîcîc Ic iI ic 'il n,ý t.1 cln îc ee hi II, ,g, ci i 11 r.1 c creiî aoicc ' aclciri Il,.iIt i cc lîîî cîc11clia', îil[ic gi.îcp vii Iciîiicccc cccaninc lci Theil e,cr A i nsiiî ar ri rccî r ir criclcci riîî'ic SIIIII ilUn th,31 Ill n i fistiucdithai aboiiutiica lriiirl ,IIe cirdiciý ,cri 'Mi Amîcliih, tetci ,,11hiî cicr'hi crc cl eliii'a thei heu, ' 1110, l 1a, ci, il c 1.1 i ic i ql, i ,,, îin,fic ilîi ecic ;I, io, eiiuIiîîrilî 'h', ci.d 1u,110 pr i, sîc rrurviiîii rîccc.cîiiîiî liai1 îla in lciî csO iliýýi( i LAR t- car T 1 Il le1l aal 2C , , , ,,( i Fo, in11c 'inci- i n l i ccci i n 1, ,iII Seir( c - ar l. o lioinirriona i 905.847.8433 or visal wwso bomeinoseorl.cottr DorbbeeHawkins B.Sc., DVM Doctor of Veteiuay Medicine Pizza Hut PlUaza Dahlia Hakins Phone (905) 875-6888 B. Se., DIVM Fax (905) 875-6853 THE DANGERS 0F WASP STINGS There are several types of reactions that anrmais and bornons con suifer afier being stung. The first iv pain and mitd swelliug ai: the site. This iv a normally whai bappens lu on indrv'idual wbo duoes nul have an oser reactive immune systent ond ibis generolly detes not requtre immediate attention. Soutie indivrdoats with initer reaclive immune vysiems con bave an allergie reoction, wbicb may requrre swîft medical attention. lu dogs, ibis con be onyibing from massive vwelling of the bead Iangroneurotîc edemol to difficulty breatbrng, intense rtch aIl user. etrculatory vhock and even sudden deatb. Luckily, in 17 pears cf praclice, 1 bave onty once encnantered a dog ibal died of o wasp stig. Most reacttrrnv we sec, rovolve vwellrng of tne laead and are casuly îreaied witb injeci able onttbtstamtuev and anti-inflaumatoriev. Ilis ver importantlt seek oredical attention if your dug shows theve vouptous or if pour dog bas suffered a reaction in the gast. Successive reaclions can bave worsening symptors. lIf ou are going vomewbere remette wtb pour dog, it iv always a gooul idea to carry some benadryl witb yen, or if pour dog bas had an extreme reaction in tbe past. consider earrying on epipen. Your vetertnarian can advsve yoa on dovrng. t know Unat I meute about Unis subject a feu mrrntbs ago in earlp sumorer, but one of mp dogv guI siung peslerday, and il reuinded me that me seem tu gel aI least îmo waves of wasps. in earlp and tlI vunner. As a resait. of tbe wasg vîîng pevlerday, my pup, ubo oîp bas lui looak ai a wavp srdemays toi have a reaction, had to bc qarckly îrealed wrîh allergy reaction medicaîton. [le luoked ver>' uncoufurtahle, bless bim, but he was lavîshed urUn spupatbp. . and a feu cooktes, whrcb seenred lu wrrrk sonders!! Wrsbing sera and your pet happy and bealthy trues îhrs Fait GREG J. LAWRENCE B.Sc.,D.CH. MICHELLE MUMMERY D.CH. 1fI~ fIFOOT SPECIALISTSI CHIROPODISTS 550 Ontuai Si. S., lUnit 205, Milton, 92 OIntario. LIT 5E4 0 Ireg J. Lawrence Michele Mummery t.Sc.,D.Ch. (905) 878-6479 'l h lA Priecess Anne Dr. ,GeOrgetown, Ontario (905) 702-1 611 Mambe, 0 it Ontaio Sociy 01 Chropadiau and TOc Ontario collaeof Clrridl,4t Q. Every fali wben 1 participate in indoor sports, my feet ache. A. This iv the lime of year when many changes occur. The guviroumeul arouud us slacls toi cool in lemperalare, leaves start tu change colour, our hours of work ru the garden corne tu au end, kids vlant back 10 school, wiuîer outdoor and indoor sports begin. Many of us do nol realize the potenlial for injury when participatiug in sportv. Or îs usually ouly wheu a serions iujury resuits. îhaî we seek medical attention. Mauy kidv and pareuts alikc. often complaiu of nagging aches and pains, but stili compete ou school vports teams, the aduit sports leagues, or even in grade school gymn classes. We must remember ihat rudoor sports unvolve actis ilies on hacd concrete floors which are hard ou our joiuts. Somelimes ai thai may be requîired is fooîweac hest suiled for the sport or hevt hailed foîr YOUR particular foot structure. If footwcar is nol the problcm, braces unay be requircd for the kuee or arch supports for the feet. With the help of these devices, you can partrcipaic in sports or evcryday aclivilies. pain frec. Il you or vour childrcn are constantly plagucd by ongoîug knec or feet problems, thiuk about whal the end result mighl he in 20 years - arthriis. A careler in sports viants ai a youug age. It is neyer ton youug 10 deteci and treal poîeulial prohlems. ÎÎA LT0X C rO M MnUN Ii Ty U RERAS[LLT ATIONjI ÇILN TR E lina Doney 17 Wilson Av enue Canote Frmncoz PHYSOTHRAPSTS (orner of Wilson & Main) 876-1515 Q. 1 went on a driving trip ace-oss Canada, and now 1 have pain in that big endon at the back of ilhel. It hurts toi walk, and especiailly toi go up the alairs. What eau 1 do for dois? A. It souuds like you have Achilles tendouilis. I ofien cornes ou from clver use of the caîf and ankie, and h guess the positiou that your foot was in 10 press the gas of your vehicle over aud over, probably caused il. Try sorte ice to the back of the bcdl, and te, stretch your caîf muscles, as that big tendon is the teudou that attaches 10 your caîf muscles. You eaui do this hy standiug ou the edge of your stairs, aud dropping your heels. Hold for 10-30 secouds if you eau, and repeat îwice. Try te, avoid acîlvilies that aggravate il for a feu weeks, like walkiug up a bill, or ruuniug. You eau alvo try 10 *umassage the caif muscles and teudon. If you have tried theve thingv, aud are still geltiug symptoms, you may ueed sorte physiotherapy. Some of our machines help with healiug and help te, improve your symptoms faster. Teudous eau sometimes he slow 10 heal. If this problcmr souuds similar to yours, or if pou have any other problerus that pou woudcr if phyviotherapp trcaîmeut eaui help pou with, give us a caîl ai 905-876-1515, and we would be happy to help pou with our frieudly aud kuowledgeable staff.

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