Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 10 Sep 2008, p. 10

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-v A10 - The Canadi an Champion, Wadneudny, Septener 10, 2008 D Ask h I rot es sionals If votu have anv questions thesQ IAsk The Prof essionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 555 Industrial Drive Milton, Ontario L9T 3El or Fax to: 878-4943 Marilyn J. Samuels, LL.B. Lawyer 11084 Fifth LUne, Milton Ph. 905-854-4942 Fax: 905-854-5211 Marilyn J. Samuels Q. Myhushond andi1are sqlOtOtilg andt1 tldnk 1 eed a Inwyer but 1 dont kmois how to pick the night one. What should 1 lie looking for? A. Choostug the right lamper is cnttcai tu pour success, You riant tu have a good suorbting telationshtp wtlth ht or her. Asb questions. Find out about tbetr qualifications and expericnce. Ftnd out if you arc comiortuhie wtith the lasayers pcrsonairtp Do pou [ci comfortahie wrîb the degc (il communication, atttude, appeoac b, candor and commnietnt ta tour case Remstcnther bhai pou ger what vou pas' tot - bc sure cou picb the right lwc or rite righi job or in lhelong run ir mai enrd rip ces[ig SOU a foi mnore than y ou hargarued for. Dort ibc afeatd tlu ask about ecs - rihat is the houtly rater Aee pou comioriubie withr tbts houris tate - buowtng thaï. ail tate speut ott votr fitle for tefephone collis emins tes'tewtug letters, fases, deafitng fetters vviii ail bc charged at thts houtin' rate Asb pout iawyer [or perodrc updates of the charges hetung rnurrred on veutr [ile. Asb fat detatied unrut bils winch set oui hou mauch worb is hetug doue and by whorm, tri thar piru cuit keep îrack of wbai pou are speudtug. Use pour rime u'ith porîn iaws'er wiseip. banc up ail of pour questions frti meertgs or one phone cou and reduce the number of phone couls shu ringie miii utatters. Mabe notes ai uthar pou traur ru asb vour [aupyer and fraie four ibrîrîphs orguursed belote pou coul brm or bier. Be argaurzed and pronîde aul information requesîed ru a timeif' fashion, Reruember yon have conîrof over the cest of four case. Be reasîrnabie ru titi postion sou rabe cuucc'miug o seulemnt Yuu miii poplir aurunreasîruabie or dffircuir positions fou robe Iai anp porut yorr Ieef pou are nat gerîrug tbe sermice pou deserne îaib Stire fawyer about pour coucerus and if ibar doesnît orb, rcbauge fampers That is pour nghî fl GARDENS Li~L5 MiNon's Premier Rellrement Living Residence EDWIM DODUINGIIN SOCIAL DIRECI'OR 45 Martin St, Milton Ontario Q. What type of activities anid events can 1 look forward to mn a seniorsa residence? Most rebidents generally have a dedicated btaff member, called a social director. Social directors ask the resîdents what their favorite activitieb are. With this information they plan the outîngs around the seniors wîsh list. Resîdent's can choose to spend their leisure lime in a varîeîy ways, everythîng from relaxîng in the park to casino trips, shopping, special breakfast outîngs, and bus trips to the theatre. Outîngs are important hut havîng actîvities planned within the rebidence too are also a big part of the social directors role. For example, an excîîîng game of bridge wîîh frîends as you enjoy a cup of tea, or your favourite movie wîîh freshly made popcorn, or mayhe a scrabhle competition that offers a challenge t0 those 'expert' spellers in the group! There's alwayb lots of variety on those long cold winter days to keep you occupîed. The events are only lîmîted to those putting their suggestions forward. n. Hot air halloon rides anyone??? HEURT Question: Whati s incarne spiiiiing far sentiarsreirees ail about? Aaewer. lucarne spliieg pariularlp for seniars bas becurne a irai îapîc in Caaada. Out popalatioan is agiag and seniors anis laaliing Car ways ta miairnite the tan biarden. L-ts look ai sorne uptiuns fut seniorsneti rets. Beginniat last ytar f2007) pan anis able ta allacaie ta pane spanse ar camman-lars pasiner ap ta 50%d ni pensian incarne ihati s eligible fur tire peasian incarne tan credit. This metans iirai if pane pension incarne is $60.000 pu aen claim $30,000 and pane spanse en claine $30,000. This can resni ta a significani ian savîngi ihroughani petitemnt.Th [isi ai eligibls incarne varies bastd an yane agis bai n inclnde pensians, annuities, RRSPs and RRIFs. Spliiiing CPP is handiisd bp a diffeneni peu- cedane. Since ibis affects pane sponse's tan reitutihere is a atm [ai callisd tht Jaint Eietin ta Spliti Pensian incarne. Ibis foait must be [led wîth bath tan reiums eacb peur. 'Mis allacaio n miii ni affect tht "rairnent of incarne tan withheld ai saurce and tht pensian dedactian aronann clinn nap ire avralabls in both pan and pane spoase. Oid Age Siscnrity ar Canada/Quebec Pensin Plan paprnas hant a dii- Cerni incarne splitting siraiegy. Alsa tht "agis credit" penvidisd far iaw ar misddle -incarne statues eau bis wmasiirrsd in tht amwer incarne prener. If pan art rectiving pensin incarne ta 2008 and futre peurs, talai tht urne ta wnrli out tht nrnbers belotre yna ne pane spauss file pane ian rtiams. Yaa rnap bis paping extra ian ifi pan dan'Ta find out haw thess incarne spliiuing ideas appip ta poan ad if pan eau benefit cati Purtuiers in Planning-Milton ai 905-876-0120. AFFrrîsncu aire PARTreeS rN PLANNING tîNUsesi aSRVCES taC. ~ MILTON Q: 1 haveta lint' in rny siroîtder arisa ihai s t nnstag rnisanlai af dtscarnfoei and hisadaches. Can ou a xplan whaî a lint' is and hane Massags Thisrapy eau hislp? A. A 'huai is athermiiss lianw as a l'riggsr paintý A iriggsr paint is au unîrirety surne uea ar lnrnp of burdisntd muscle that eau accot as rapy bauds %vithin n munscle grup 'Kauts' or iigget palis are a stress response Cai overuse and rispititivs rnovisren, trauma, simians artIe physiotugicai effiscis ni long-iterm ernotiunai aasiuip. Whea rnnscles are an n stase af snstaintd tension ihisy art cunteucting even if yoar nit Pain frac mrigger points are usually steady, doIt, deep snd achy and havis refeisai pattis ihmnghout tht body, ibis is whisthebi htadachts cor n. Muai pesople experitacs repeiiu rnuverntint thisir jobs For isurnpît, Ifyo paomrk with computiera, puarne canitrcting pane necli sud appee bacli muscles muai ni ibi day. Ibis is nsidtrsd tepetitivs mutin and mviii cause riggisr pointa. ifyp arne a dental hygienisi, for sxnrnpls, pou are bisai avie patienta ina flisnid sud iunsid position muai of ibis day, ibis fa repetiiivs matian Maap jobs requins rspistitions mavemeai and wnts indsid causs 'lints'. Massage îhenapp atretches and enacoarages ibis muscles ta relax, Deep pressing ou ibis pressure point miii discrease tension, fameuase circulation and get rid fai uate or ibis inctic suid Chat has hut ap in ibis ares, Phone: 905-878-0800 75 Main St., Suite. #10 Millun Medical Buildings CuI* Hm: Mby Uni~ ffly 8-8 a Satiu'y 10-2 HI!PARTNERS IN PLANNING IlFINANCIAL SERVICES LTD. i,,,ý Paera55t utu Fon meii: (905) 876-0120 Fax: (905) 876-2934 420 Main Street East, Suite 203, Lau Mattigua Milton Ontario LOT IPO M eFHU etU E. Pa ABSOLUTELY! Pre- planning your funeral is one of the ,kmndest, most caring things you cani do for your famîly. Pre-arrangement plans reflect your expressed wîshes regarding funeral arrangements. Upon death there are seemingly endless numbiers of details that need attention by your family. You can provide for themn by making your seleefions in advance and save your loved ones from having to make difficuit decisions at a stressful and emotional lime. Simplify your life hy taking care of everything in advance. You can be assured that you and your loved ones will experience "peace of mind" knowing that your wishes have been recorded. Please cali us at 905-878-4452 10 set up an appoioatment ai the funeral home or in the comfort of your own home tos discuts your wishes with one of our funeral director protessionais. Get answers tes al of your questions, learn ahout varîous options available and create a detaaled record of your wishes. 'OSHOPPERS EDRUG MART Open to lOpm, 7 days a week Carriage Square, 265 Main St. E. Michelle 905-878-4492 Msrm I use mg "Blue Puffer" (Reiener Medicattion) 3 or 4 Uiea per' desy. How weillconWrled Ila my anthma? Pastma tsa rundirirrîs liai caant ire rured. but it rat li maragdrO iSuse it is tru iliat vonmay are qikreirliefirrand fie itrrht your rrsirss erdratiour a satrfi rirnflammtionrrr n rt Surn ut rrated W555 asihua is critr yu sorrid hase tc rtr roi ptus: lis alte trr isad r nrmral tis snd partiripait rria.tivitres of yr'rr chorrrs t.irlrrs its cratinn susd rsdsaryie.osreryay. uvraucni arlnia infliammsaton, timrvs syamtirmad rdcrrthe freqrssacrrihwih irrunssa our reltrnrrrrtcatrn. Relier edisacatrin proie uick reliefrsthenashuîesmtms rrrrrandalsria rvent atha syptumsuwhrnueintadvancr(if epr o a riggeriirisuhas exercis rruld air). Wirsryorrrrs thma is cutrrsolld osi iillt n tus e rthis 'rscus ursdcaiornnitssrrrriot rt han 3 rms per wssk.(itrs exiaOttu hat yo a est arr to tnsîrcrtti. iggsttiat ls Wosn stthmt Intflammation: infetionhouschuiid chernca -pollen msriicaiorrs rtust mits -caasair - ol exeutd animls trhonit air smrrks esartirsra ptset It s euaiv as mporrtanit r ruser',rrr msiatrrreies rrerrsii and t listrtîfor urrerrg sthmsmtiru. Yorrr pharmaistrcat Setr rserea yor tecriqcue twsuti vor sasiiasrrrrshowvn bah raak fo orrtrrrter hor airSif srrasîrrise ib is dvc .b part oftyerrr 'asthms artrron plan s taisre rcosrrrrad te gerti rl hoi auruatie. Virit vur Sirrppes r tg Mari iliarmacrit torsa irrupiss and corplimentaSy astiera assmn oyeuns ts larrrSrrrstrgarihetter ash5a otrri MF.t5 CEtCK cLINre iran SEI TEMBEa asnIt. a Fo Re M R G R Lit

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