Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Sep 2008, p. 7

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A ~ hig!,P flPaImmitment needed for town's youth sports DEAR EDITOR: To one of its recent edîtorials the Champion made mention - as ail media sources do every four vears when the Olympics are on - of the lack of adequate sports facilities in Ontario, and laying blame jusîifiahly ai the door of the federal and provin- cial govemnments. its now time to iumn our sîgbts dloser to home and ask whaî our Town bas heen doing wbile our population bas more iban doubled over the pasi sev- eral years. Champion assistant editor Steve LcBlanc wrote in your paper lasi January ihai 1 was an outspoken member of the audi- ence ai ihe Milton Sports Centre wben tbe Town announced its plans for expansion of the facili- ty 1 have a passion for sports and a passion to) ensure ihat kids bave ail of the facilities that îbey require 50 ibat îhey are able to excel to the besi of ibeir ahilities in the sports of tbeir choice, and 1 will continue to fîgbî until someone does someîbing to ensure ibis happens. Tuming specifically to swim- ming, 1 bave - as tbe presîdent and a board member of tbe Milton Marlin Swîmt Tram for tbe pasi 10 years - been wamn- ing the Town tisai îbey bave heen running oui of tîme regarding the building of a new swimming pool. ht seems thai every year, wben meeting witb Town staff, we are îold the date for the new pooî bas been pushed back. In 1998 a new pool was to be huilt in 2004, wbile ai the ahove announcement ai the Milton Sports Centre the date is now 2012. As of last year, the Milton Leisure Centre pool is ai capaci- ty, Town mun swimming Tessons are full, open swims are full and the Marlins (17.5 rental hours per week for 10 moniba) and Milton Masters (30 person waiî- ing list) are unable to rent enougb time ai the facility to properly mun their programas. W7hile the Town continues to expand ai hreakneck speed, we have seen no movement regard- ing the planned new pool. Witb ail of ihese programs fuli, what are residents supposed to do for the îîext four years? Where will their kids leam ihe important life lesson of swimming? Where will tbey compete? For many years the Marlins have also been renîing the pool at E.C. Drury Higb Scbool, now renîed for the maximum 12 bours per week. Recenily the Marlins have heen informed thai the Drury pool will be closed for ai leasi a montb. and tisai iberes a chance it will he closed pennanenily due to severe maintenance prois- lems. The Town has been relying on ibis pooî to take the overfiow of Machon swimmers as the town bas expanded. The loss of the Drury pool will affect more than 100 swimmers and could destroy our feeder system that tums young kids into competi- tîve swimmers. Withoui a feeder system, the competitive îeam will likely die - affecting a further 50 kids. Wby bas it corne to thîs? As Milton grows, its tise responsibility of the Town to, meet the leisure needs of its tes- idents. As a town of 70,000 expanding to 120,000 in the nexi several years, we have reached a point where these facilities must he built -witbin Milton rather than the Town relying on larger neighbouring comtnunitses to support our res- idents' needs. New resîdents will lead the way with an increasing demand, not only on sports currently catered for in Milton but for new sports such as squash, indoor soccer, indoor tennis, a proper skateboard park, a BMX facility and the aquatic sports of diving, water polo, scuba diving, kayaking, synchronized swim- ming and life guarding to naine jusi a few iCs time for tise residents of our town to question our politi- cians as to their apparent lack of action regarding youtb sports facilities. RICHARD DAVIS, PRESIDENT MILTON MARLINS SWIM CLUB Milton hospital should follow Sick Kids' Iead with regard to energy efficiency i nitiatives DEAR EDITOR: Ontario bas heen the leader among the Milton District Hospital bas a flai roof struc- provinces in encouraging renewahle energy and ture that could be a valuable asset in tbe hospital's bas even iniîiaîed a 42 per cent kilowatt suhsidy efforts to reduce cnergy costs. lti boped thai the bospital's administration will In Toronto, the Hospital for Sick Children take the lead in inîîîaîing a projeci to utilize alI the (Sîck Kids) bas sbown bow ibis cao be donc. In sunshîne thats other-wise wasîed. partnersbîp wîtb a poivaîr comipany lait year, Sick Event more înîeresîing is the possibilîty of using Kîds înstalled a 92-panel solar hot waîer convert- vacant land in the area for generating solar power. er tisai wîll generate îlsree-quarîers of a million DOUG DEANS pounds of stean annually. SOMERVILLE TERRACE The Canadien Champion, Fniday, September 5, 200&-A7 !'~nv of hiqh-orade oïl discovered near brick works 'Time Capsules' cire gents of infor-- mation extracted fromt past issues of the Champion and other publications in order to providie a wirulow into Miltonl past. Explanatory comment is sometimes provided ta place the situa- tion in context. Marcis 1912 There have been developments since our report of last week that ofi had been struck near thse Brandon brick works. A sample of tise oul was sent to Toronto for analysis and tise verdict was receivedi yesterday - specific gravity45 (that of Petrohia oi is .32) quaity tise highest grade of Iubricating oïl, equaled at Cleveland, O., only and worth fromn 30 to 33if a gallon. A pump was produced and was put into operation yesterday. The flow was approxuiately 100 gal- lons or four barrels an isour, value $10 a barrel. Witis ibis splendid flow tisere ta no intention of sisooting tise well. Yesterdays pumpmng was of accumulated oi and may- not have been an exact test, but a steady yield of 35 or 40 barrels every 24 hours is expected. There is a big invasion of oil men from various places Some sucis as Dr. Fairbanks of Petrolia, who la rep- resented, are real and heavy opera- tors, but sorte are fakirs wiso are try- ing to secure options on land on tie chance of selhing tisem. They have been interviewing farinera as far away as Hornby, 5 miles, but, it is said witisout mucis, if any, success. The farmers are said to lx wary Tisey sisould be war>i slow about giving. options... A depuis of 1,480 feet was reacbed before sîoppng. it was said Int week. that tise indicator sisowed tisat ofi or something had risen 50 feet in tise isole bored wisichis t between 4 and 5 incises in diameter. Tise faci was tisai tisere had been a rise to 500 feet. Thsis increased to about 700 feet before pumping began. Tisere will be many drilla in operation soon, among tisem one operated by tise Halton Oil & Gas Co. whicis is busy raising funds from uts memrbers. Ten large tanks, capaci- ty 400 gallons eacis, anived isere titis momning for tise Brandon well. Matchs 1912 Tise carnival which was held ai maliton Tim e Capsules Edgar McDougals rink, base lune, on Tuesday nigist was a great succeas. Tise nigisi was ideal, tise ice was in good condition and a large crowd assemrbled. Skating commenced ai 8 o'clock and continued tif eleven. Mucis interest was taken in tie races, but more amusement by tisose in fancy costume. Fastesi Lady skater, Miss Annie L.awson; green lady akater, Miss jean Ellioti; besi looking lady in tise arens, Mrs. Edgar McDougall; fastest sksting couple, Miss Annie Lawson and Norman McDougall. Tise isurdle race was won by Barney Ellioti (ie being a isigis jumper). Fasteat gentleman shater, Norman Benjamin McDougall; green gentleman akater Wmn. Lawson. Edgar McDougall won tise prize for tise best looking man, witis Michael Lawson a close second. Seaward Wilson, tisougis seriously isandi- capped by a contrary pair of skates, carried of tie isonors for besi fancy costume. Wmn. Hamilton (Drumquin) won tise prize for load. Credii to tise judges J.H. Wilson, A. Robinson and. G.E. Bousfield, for tise manner in wsicis tisey performed tiseir duties. Marcis 1912 Following ta tise result. of tise vote on cisurcis union in Hornby and Omnagis Presbyterian congregations: Hornby- Members for union 56; against 13. Members for basis 49, agamnst 16. Adiserents for union 10, againsi 3, Adherents for basis 10, agamast 3. Omagis- -Members for union 50; againsi 10. For basis 40; against-lO; Adiserents for union 6; against 0. For basis 5, againsi 3. In both congregations-Elders in favour of union 9; againsi 1. Total member- sisip 145; members voiing 120. Thtis material is aasembled on behalf of the Milton Historîcal Society ly Jin DilIs, who con be reached through the society at (905) 875-4156. - 1

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