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BRIDAL SH (&W SEPTEMBER 5-7, 2008 International Centre, Mississauga Hours, Frdoy 5 pm -9 pm * Soturdoy 10 am 9 pm * Sundoy 10 am -ô pm FREE PARKING! a For show information visit ww .bsdesintorontocom Sensahenel Fahion Shows: Fi 7:30 pmn / Sot. 7 pm / Sun. 1 & 4 ptn Destination Wedding Ideai * Everyihing for thse Groom tool * su Yo1,, roks,.t On1l"nIl ww-bus.n-emni Pump tests said to have no impact beyond quarry site By Dianne Cornish SPECIAL TO THE CHAMPION A series cf purnp tests done this surnrer ai thse propesed St. Marys quarry in nertheastern Fiarnbereughi shewed ne effect on greundwater leveis beyond 500 rnetres of the single purnp- ing weli used te sirnulate the imnpacts that the quanry wouid have on the water in the area, a hydregeeiegist said Tuesday. Fiuctuating grcundwater 1ev- els did occur in and arcund the test weil during the purnplng, but they didn't extend ta rnn- toring welis 500 rnetres or rnore away, said Stephen Heiiingshead of Gartner Lee Ltd., an engi- neering firrn that headed up the testing freru Juiy 21 te 29. Groundwater leveis were affected on the quarry site, but that irnpact didn't extend te neighbouning welis, he said. Threughout the testing, the constant flow rate at the test weli was 10 litres cf water per second. Hoilingshead said that's ail that was needed ta cenfirrn what the bedrock is like on the site and hew the greundwater rncves thrcugh it. But Graharn Flint, chair cf the anti-quanry greup FORCE (Friends cf Rural Cernrunities and the Fnvironrnent), said the test resuits are far frorn repre- sentative cf the irnpacts tisat a fuli-scale quarry wili have en the source water in the area. At the pumping rate osed during the testing, the draw- dcwn, or the level that the water fel te the purnping well hele. was just 14 rnetres, a long way frcrn the proposed quarry's ful depth cf 40 rnetres, he said this week. Flint rnaintained that thse test, aliowed under a ternperary Permnit te Take Water (PTTIW) granted te St. Marys by the Ministry cf the Environent (MOE), has been scaled back se rnuch te ensure greundwater safet)% that ils resuits are rnean- ingless. But Holiingshead countered that huge velurnes cf water den't have te be extracted te get the data needed to show how groundwater wiii be affected by a quanry operation. "We have tons of capacity" he said, ailud- ing to the 50 litres cf water per second granted in the perrnit. "If we don't need it, we won't use The hydrogeologisi aise dis- puted Flints clairns tisai the test results were skewed by the record rainfalis that fr11 during seme of the days of testing. "We were able te separate rainfaîl issues frern purnping," he insist- ed, te rninor eievations on a graph that showed ground- water ievels rising only a littie as a resuit cf heavy rains. Flint noted that neighbour- ing private weiis shewed increasing water ieveis through- eut the purnping test rather than decreasing leveis as weuld be expected when water was being purnped eut cf the sys- tern. Whiie Hoiiingshead said thse test data offered "00 surprises" in that it reinferces what techni- cal experts helieved about the hedrock aquifer, narnely thai it acts uniformly as a single aquifer te the arnahel formuation, Flint saîd he saw evidence te the contrary ai serne of the technt- cal rneetings about increased leveis of surface water and deep weIl aquifers ie rnonitoring wells after heavy rainfalls. Frorn discussions he overbeard, he said experts were sur-prised about the vertical connectivity cf the acquifer, which caused groundwater to corne to the sur- face. jirn Perrone, a water resource engineer frorn Stantec Consulting, which rnonitored surface water on the site during the testing, said there was "a srnall influence" on surface water levels duning the testing. Leveis were "up a bit" in seeps, or areas where groundwater cornes to the surface, he said. But he didn't detect any influ- ence frorn the purnping tests on the water irvels in Mountsberg Creek and its tributaries. Thirteen rnonitoring stations were set up on the creek and two of uts tnhbutanies duning the tests t0 mnonitor the relationship between groundwater and sur- face water. John Moroz, general mnanag- er and vice-president of St. Marys CBM, said efforts by FORCE te hait the purnp tests by seeking leave te appeai the PTTWS were sideiined iast week when the Environrnental Review Tribunal (ERT) ruird it has no junisdiction te rule on the rnatter. The perrnit was issued for 357 days, just eight days short cf a year. Perrnîts of iess than a year cannot be appealed but FORCE ques- tioned that ruling contending that as the tcsting is heing donc oser ihree rounds, with reports te the MOL herng studied alter each round hefore the next pro- cerds, it could weil extend heyond a year. t ee MORE on page A14 2OLBS Lîghter B ha nksg"vu«i9 OUR WEIGHT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM " Registered Nutritional Consultant on staff " Lose weight eating real food * Boost Metabolisrn, feel healthy and energized " Focusing on a lifestyle change * Maintenance Programs FOR 3 MONTHS WEIGHT LOSS' WE ALSO OFFER: ~ * Electro Muscle Toning Treatmeni (EMS) Check out September 2008 Issue of Vogue, pg. 626 for an informative write up on EMS. 1 . 550 ONTRI ST. S. UNIT 1 90 87- 89 w .yubvrh i.o ÀOML ÀdiKdOLML Q'M",