Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 5 Sep 2008, p. 10

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Alo- The Canadian Champion, Friday, September 5, 2008 eaingabdoncnb pnveB Tnta ao i Brand'nae bedn u o 705 Of .1U 1* NK C WA E RCr FOR2lA WTr! Halton-Hamilton Source Protection Committee PROPOSED Terms of Reference The. Proîvincea îa.ponded iv the coiamsinad Waikarion waer suppiy incden 6y esiahhîhîng the Cleai Waicr Act, 20016 and creatiig the Haiies-Hamiiav Source ProeionivCoiisiec anid eher sinlricites hihghoutiOntario The HaIi.,s Hamilies Source Protection Comajitise is riquired tu deveia Terin ai Reiciasca whichguides thaeîokiaiicdon for uh AssessmntReport and Source ProtectionPlan and ide, a work planandhbudget. Thealîrms of Reierenra musi hc h.espleiad 6v Ociahar 20. 200)8 as equired by reguiatiie under the Cleaii Waiai Act. 2(X)6. As ofiWadvday. Augui20you may iw a cvpy o hePoposc Termsof Reference ai hac Conseraion Ha<iaii Admniatioan Office ai 2596 ritannia Raad West, Milton or the Hamilton Conservation Auihoihiîy Main Ofice ai 838 MiieaaiSpings RoudAncasviai Copies ofihe doumen iiL alsvaiiavaiuiiia ai mnicipal ofie, ivithin Haivie Hamnilias Tha Halles Hamilii Souarce Protection Auihoiy iv invitig i5a pvblic ta commentasionitheProiiiaeuiTeris ofiRCifrinisaringiiFiday, Sepiemhîiî5 Wiiiie cvaii mait bc suhiitid 6> Masaay. Ociahar 6, 200iii ai 4:30i p.m. andamay hc snt hy mai,.fax, -aiiioriaippedaainipeiiafl Pivavavaivi Halton-Hamsilton Source Protection Aastlority c/a Ken Phillips, Chiai Aasiisviaiivc Oflîcer Consevrvation Halîvîs 2596 Briassîa tîîaa West Milles. Ontarioi coi 2X6 iFax: 905) 336-701i4 The rieia risvai*Reieiai-r is aivaavailahieesniis a wvvpieiigeaier.a Piaasa clickhiinhth SorceaProtectiionCoiimiieeiitibiiihiivflad. Fori mora iifornmatioan pleava contact Mark Thaimprai, Pihijavi Manager. Souare Waiai Protection, ai 91)5-854-9229 axi. 223 ori mih,,mp.oibhcainra 40532 Miihaieaeh ci RR2 Campheiivie ON LiiP 1 31 905. 854.9229 i-ax 905.854,92210 Punjabi -dlU~UUq5NtWIIEF1u Aýr&bic Ç,J.....1e*r, !)Li .J.i 4 Ls..a - . J... Chins*e id~ Korean 910,AiMgS x-l8Fl=Eil O1affl l ?22lL4»t? Rssouiaa- 11O3il«kAOT Ai Y BAC CAOERHOCTM BO SPI>M 3AI1OAHEHSU ErnICTFAutmoIHHo *opmht Spassiah - Travo algean problinsa lienaudo auto. formatos? Mosday September i - Florence Meores Sehool Rurlingion 6:3OFM-R:30PM Tuesday September 9 - Captais R Wilson Schooi Oakvîiie 6:3OPM-R:30PM Wednesdlay Sepiamber 10 - J M DenyRS Sehoai Miton R 30PM-R:3OFM Tharsday SeptembRe 11 - Oakwood School OaksiliR R:3OPM-8:30PM HMC contact Inf«oifon: inedo Soes: 905-864-65 ns) 22< tarSop515 905.464-3187/9055M2-2486 exl 235 Malor haul from house break-in trom 'CANVASSERS' on page AS laie twienties or carly thirties. The get-away vehîcle is described as a dark blue, laie- mvîdel iivan witli tînîcd rear windows. Home broken Auto A Mary Street home was broken toto sometime between Augusi 27 and Saturday Police said an unknown suspect gained entry b> prying open a vide door witb an unknown object. Once inside, be ransacked several rooms, stealing two flat-screen TVs, jewelry, a laptop, an iPod and mens skis. The value of the siolen properîy ts unknown. Dumpster fires suspicious Police are investigaîing after îwo dumpsters were discov- ered ablaze within an hour-and-a-half Sunday nighî. The firsî occurred around 10:30 p.m. An a Broute Street plaza parking lot. The second was found ai 11:40 p.m. ai a Broute Street apartment building. Boîh were put oui by the Milton Fire Department. Police are îreaîing the incidents as suspicious. No major damage was caused. Hcavy cquipmcnt stolen A CAT skid steening vehicle was sînlen from Battlefield Equipmeut RentaI, located ai Derry and Trafalgar roads, somnelime beîween Saturday and Tuesday The machinery is valued ai about $45.000. Vehicle brokcm into A ibief made off witb $3,000 An properîy afier breaking int a vehicle parked ai a home on Laurier Avenue ovemighî Saturday Police said the unkuown suspect forced bis way into the locked vehicle and proceeded to take a gym. bag coutaiuing $2,000 in hockey equipmeuî, îwo hockey sticks worîh $400, Ris teiis Thar Wh:aI -rainrPm R Snir Sudet flssis trs F1aâ Tas tedi nstuciofl AlMbedia Mounaînîew Mol w it opeuo September 3, 2008 as part of the PRIME CAME FAMILY HEALTH TEAM Patients of Dr. Markus Schatzmann & Dr. Walter Koslowski wiIl now be seen at this location Dr. Carolyn Malec & Dr. Nicole Mathews will be accepting new patients. 47 BrneS.Sota 26MitnO CGPS devive Ironi the vehicle anid -anashieriit. Convicted driver chargcd A mani prevtously convicted vif dninking and drts'ing twice - was stopped by police for allegedly dris'tng when he wasn't permîitted to. The suspect was pulled river August 28 at 10:20 p.to. ai Ontario and George streets. A 53-year-old Wilson Dnive man bas been charged wth drivrng while disqualified. Graffiti fouud at skate park Unknown vandals spray-painted graffiti at the skateboard park beside Memouial Arena on Thompson Road somettme during the Labiour Day weekend. The vandalism tncludtng some profaniîy Copper wire stolen from Telus MobiIity Halton Regional Police are invesiigating a copper wire thefi.Ca Sometime beîween July S O P E 30 and August 12, M ~ et Non uuknown suspects foiced their way into the fenced-in compound ot Telus Mobility, located at Ontario Street South and Derry Road. Suspects cul through the chain-link fence and stole 24 copper wire leads and six ground wires valued al about $150. If you have anv information that leacls to an arresi in this or any other matter~ you rnay be cligiblefor a cash rcward. You will neyer have t0 give your name or icstify in coui t. Crime Stoppers of Halton doesn'i subscribe t0 call display Caîl 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or visit wwwhaltoncuimesiop- perscont. We believe..0. in helping. Anyone. Anywhere. PLM S GIV 905t~ 'i :t' I MLTON AIRPORI SERVICE 'Your Airport Specialist' 1 I From $40 Eacla Way (drop off or pic up) Cail Mike @ 905-699-4970 *~maltonairportaervice@yakoo.com ~ Major Credit Cards Accepted SA~ (. Follow the sunshmne DONffTOSfS with DeNure Tours! You are Invited.. DeNure Tours Travel Show in Milton September 18, 2008 at 2:OOpm Beat Western Milton, 161 Chisho!m Drive Join us for a cup of coffee and a 1-hour presentation that features information about our "Sunshine Exp reas» to Florida and Myrtle Beach, and our croises ta sunny climates. We'll also tell you about our Christmas themed tours! Seats are Iimtited. Please RSVP to 1-800-668-6859 or email: inio@denuretours.com

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