The Canadien Champion, Fnday, August 29, 2008 - A5_ WNv found in mnosquitoes Foi the fii t timec thîs y car, miosqui- toes found in Halton have îesîed posi- tive for West Nile virus (WvNv). Two baîches of mosquiîoes collected lasi week in Oakville - from the areas of Cornwall and Chartwell roads and Fourîh Line and Rebecca Street - test- ed positive for the virus. "The finding of West Nule virus in mosquitoes is an indicator of increasing, risk of illness in humans," said Halton Associate Medical Offîcer of Healîh Dr. Monir Taha. "Summer stili bas some lime to go. Halton residents need to keep taking precautions like covering up, avoiding peak mosquito activity times and weaning inseci repellent witb DEET.' Another WNlv-posiive bird bas also been found in the region, ibis lime in Burlingion. Tbe dead crow was picked up by tbe Halton Region Health Depariment on August 1 ( in the arca of Appleby Linc and Hwy. 407. Its Burlingions first WNv-positive bird for 2008. Tbis ypar, five other birds in Halton have been Iound to have the virus. They were picked up in Oakville, with the majority of them south of the QEW "These positive birds reinforce our prevention messaging," said Halton Medical Officer of Health Dr. Bob Nosal. Mosquitoes can transmit WýNv to bumans after becomîng infected by feeding on the blood of birds carrying the virus. Maps showing the locations of the positive birds. as well as standing waîer sites that have bad larvicide applied, are available ai www.balton.calwntv. To report a dead bird or standing waîer or for more information about West Nule virus cail the Region ai (905) 825-6000 or e-mail Have your say on Community Fund .Tbe Town is seekîng input on its An elecîronîc version of tbe survey guidelînes for tbe Milton Communiiy cao be found ai w .mî Pnnted Fund tbrougb a survey copies can be obîaîned by calling The munîcipaliîy us înitiaîing tbe Denise Black ai (905) 878-7252, ext. survey t0 re-evaluate ibe mosi effective 2603. Tbose wbo've previously applied way to provide direct funding support to tbe Milton Community Fund will to communiiy organizaiions, wiîb a auîomaiically receive tbe survey by e- focus on tbe types of organizaîions ibat mail. receive support and tbe criteria for allo- Deadline for responses is cation of funds. Wednesday SE _______________