rF~r~ i r r n ~ v~ rr~~ j ~ The Canadian Champion, Fniday, August 29, 2008 - 11311 Choose the right Iighting for you, your wallet, and the environment (NC)- Everywhere you look, people are turnrng to alternative hight bulbs to, save energy The most notable example are CFLs (compact fluorescent bulbs), which significantly reduce ener- gy consumrption and are now available for many different applications around your home. However this lighting alter- native does have some limita- tions - many are not dimmable or controllable and they contain a small amount of mercury If CFLs do not suit your lighting needs, there is another option for energy saving lighting solu- tions in your home. Halogen technology can be a viable energy saving alternative. Experience indoor and outdoor spaces in a bright new light with Philips' latest line of Halogena Energy Saver bulbs. This inno- vative new energy saving tech- nology allows you to, use a lower watt bulb while giving you a higher quality of light and lifes- pan versus an incandescent bulb. Tim Waterfield, product manager for Philips Lighting says, "these products; will save you 30% in energy use and will last up to three trnes longer than equivalent incandescent bulbs." The crisp, bright white light created by halogen lighting is perfect for your general bouse- hold ligbting as well as accentu- ating special elements of your home. Halogen bulbs offer the additional benefit of being fully dimmable and cont.rollable. As the summer comes to an end, and the days become dark- er, remnember that halogen light- ing is now an energy-saving alternative for your home. w1 - a AikoniioefOfr 200 spebUem Un 79TRe al a Ba 'Nlcrf Shopi. Centre Iwnnr wfhu o.-iladpcIg) Ai o dodtion ur Onlffdtouîwa se-ear Un-Real? J*<~~ At AI we gt» you .traigh fowrd, easy to uidestud pdch4 And when you tdSi -w no4ianf. hutladon and >S qulKyrve kif. accoumt our bom âmo always looke bett«. So before you accept that .offer you can't refuse' - give us a cai. PRE-SEASON REBATES! On Selected Equipment From lm or LN<f DON7! MISS OUT! Thest are somte of thse largest Govemnment andW Manufacturer Rebatrs ever offered' Caff eck ndCniWDgf 905-844-2949 an wu# do Mem.~ a»O oehYom