r- B10 - The Canadien Chamolion, Fridav. Auaust 29. 2008 Evergreens for year-round greenery (NC)- The beauty of evergreens lie in their name - they add year-round colour and life to, gar- dens and yards. Narrow leaf evergreen shrubs, such as cedar and spruce are most commonly knowvn. but this group also includes broadîcaf evergreenis including rhododendrons, carnel- lias and laurels. Although these trees and shrubs are a low-mainte- nance addition to yards and gardens, they do require a littie extra attention to keep them healthy throughout the winter. As the temperatures begin to tait, continue to water evergreens as otten as once a week, as long as the air temperature is above freezing. Tbis is espccially important [or recenily planted or transpiaitîrd trees and shrubs. Remenber to stop watenngonc the temperature dips below freezing as icc foi nation can damnage evergreens. 1a i 1 fs Žiis 1OUtt u ruy such as Miracle-Gro Evergreen Fertilizer Spikes 12- 10-10 a good choice. For broadleaf evergreens fike rhododendrons, use something like Miracle- Gro Evergreen Tree and Sbrub Food, which is spe- cially formulatrd for ihese acid-lovîng shrubs. Evergreens are sus- ceptible to moisture loss front the drying ef[ects of winter winds. Protect them front wind damage by erecting a screen made of burlap, shade clotE or similar material stapled to wooden stakes. Sprays sucE as anti-desîccanis or anti- transpirants cti also bnlp preveni xsinicr moisture loss. These sprays, winch cati bc used on boih broad aînd nairow leal cscî-gîcos, tuai Icavs, witlî a tInoi film that ducsý, ointtert fere witi plant groi 05 pboiosyntbesis ut oilhci natural prorcsses. Tbese- products aie available ai your local nurscry or garden ceniers and should be applîcd when tîte terrperature is abuse freezing. greens. Spruce, yexs, Eemlock, and juniper need For information front a Scoits Garden Expert nutrîns at their rots, making.fertîlîzer spikes calI 1-866-436-8477 or visit www.Scotis.ca. 258 Main St. F_ 90,5-878-9711