The Canadien Champion, Friday Auguat 29, 2008 - 33 Employmen t Opporturniies Peelkabes Cbhl Lare in a tant growing organîzation with plenty of opportunities fot advancement!! We have well- eqaipped centrea featnring ail the greatent toys and individual clasoroom budgets!! We otter health and dental benletito, profen- sional development apportunitivo and edacational re-imburne- ment! We have created a great team environiment thrnngh opecial evento and staff recognition programni Take a Peek at what yon're miosing, vinit ont website @ www.peekabonkid.Qom! .EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES: Varions empîvyment oppo rtnnitieo available inclnding: ECE (must have vnlid Ontarin ECE dîploma or AECEO equivaleot>, ECA/Aooîotant, or Supply Staff, fur ages Infant ta Kiodergarten, in multiple Inca- tions.. Check ont locations page at www.peekabookid.comf Thore's a Peekaboo clone te you! Pieuse fax or e-mail your covnt leSter and rnsumne to. AMANOATERRY lfon) 905-451-8416 (e-mail) 1 Great Opportunities Wt a Great Firm lERRA Geeeohouses is North Ameica's rnost innovative retait garden centre We have builit ur success with talented people and are always tlong to enpand the TERRA Team wrts the night players! Growing Education Company seeks qualified Teachers for our Milton <strong math skills) and Burlington locations To join a winning team of professiolnals.ý *Aduit Students *Reduced Glass Size *Attractive Wage,,, *Benefits Package If you enjoy the challenges and oewards of teaching, apply today- Email: No Phone Calls Please Too much fun trD cail it a job! Investment AdvisorfFinancial Planner** Licensed Sales Associate** Part-lime Marketing Assistant **tdrsal candidates witt possess supenior communication skitls and have a minimum of 2 yeurs experience with related industry courses. If you woutd tike to be considered for these positions please forward your resumne to: diana.bristow&riymndjanes.Ca or fax to (905) 864-4774 Bristow Financiat Group 174 Mili Street, Milton L9T 2R3' Watinin Asote th 2:00 mp 8:30 p shurt . ill b repnscceible frou ar umbe fwarus ý yesincen copcrie, pacingit and shipping ot orders ,ii a D aeos n istribution Cetehsimdaeoperain frferal n ï:g ,hsitl niron Cand dats sOutndi ae orkin Waets WMs ancarent eath 0 and te:3 requie- wi in tpc in h rnsotat an of aout Good on t SAP and s up01eiromptersi il edfnt pions reor otharehousin and Distribution prtopefabyi ImLeaders and offer a competitive salary. Fuit time posi- lmaiso inctude standard company benetits. Pleane reply in SIGMA-ALDRICH CANADA LTD. 2149 Winston Park Drive Oakville, Ontario L6H 6J8 ornit or tax: 905-829-9274 AUTOMOTIVE CONSULTANTS Wallace lPONTIA^c - Milton Our market is gjpwing at a rapid-pace and as a resuit we need to fi1n two positions in the short term. If you are self motitated and appreciate being rewarded for your hâard work, then this.couId be the oppohtunity foryou! You wiII receive ongoing trining and strong man- agement support wvhich wilI give you the necessary skills to be successful and earn a great income. For more information about the retail car business; Cali 905-878-2355 and ask for John Langevin Or Apply in confidence with resumne to;