A mîd-oîzad, bot puced c=tun Milaon as aeeking an IlXEViEtI.A3SA to caoer a maternity seans. Tht posidion ciii attend beyasd ose year d the candidate is succesatot. The usecutins assistant respensibiidieo inctude tut ara nat liittd ta cnskiy payral ion 70 people, hontan resaurcea, liaison betoer autaide accausitant and management, accaunto necaînohia, gauarnntent rantancas, daiiy banlssg, health and oatety administratian and tandlisg ather canfidential taoks ton management. The soîlabie candidate miii hanesotrosg computer okilis, excattent angsstzattoasakitta and ta atle to mufti task as part aisa tearn in a buoy enniransient. Ptesas tax rmassa ta: 888-878-211 or sntatt ta: casdtss@eaitaaictun.cass 4MaT1iiamyms Ses mmmwOicsOffiein ion reqiresj IPaillMrn/Fu*TlDii IAdmhfldflatr/ etions Fteoibte taus, compotesi Snactedgs essentiel, asd must snjay nsarking nsith LIl u. . . . ý- a.. Pla. *rop of *-.rn a ae iýc Fess-paced Milton Chinopnactic office seeko pemnn, pan-tinie (4 afiernauns par asais) * risindiy. aatgoing and snsrgetic worker ion receptîonlatiice wontk. Saccesotul candidate aisl te reliatta, hard-warking, dstaii-aniested &amultitashen. Cienicai and MS Office expenience esosti, Ouick800ks knowiedgs prfre. Errat rosasse te: tstaiKaFamltivhructicms Osffs caadids tens il l de castacsal - OFFICE CLERK Milton office ha a fotl-Umne pasition ta coner Ordar Entry, tnaaicing, Frsight and Wanehousing. The ouccasotut applicant mutao te snganizsd and able to ntfi-task in a sy snainonmnts chue maintaiting accanacy and attention ta detail. Excelient vedbali and wnffen skilis are mndatary. Pissa sesd rasasse iclaeado refmrascee ta: cia Uttlaa Chamapion L#x 35A 5M5 tndustaDri MUilos, ON L9T SES FFIEADMINISTRAO Gulh Ln/ 401. Cassuai hýoura. o sait intnediatey. Must houe office Pxeine an po* iin in MS Office. *Medicai office espenience os an essai.* recruitmoat@assossnod.c@m Jeanso Fatdico Ic., a leeding attaissais destritts ot decoatins tabnic, neqaines a Contract Blinguel (French/lEngliah> Cuatomner Service Representatlve wffh eacetlent verbai and writea communia- lias skitta. Candidate ntust te osganizsd, able tai nt-taah in a taat-pacsd snvilntsntnt, pria- nitice, and foiioa direction watt. Saccesotai candidate s aeinengsbc, hîghiy ntatinatsd, coin- ntff sd to intpntaing prncesso and contribti to a positive cars ennironntsnt Candidats muai hans caing knoacedgs ai Office Soft- cane, tandis a high notants ai cons cith sas and type 4050 cpnt. Cnpsasation package, DPSP, and in Mouse tnaining providsd. Qoaaitta candidate shateed farsiard mmi te hr@jflbdc.com or fax ta 905.82.08N0 and reference BCSR - Fr. Viued wwwjoannefabrics.cent e-_ANTI S sn Geongetown is iaoiig fan nttated, ener- gstic indiaiduals eith gnsat communication aisillo in aneas ai personai tnainisg, eceptios, caotns and membeshîp sates.nha must ta lit ar n th proceas ai bscoming fit, Earninga taased on commnissions, bosusesaend service rssdsred, op ta $40,000 annuely Fao rasants toi:907169 Antention: Elaina Psase a mm Mer einhinusedO5aan*m iba gd n cebft a u m tsoasi5anOWOLM sdc a inas asaaa The Canadian Champion, Wednesdey August 27, 2008 - 27 Sales ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ts sel Iaeook ae III aesHI ut e ing 001510E AOVEBTISING SALESFlxbeshde. Gold Baak istheaprnt and ofn ie ty dvsoofMerln Medias rup LdI a rnin P/TondkqnrEýc wha~~~~ yawned Iub deo ayW mehnpadagpositions in Halton. smai businasses wi1h aSfral muliei adetsngbn s and prau dins or Cali Peterrsu consumers wit cample e itig o uie aderce reevant o hi hathe Hoeum lau. & Duarvra9584-55 aa.mi rs commnitis. 1 ta: 905-75248121 commnune as otne rwhadsces odBo i erhn o nrei a tdTcil reaumesO Tansuef-oa caniiues oi u wt am O e ar haig t eael-U e cSD Fnr Fuîlt mme o FarttTine sentlonthr.cam aad~~~~r el ma-77q Mee aadmW atlma0715 _ _ Oppotinties & Onangeaitta markets. The paîmara asspansibitity ot this positin as ta masimize aduestîsînt rnefora Ootd Book. ta ahis noie, utu miii te coatamen-iocused and miii buîid stnsng nelthoashîpa wîth 55w clients. Yoo miii proolde potential cuatomens mith casatias, efnectioe adasnhisisntankeosa solutions and miii pieu a keu noie in the tovaal succassofa ton *Ans pou sanad mniîna and independesa, sait-sasae? Do Stou salon deaing mita smaii busisasses and meeting new psaple aussi dan? *Ans nou a hasiar, wdth the confidence and diluet ecel as gaenaat and ciosîng snsw beaisasa? D o yoa have excellens communicahion, prasestahion and stephona sisa *Ana yu a mase-A pensanaiity wtt la gaa-aaieaned and capable ai meeting aaannssîae maskin tangefs? *Do ysu hans a mwhataene nt tais attitude mhen ht contestao achieaisg nous tinanciai goals? *Ana yu extnentetn ambitîtus mîth as outstasdisg masS staîc and uspnacsdantsd daine ton immediats neaufta? *Do itu hane a natiabis ushîcia? tf utu asswenad f'Ys to ait ai tas aoa and mauid tisa ns ponsua a. newandisg caseen mt as innosatias leader sn tas media iadustny, Ibis tppontunity mai ba tae right ans ion yu. 00e titan a competiasv compeasahion plan mita aliiuld incarna pasastiait Itenesoed candidates ans înained to appipas Mary Richati, Regioaa Sales Manages an ssisktita@gaidhak.sa We thans ai applicants tas thaîs isteass homeuna anti tause salatd noran interview miii ha connacted Nia phase calîs os agencias pisasa. 6cMd Book goldbook.ca 72 Main Street, North Geogtw *.oin *omk dfee Beay affice building 00e hans esciting oppantumt aes in our dynam- cateiel requise ic eant attnusphere. Nons accepin tomntes Salad Bar Georg E Cn oito lc tion Dehi Server WeaMrepaid PD oppantanities and an ecl *Exp. preferred lent benebito package. 8395 * Na wêekesda FIase call Dense 005-8395 Emaîl reaumne mco nt emdlosuno LewiaFoods Ohaitoncaor Ciii: 9M5-25- ahas TePtwy 6123 ext7222e y enr Bartingtan/ casi aanszed co a Ancastes iet Burilngton ECE Teachers ctife Noie hinng days oniy Mantessori Techelr Wansed, COOKS & O rectreso Part tie hoars fuIt-tome or DHWSES Email rasante Essit munso lm IIanSER nsi.eeeis@ heanjacicaon@ part-âmne. afo neqa med pathweya plathusys miches p academyca acedemyýca Hasts, Soera Oeil 905-335-80 orn416-824-3519 i Ke7saperdZ, GEREON LOCATIONn fior Peoat îattmfullm n Cnmmaniies Jor 76 Yecars a t RETAIL ~ ~C SAESrlaimNATVE SALEL.ABScifl ,atttne nees posnitn Fseniys aseaaa asdh eases esperiec ar essetg Mcati Iteidesi osrk daoenaîg es sendsybcgon eurd PMaa 905 at2î7950 Sase alinagersn Fa 0-0586-16 atsMV@dbm en mtait tSihlildncc sales oiin BFlinln lore Irn P-Ts cnactSe Manager Cocere IRIusekl in Pa tes586-16 mus oa:r549 tuding mtas.ba c@essatgcaI M e;liy Contience Advisor Spocalty Nuraing Program Casmai Part-lime #SEOB-10 te a part of a nsspsctsd bath cast aUb prsidlei. Acdam His a cinq n s tai sa oastaneh ait inmm"î arld crnnaita b rait "dm asstia The Catasbisas M" 9MMad mnas rMffl case rd %îPMsd a kdlii aid cassgha In the corr- ns ta snEbdasc MMt t isst and %ope oi practcmas adetsmnd ty Sae Colage of tNtres of ONWai. a Organisa tse day, set pdiorltas taxai n cestsauty of care. " Assesas the teat stete of te clisnt " Msato tae psychsocl ssads of paisons ait incontnence a Assexsa and mokas tmeatntsnf rsceîamasdataons lor pass wit sinsy and/or 1mcai incontinece. a Act as acinkcat rasasice ter clients and narsas. " Psnidals is-sereicto as rsquirad. a Cestficate of Csntpetncs tioir the Collage af Nanaes of Ontadio a Continence csrtiiicatn lias Continence AdiAnsi a Votid dnines' lictase a CPB Centiitan Blecame part of o dynomic Ceon ttst mokas o diflnsescs tn indiaideofo, familles and commenitaes ty. rsspnding todoyl. phase quota posting SISEO-It Acclaim Heaith Humas Resources E-mal: hamasresaarca@accteiinteett ce as Fax: 905-827-5476 - wa GRAHAM, Ian, Joy & big sister Sydney are ths tled ta annasace the arrînet ai Spencer John Murray as Thusday Augasi 21, 2008, nseighing 8 tas 8 oz. Wetcanted ty grandparests Chartie & Mausesa Masray, At & Bersice Grahamt. Speciat thanka ta Larri Ff sminq, tins nursing staff et Miltton District Hospitat and Dr. Zeseattas. GRAHAM tan, Joy & tig aistss Sydney are thsitted toaonnoasce the arrivei ai pencer John Mury as Tbaursidoy Auguat 21, 200, nseighing 8 ttc 8 az. Wetcrned ty g randparents Choruse & Marees Marrey, At & Bersice Grahant. Speciat thenhs ta Larri Fteming, the narsing saol et Miftas District Hospital and Dr Zevattas. A -,k STEWART - Ruby Elizabeth la thritted bo assoasce the sae arsinat ai hec sens baby alses and triesd, Georgia Tus Stewart. Georgie cao tors as Wednsday Jaty 3Oth, 2008 et 8:40 am nseigtiag ltba 5oz ta, praud Mommy and Daddv, Jamia and Laure (nee Bumnett) Stewart. Praad secasd tinte gsaadpereata Rth and Bries Barneil asd eight aime grand- parents Jint and Sytvia Stensart wetcome Geargia eang citt Great Grandma Elizabeth Stsert and Great Nasa srens Les. Asatis Julie, Zia Aagse, Uncte MiSe asd Uncis Brett atasg wdth hsr meny coins are excited ta ceicame Oerg:ie ta the nsartd. Mesy thonks ta Dr. Cnetic, Tracy, and Bsn and att the canderat dacto and nses et Milttan District Haspita fas meking Gesrgiaos errinet inta thia nsartd a sais sas. We oSk tarnsard ta sur jasrney tagether Geargia. Lana Mammy, Daddy and Ruby. Iomnt Noies otni 905.878.2341