A20 - The Canadian Champion, Wednesday, August 27, 2008 Grants available throuqh Argi-Food's Healthy Eatinq initiative Ontai o Agri-1 ood Lclucation nc. is initiative is open to Ontario organizauions, oflering $450.000 in granLs for projecs that including co-operatîves, marketing boards, commuý,cate the health beniefits of Ontario- government ageniies and not-for-profit grown food produîcts. organizations, associations and companies. Dubbed the Healthy Eating Prograrn, the The program airms to increase agriculture asvaieness and dcvelop ncw partneiships to strengthen the Ontario agriculture indusuy. Projects must target either children aged four to 12, 13 to 18 or the public in general. Details of the request for proposai can be vicwerl ai www.oale.org. [-or noie informa- tion cail Vanessa Sheppard ai (905) 878- 1510, ext. 41. Deadline for submnissions is November 24 ai 4 p.m.. enyS1 .9 e 3ý9 0 -OF SUNA eNY 5ea.Grse ei 0 ND e 0NL l*wyDS~cfeitSL >332-3222. .. B*oewiiaR~ WatOITfI<Igoe(WJS>a76-40fl ~IheyM&5IhCanc~wiE I~5~6S9-I9 . ~.I~SL Pb1hc(Kbéy~ad<~SIa32-49S5 eAJDYOL 1 ýNLY 1$14699 OnI4 5;.ý9 kg Ïuik Grass Seed 50% OFF