A16 - The Canadien Champion, Wednesday, August 27, 2008 2008 PROJECTED WEIGHT LOSS... LeSI oi pany - Developed by licensed Health Care Professionals - Exclusive WM-2OOOTmQuick-LossTm Plus formula - EASING THE FIRST-TIME JIlTERS: Above, local youngsters take part in the annual School Bus orientation Day for first- turne school bus riders Saturday morning at Bishop Reding Secondary School. More than 100 kids - and their anxious parents -participated, including five-year-old Andrew Peters (far left) who hugs mors Isabelle while displaying his orientation cer- tif icate. A sure sign that school's just around the corner, the event was put on by First Student Canada formerly Laidlaw). GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION New doctors now in town Two new family physictans are now accepting patients us Milton. Dr. Adriana Hajas has joined the Kelso Lake Med.ical Clinic team, while Dr. Priyanjith Peinis has become part of Dr. Goonetillakes practice (formerly Dr. Adia Hasics practuce). "on behaif of town council and the Milton community 1 would like to extend a warm Milton welcome to Dr. Hajas and Dr. Peinis," said Mayor Gord Krantz. "Haltons physician recruitment program continues to do a good job of bringing new doctors to our growing community" The recruitment initiative is a col- laborative effort between Halton Region, representatives from. the four local municipalities, local physicians and senior area hosptai staff. "The shortage of family doctors in Haiton, as in many other communities inCanada, continues to be a key con- cern," said Regional Chair Gary Carr. "The Halton physician recruitment pro- gram bas been working diligenrly to address the issue and we are pleased to welcome these family physicians to, our commuity" To reach Dr. Hajas cati (905) 876- -s. 1011. For Dr. Peins' office cati (905) 693-1314. For a liet of ail newly- recruited famnily physicians who are taking on patients in Halton or for more information on thse recruitment pro- gram cati (905) 825-6000 or visit www.halton.ca.