GRAHAM PAINE / CANADIAN CHAMPION Three trees that iined the shore of the Mili Pond fell victim ta the iatest storm. Two toppled int the pond and the other over the path- way.The trees feul somnetimne late Thursday or early Friday. Here, Miliside Drive resident Bob Hammond -out on his daîiy waIk -ducks under a 40 foot tree that fell across the Mili Pond pathway. Storm topples trees, Town addressing safety concern The Town is addressing safety con- cerns regarding trees around the Mill Pond alter the record amouni of ramn recenîiy caused a number of îhem to fait ai ihe downtown park. Three trees, each about 40 feet tali, toppied over laie last week ai the pond, wiih two faiiing inîo the water and one across the paihway Anoiher îree of about the same heighî also fell across the souîh path- way and partiaily into tihe pond îhree weeks ago. Town Senior Manager of Infrastructure John Bropby aturibuied the faiiing irees to the wet weather as of laie. "The banks of the pond have become saiurated with thse amouni of rain we've had," he said. He said wiih thse saturation and ero- sion of the banks, the tree bases have been undernnîned and destabilized, causrng them to fall. Brophy said the toppling irees do present a safety concern for the Town. In response, the municipahity has brought in a contracted arboriculture company to heip out. "The coniractor cut down a number of irees on Monday that were learnng because we can't take ihe risk of hurting someone," he said. 'We're doing what we're supposed to be doing." He said the Town ta having the rest of ihe trees ai the Mill Pond inspecied to, make sure ibey're safe. The conirac- tor aiso removed ihe falien irees Monday In total, about six large irees - inciuding ihe falien ontes - were taken away Brophy noîed that maintenance crews regulariy check the Town's irees throughout Milton. f ~ B.,yitg.H.. storage ~ ' W.hep Up to 75% off 1 tMt17'Re"e 867 Nipissinig Rd. Milton 905.878.7191 www. Bi-d-gSpU The Caniadian Champion, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 A7 Correction The workshop wilI bc held tht', Saturday and Sunday ai The Dance Shoppe from 9 arn. to 5 p.m. both days. We apologize for the error and any inconvenience it caused. ~..for your Town of Milton Community Services Guide CanapLn'lmion! cm