Tha Canadian Champion, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 - A3 Number of Halton police collisions higher than usual While part of ihe job of Halton police is to watch how others are driving, a recently- releascd report is reminding olficers 10 keep their own eyes on the road. Thc 2008 Police Vehicle Collision Summary Report, whicb xvas presented to the Halton Regional Police Services Board on Friday found that in the first six months of 2008 thiere were a total of 66 service vehicle collisions of which 44 have been deemed prevenflble. The reasons for the preventa- ble collisions are listed as fol- lows. - ln three incidents officers were following too close. - In six incidents officers were driving too fast for condi- tions. * In 26 incidents officers failed t0 make sure the way was clear before they moved their vehicle. - In one incident an officer failed to obey a sîgn. - lu one incident an officer made an improper tomn. - In two incidents officers failed to yield the right of way - In one incident the ollicer backed up împroperly Four other incidents felI into the miscellaneous category. Halton Police Chief Gary Crowell, the reports author, noted that ibis year's collision total is higher than average with 50 collisions taking place duning the samne period of 2007, 37 tak- îng place duning the saine peri- od in 2006 and 52 taking place during the samne period in 2005. The damage cost of this year's collisions was also higher than usual, the report noted, -tî nearly $158,000 in damage being tallied. The report further noted that this cost figure may not be coin- plete as there are seven inci- dents where damage cost confir- mations are pending and two incidents where repair costs are estimated. Last winters extreme condi- tions are pointed to in the report as a possible contributing factor to this year's service vehicle col- lision increase, with several offi- cers indicaiing icy, snowy and/or wet roads at the time of their accident. Whatever the reason for the increased collisions, Crowell is looking t0 bning them 10 an end and is hoping a dniver training pilot project is up to the task. "A driver t.raining pilot proj- ect. aimed at reducing preventa- hie collisions, was conducted with recruits and officers comn- pleting sessions," said Crowell in the report. "The project was successfully received and iiîdicated potential to improve driving abilities, awareness and attitudes. The approved project will continue for up to two years for new recruits and those identified as requiring remedial dniver train- 'As the program proceeds, staff will continue 10 monitor resoîts, gatber information and explore options to furtber reduce preventable collisions." A Collision Review Committee is also reviewing al incidents listed in this year's service vehicle collision report in an effort to detertuine the problems officers are having and how to prevent thetu. [0ff 05 SEDAN OR COUPE STANDARD FEATURES INCLUDE: " Ecotees 2.2L 4y1 with 148 hp * AutulloI Transmissin * Ar Condltlnn *Power Windows, door tek end minrora *CD Player wfl MAS PImytbel *iPodO Audio Input Jauck *Reme. Kevieus EeRW a 1.81. 132 bit DOHC VIT-I eng. 0 4 Whe Disc Brairas e 4 Whe ABS * Traction Cantrai a OnStur wtl yr sals & Sound Sle" Wiieis 60/40 spiit-toiding tour seus L~C1 2008 TORRENT TORRENT FWD STANDARD FTUJRES INCLUDE: 3.4L. 1641ip V6 Engins 5-ffuoi Auomnais Transmission Air Conditioalng .ower Windows! ý M Lookumlrror wlth- Remet@ Keyleu Entrf'1' GA Stabilitraiiiectronit Stsbilfy Cantrol SYstem e 4-whbeel DisC Irak.:s wllk ABS *OnStarO Inides 1 yur of ILS IN EFFECTFNOM WkUNÉt8JAy ARuoifont REOULAR STORE HOUAS 1 rneSt.1 'ESDAY AIIGiSr 1UTH. WHILE QUANTUYES LAST Mon -Thur$. 8:30 amn - 7 Pmn rOfltStrw S. Whi. 0m PISU Friday 8:30 amn - P pm i~ mis ~ 5e . hbSturday 8:3 aPm-6fll )5-875-0303 ______ 9 àý& tt Italian Bakery & Delicatessen amn Ii'sago Chooso 8esuI w Il