Ontario Community Newspapers

Canadian Champion (Milton, ON), 13 Aug 2008, p. 22

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A22 -The Canadiani Champion, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 o. ,,i The- r otfes's1n1 If you have any questions these "Ask The Professionals" c/o The Canadian Champion 875 Main Street E. Milton, Ontario L9T 3Z3 or Fax to: 878-4943 ABSOLU'I'ELY! î4e Pre- planning your funeral is one of the 'Jkindest, mosi caring things you can do for your family. Pre-arrangensent plans reflect your cxpressed wishes regarding funeral arrangements. Upon death there are seemingly endless numbers of details that need attention by your family. You can provide for them by making your selections in advance and save your loved ones fromn having to make difficuit decisions at a stressful and emnotional tome. Sirnplify your lifte by laking care of everything in advance. You can be assured that you and your loved ones will experience npeace of mid" koiowing that your wishes have been recorded. Please cati us ai 905-878-4452 10 set up an appointment ait the funeral home or in the comfort of your own home 10 discuss your wishes with one of our funeral director professionals. Get answers toi al of your questions, learn about various options available and create a detailed record of your wishes. Laser & Cosmetic Centre Judtith t. Finn Directer 24 Yadet Eupaelence ANTI-AGING IS NOT A MYTH Restorc oiter Nauunal Beauty? Hcrrs cdo ne lookt heto rsith rage? We ioce tbcrughr thai durng our 20s we werc ut our peai coi beauy, but as advunces rn tecbnology, expenience. atnd c-osumuer knowiedge, there arc no barniers tu, whut cariS he achreved. Thece is a svioie new arsenaul of irearmetuts, procedures, und peocracis ru combat the nrgns of agrng. Grsrwing crider nrakes us mitre respectable of irur siîn und boies. W. trust take the cextra care ici proieci crseiSeS agarntrs seins hriurir ruys thar age ocr skirr ieavr*ng bcown spcit, cedness oir ersacc, und oldcr ioorkrng siîn There are hei1rfulr ecaîcuents anrd proceciercs ciesigtred tir cestore, prectr, and comitmltrent pouc aipeacance !clict iscctptc skin anialpsis r- ciitplieniaep ati crut cenrte. \Vcait irelp pou tdesigrn a sin cure regrmc crtir minrimarl effoîrt anrd alicr)rdabtlrrpý Oser rlic crtîi coirrciics ac 'ry lcp i r active iredrerut-> ri achFrevc orptimal r esuilts ci tîrcs coiuir'e rs s;p cFd lait mrre tirai ocecsaiy loe girsic skirr caec iLct crs helr yrr cletcrinrne wbai vcor rait ictilue teecis are We cair iclook berrer es en ai 30, 40, 50, r10, 70 or 80 + yezies rof age \Nce arc lirc rto elp. Viri tficii it the Nîccircai Arts Bildrintg trt cali fret pîscî coiirplinteirtiry a.isessnrei ar cj0 8(>4-0000 69 Main St. E., U'nit 9, Milton Medical Arts Building, Side Fntrance 905-864-0000 GRGJ. LAWRENCE GRGB.Sc,D.CH. f Vt~ IMICHELLE MUMMERY D.CH. FOOT SPECIALISTSI LV V I CHIROPODISTS 550 Ontario St. S. Unit 205, Milton, Greg J. Lawronce Michlile Mumry t Sr.,D.Ch. (905) 878-6479 D Cli 1A Princess Anne Dr..Georgetnwn, Ontario (905) 702-1611 Molmben lth Olntario Society or Chiinpndiofn end The Otar Cottage of Chiropoiiigts Q. Flowdoib now whenl1need noi runmnmgshoes and wla shuldl1 look for? A. Fadling to replace woro shocs is a major cause of injuries. Estimaie sary as do indis duals, us tu when is the besi ime ru replace j our running shoes.fi viesitai estimaies place the inilcage ar somcishere between 350 and urO miles Tbis means ihat many individuais shouid he rcplacing their shoes beFore ihey show major ssear. Fn spire of the iacb (if wear ihe shoe mi he gradoaiip iîssrng is shock absorptioun capacîrp as weli as possihi> startng ro lose serme of ues siahilirs. Pot yooe shoes on the table and lok from the back of the shor ou the heF Ff the courtier of the shoe is îiîed ri or bulges oser the in0cr pari nf poueshue, you mîghî be one who eneessiseip pronares if ibis is 50' >00 mas muni te, look for a shue mrth more srahiiy or rplace your shoe a bit sonner neni rime IfF pour shoe tils ro the ourside, you mas have a high arcbed font. This in some cases can iead tu ankFe spraîns and aFso increased transmission ni foces ro the Feg and hack. Lookîng ai the top nioo shne, pon sbouid nnte iiyou eau see the onîlîne ni pour tues ru the opper or ejîher your large or smaii rue on erîher sîde. if pou do and hase discominort in ihese areas or hase had a "black rue" pou shouid consider mider or longer shues or hnîh mîder and longer. Ifi pou hase a flexihle and proniaîed Four, pou mîgbî do hetrer mîîh a huard Fasîrd shue. But ioubing for a gond ennnîter and a shne ihat is rigrd unl the point mhere yuur tues attach is an casier empiricai may ru find a gond shue. Tbis niiers resistance ru torsion and inhibits pronaion. Sip tasird shues are irequentty gond for bîgb arched Fret. Cumbinatiun lanird shoes are suppused ru niier the best ni huîb murtds, stahiiitp ir the rearinot and fiexihiiuy in the foe foot. Ifi pou hase anp further questions regarding iuotwear Feet free ru gise us a cait oe a store with hnumiedgeahte sales staff sucb as Peer Fn Motion bore in Georgetown. 'e0 N MIL EDCL ULDN REGISTERED MASSAGE THERAPIST? Ar Milton Therapeutie Regîstered massage iherapy chiîne me uSfer a saeieip ni massage iherapies ru suit yuu needs. Our rlrerapîsts are esperiened, caning and murk witlr yuu ru achiese the resulis ynu are tobing for. Services Proviedr Therupeatre Massage Therapp Sports Massage Crantai Sacrai Massage Hydruiherapy Fini Stone Massage Thar Massage Remedrai Enercise Some conditions treated b> an RMT: Rotator cuif injuries I-ieadaciies/M igraiues Caopai Tunnel Sciaiicu Sports Injuries Terrdorrrtrsffuerirs .Plant. Fascitis Vnbipiash Lou haek parit Phone: 905-878-0800 75 Main St., Suite. #10 Milton Modicai Buildings ChI* kis: Mouday Un' Fffluy 8-8 e Stu'iy 10-2 Taylor Nursery 7429 Fifth Line, Milton nigi ar ie eas end nf Main St.) 905-876-4100 Cao Iplwut now lo gelsome colour inaf my garden for aulaun? Now is a gond lutte ru plant lare bloomrng perenntals and sbruhs as weil as vines, sbrubs and trees with culourlul foul cases or bernier. Yuu'll gelt ru enjuy rbem for peurs ru cume! Here are sume suggestions froor Landscapo Ontario. Autumn Flowering Perennialu-Chrysantbemnums, Asters, Daisies, Fluwering Kule and Sedum are always fail iusunrites for colour but tbere are literally dozens of other chorces in poreninials. You eau esen colour cosirdinatte pour faîl gurden in shundes ni pellows, orange and bronze or pinks aud rgds, mauves, lilacs and blues, ...Manp perenuinîs, like Cureupsis. Galiardia and Phlox, oi lower tsum sommer riphi tbrough nu frrsr irosr, Vineu-Boston Is> and Virgimua Creeper (whicb aisîr heurs a beasy crop nf black berries) are hiphi> colnueed ru flu, Bittersoret Vine bas au oîrange busk that opens ro reseul hright orange and ced fruit. Shrubu---There are seserai shrubs thar ibower in the fuli months, rncludrog Bluebeard. Burierflp Bushr, PecOice Hpde.iugeu and Wîrcb Hagel, Munp nitre pur on au aurumn show witb au abundance ni coinurful bernies. Yu ocaui chnose front Cuiruiberrp. Somberrp. Cnlurneuster, Fireibuen, HoiFp. Wiuterberrv, Craubeerr and Redirai' Ruse, Stili rthers base leaves unr/r fruit bhal change colour, luke Bornrng Bush, Dogwoosl, Sumac. Smoketrrr. Sersîceheerr and mrure. Teeu Wbat would Canadran autumun be Fic u'rtlrîut our toupies, iraks and ush trees'r We base ihose and mauy nîbers thut unake excellent, and coiourirri, fouuidutruu plunrungise or ur yard. Plant nrru so pour irees hase a chance lu, gel esîublishrd before ounrer. At fajsor ienu ncca,u,iic iitichuim ptascitsiIonri iinvut nanhi iei iiu.ruitiiicsrisii t ti'iiejsisuttii nurtigjpii. I There îs a pleihora of rcaos why people uise sclf-sîoragc. Some of the more committ YCOsons itîcltde: * c er e seling nue brnîe anid rase ire dec IritecrI *Onur ies brime is ucît i cady sci! 1 ssarr nu free up space touts basern rsie garage! *Wereerennsating and wa u rns'e sînil ouri of the inay and irorectit rrom drysail dîrsi ansi paint! l'm eunnuug a business titi ni tus bone, 1 lise ru un apurteeu/condo ni incenhirsse and hanie here in store seasonal ne extra items. *We're dnwnsizing/upsiziug nue hnore 1 need a place tu store dncumrents anrd/nr tuseutors Wbaîever pour reason(s) for usrng self sînrage mas be, Sînrage Spot bas a solsution for pou. Let us heip so ru manage pnur valuable space. " Store hulhy items * Clear nul clutier * Store seasonai itemis such as snm biowers, lacen and garden items/luruîîure, Christmas decoratrons. cloting, etc. * Store sports, recreiona equrpeeu and motorcycies * Store baby, furnirure, clotbrng and ruys, * Store new purchases fue a nem hume, * Store documents, rouis, inventrt' and supplies " Store for Christmas (me eau be pour Sauta Cioseil il pu bave a sturage problees, Sturage Spot in Milton bas a storage space lue pou ru fit your stuff and your budget. We invite yuu tu corne and take a tour of Storage Spur cunveniently iucated an 30 Market Drive in Milton (corner oi Martin Street & Market). Our tranned and lriendly staff is there ru gise pou ail the belp, and advice pou nerd. For more information eall. 905-864-1964

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