A2 - The Canadian Champion, Wed, Aug 13, 2008 Hundreds sign petition pushing for hospital expansion Residents can add names to list until Labour Day By Melanie Hennessey CANADIAN CHAMPION STAFF Halton MPP Ted Chudleigh's cam- paign to push for the Milton District Hospital expansion is attracting sup- porters by the hundreds. The local politician recently started a petition urging the Province to ensure the timely approval and construction of the expansion. And according to Chudleigh's assis- tant, Brad Reaume, the petiton has gar- nered more than 500 signatures already. "We're doing quite well, and signa- tures are still being collected," said Reaume. Chudleigh also created a letter, which area citizens can download from the MPP's website, sign their name to and then mail to Premier Dalhon McGuinty urging him to either stick to the current timeline for the expansion or expedite it. Chamber supporting bid The Milton Chamber of Commerce has also distributed a copy of the letter to all 750 of its members. Reaume said signatures will contin- ue to be collected on the petition throughout the summer, since it can't be presented to the legislature until its in session again this fall. He urged local residents who want to support the campaign to sign the petition before Labour Day so that it will be ready once the legislature resumes. Chudleigh is raising the issue now that the Province bas indicated there'll be a delay in the construction of the new Oakville hospital - something that bas him worried Miltons expan- sion could be delayed as well. While the hospital was built to han- dle a population of a little over 30,000, Milton has now grown to more than double that. By the time the expansion is in place, which will likely be around 2014, the population will be over 100,000. The local hospital received a $1.5- million planning grant from the provin- cial government last year to prepare a proposal and business case for the expansion. The document will be going to the Ministry of Health in late August or early September. To get a copy of the letter or petition visit www.tedchudleigh.com. Those who can't print the letter from the web- site can call (905) 878-1729 to have a copy mailed to them. The petition can also be signed at Chudleigh's office, located at 174 Mill St. Completed petitions should be dropped off at the MPP's office as well. Melanie Hennessey can be reached at mhennessey@-miltoncanadianchampion.com.